Saturday, February 12, 2011

Specialized Crossroads White


L'associazione “Palio Remiero delle Contrade di Cavallino Treporti” è nata nel 2000 con lo scopo promuovere il movimento della Voga alla Veneta all'interno del comune di Cavallino Treporti, making it revived the old spirit of Contrada, which has always bound in brotherhood on earth and passionately divided on the boat, the old as the new Contrada.

The twelve districts are so called:

  1. Faro Piave Vecchia
  2. Horse
  3. Ca 'Di Valle
  4. Ca' Ballarin
  5. Ca' Vio
  6. Ca' Pasquali
  7. Ca' Savio
  8. Punta Sabbioni
  9. Treporti
  10. Saccagnana
  11. Lio Piccolo
  12. Mesole

Ognuna ha la sua storia, ognuna è equal, each is different: each is waiting to be discovered!

are lost in time the origins of the word Contrada, the best hypothesis is that the word derives from the Latin "cum-strata " , where the term " strata "comes from the participle" stratum "of the verb" Stern ", meaning" covered, paved. "

In Italian "strata" then became "street", enriching dell'ulteriore significato di percorso da seguire per andare da un posto ad un altro: una origine simile ha il nome del paese di Stra', dove sulla riva sinistra del Brenta si affaccia maestosamente la settecentesca villa Pisani.

Il taglio della ″ta″ finale come indicato dall'apostrofo - tipico del nostro dialetto, dove ad esempio, ″cantato″ diventa subito ″cantà″ e ″portato″ si trasforma in ″portà″- ci fa capire che il luogo era chiamato dagli antichi abitatori ″Strata″, appunto ad indicare che di là passava una strada.

We like to think that the "cum", which is in front of "strata," which literally means "with", is made here in the sense of "together" in the same way that "companion" comes from "bread-cum", meaning that the person with whom you eat together, or better, you share the bread.

So already pronouncing the word Contrada, gives us a sense of belonging, a sense of brotherhood, a sense of community, a tenderness, which makes us now feel that dear and sweet , warm and precious to us scioglie dentro qualcosa, nel nostro cuore: Contrada , dove sono le nostre care radici, Contrada dove sono i nostri ricordi più belli: qui i nostri vecchi, qui tanti amici.

Così ci vengono in mente quelli che una volta abbiamo, da bambini, accompagnato, in pieno sole, finita la pesca, ormai passati i brividi dell'alba sull'acqua immobile della laguna, o quelli che abbiamo accompagnato, finito il lavoro nei campi, nell'aria tiepida della sera, tornando insieme per la strada di casa.

Camminiamo ancora, in silenzio, along the dirt going to the isolated houses, among lush green fields and the sparkling water in the channels between the sandbanks smell of salt and seaweed where, in summer, suddenly, the water barely rippled the sea breeze, darting fish and walk the egrets.

In the distance the steeple of Lio Piccolo emerges from behind the sinuous road running with his hot asphalt over the bank raised, and at noon from the base of the steep banks, among the white stones lapped by 'water, you hear the song of cicadas.

is now spring, when ci si trova alla sera dal Capo-Contrada a parlare della prossima festa: chi procurerà da mangiare: la pasta e fagioli, i bigoli in salsa, i fagioli bianchi con le cipolle, i folpetti, salame e soppressa, le trippe, gli ossetti, il pesce fritto, la polenta e il pane, e le donne faranno le torte; chi porterà l'acqua, il vino e la birra, le bibite, il caffè; nulla deve mancare: chi sistemerà la cucina, chi preparerà le sedie, i tavoli, gli ombrelloni, il palco e gli addobbi.

Si decide per la pesca-lotteria, si trovano i premi: facciamo venire un cantante, sentiamo in comune, chi viene, sentiamo chi fa il discorso. Si decide the teams for the race: "Come on Marco, come Bepi, 'I'm vincemo noiantri years,' I'm dying every year, the femo . It is now night, he comes home excited, in the black sky over fields and marshes, glitters in a triumph of quiet stars, already approaching the summer solstice.

The time has finally come for a month is a feast among the banks, roads, squares, decorated with festoons and garlands, with the flags of the district, passing between light and colors all speak of the boats, everyone makes predictions on the outcome of the event.

the day of the Palio is held four challenges: a very young pupparini, one of the women with mascarete, the classic race of the samples and Contrada, with caorline of our common The most anticipated of all.

the morning, the lawn of the Canoe Treporti, still wet with dew, full of people busy with final preparations, the Heads-Contrada launching complicit glances prepare refreshments and lunch, while from every corner of the lagoon, rowing, speed boats arriving on the participants in the great procession.

Competitors end up with feigned patience to polish the bottom of the boat to make it more smooth, round, there are relatives and friends of the rowers and all the curious: eager to participate and each one looks colorful, noisy, ferment.

The sun is high, and now comes the breeze from the sea, under the shade of elm trees to eat, laugh, talk, and children are never still running and playing with boats, grass, and now the happy buzz, is more subdued, people get up, while the boats bob, still waiting in the upper marea il tempo è arrivato, è giunto il momento!

Verso le cinque, dopo il pranzo in compagnia, la partenza del corteo e delle regate di donne e dei giovanissimi; d'improvviso è silenzio, c'è una strana tensione nell'aria, e sembra che anche l'ombra del vecchio forte si protenda sull'acqua a vedere la partenza delle caorline.

Dietro, ancora in distanza, appare, leggera e veloce, la schiera festosa dei bambini, e i kayak dondolando danzano come petali bianchi sul verde dell'acqua, che ribolle di celeste e di bianco nelle scie degli hulls and elegant dip of the paddles, and behold the shimmering channel of gold and blue, cheering on the oars, pitch battle, pounding the water with arms outstretched, red flakes, like long snakes, cut through the small waves, Majestic dragonboat.

Way!, A pistol in the air and pops rintonando suddenly breaks the silence: a Colorful thrill the crowd, moving above the banks of the dock. The nine caorline parade, svelte struggling with bows of white foam on the Canale San Felice, beginning almost all side by side.

As long bodies together and push on the oars, six for six, beating the water with an elegant cadence, caorline lined up in the path, on the edge of the current, trying to get close to the curve that introduces in Pordelio; from the crowd in the boats and the shore, like a faint rustle of leaves, voices high and low, and the distant cries inciting, chase boats, now inside the duct.

With the calm of the strong, the aft most experienced, shrewd and wise, expect the last five hundred meters before launching the attack, from the stern sentina, dal lai fino al prodìn, arriva infine il comando aspettato, esaltante: ″premi, premi! daghe, daghe che 'ndemo via!″.

Decisi e leggeri i remi si abbassano e salgono insieme, in spinta e in ripresa; nel movimento c'è già tutta l'anima e tutta la forza dei regatanti; una caorlina, come per fotogrammi rallentati, avanza: in principio le differenze sono minime, tutti i remi sono ancora gagliardi, poi, una alla volta, le barche si accodano, ma nessuno vuol cedere e c'è ancora forza nella loro stanchezza, ma l'esperienza e lo stile dei primi, mettono ali nei remi, volando sull'acqua, the boat and row away now without weight.

Before the bridge, the theory of caorline Back ordered, almost compact someone unhappy with his position, try again a furious attack, challenging the regulation, dreams of a successful collision, someone expect the double curve of the channel groped for overtaking, and while the weaker teams do not dream any more slowly, inexorably, they lose water and the snake gets longer.

Joining, to competitors in the air hot, panting, there is thirst and passion, sweat and exhaustion, but the encouragement of the villagers, who followed with attention and speed bicycles from the banks, brings back the pride and strength, someone still flickers for a moment and wants to replace .

Ca 'Ballarin, those who are behind are tired and resigned, only the first, appear immune to fatigue and already anticipating the sweet taste of victory do not seem to get more for forces seem to miss a moment, but you look back, the others are gone, lost lucidity and their strokes were awkward, no longer with the original.

After the curve of falconry here check the water tower of the old pony, like a beacon, showing everyone that the enterprise is almost at its end, the pace is recomposed, the omen of victory gives force and cadence to the legs, torsos, arms: perfect rhythm with the blades of the oars beat the water, going in and out, and now the first coarlina, with its relentless headway, is under the finish.

The music blaring of trumpets in medieval costumes accompanied by the pier, the triumph of the victors, who renew the pace agreed to the beats of the oars, for a moment yet, elegant and precise in movement, as to departure.

Pride sweeps away the tiredness and fatigue while hiding in the expressions of defiant and respected competitors, which I watched each other, suddenly bursting into joy and suddenly raise the rowing, which is now weighing how grass, and like an ancient greeting of swords, still with the challenge in the eye, greet everyone: locals, tourists, people.

Among the spectators on the shore, while the dull color of the air and the weary reflexes Water portend the end of the sunny afternoon, about spreading a buzz of admiring comments, but some voices are higher, few words more excited: at last, as it should be, as it should be, hopefully always will be, bursts the blood rite of final arguments, all seems lost for a moment, the joy, serenity, but then comes the pride, there will be revenge, "and then and then!"

Quickly the scene comes together, there is no time to discuss, you go back to dream, is to get the race of Champions, the sun is Low blinded by the sight with his hands above his head, to act as a screen to light grazing, someone already shouting: "It the white, white el xe first" , another mischievous responds "no! x el red, but if you one-eyed?" , echoes another, joking " is white and red, menime home! "

did not take long and already there's also the gondolas, elegant, powerful, the samples to steal the scene caorline and younger fans, close your eyes, dreaming, and already feel the soul fly pushing water, rustling, a gondola race.

We are the authority, rejoicing among the people happy too, and the eyes seem to say jokingly, "See, how good we are, if we did not we! ". Ah! How I wish, just once, a politician too.

On stage there are flags and prizes for all, the square of the Horse is in a festive, great, games, music and stalls, smell of fried food and Ossett, singing and dancing, the tourists watching in disbelief and dreamy, you send someone to take food and drink, first to the case, then there is the queue, finally get the tray.

" P carried fried polenta, a piatìn de fasioi coe tallow, do Goths de vin and a bottle of water for the lady and frissante pute , eating, drinking, it's still a bit 'of anything, but just because it's summer and hot weather, and again, racing, and then to districts, and "x beo el Palio, Palio x el our, never, never should it not die "in the air umida e calda c'è amore, c'è orgoglio, c'è gioa, c'è pace.

E intanto i bambini, spensierati e felici, corrono in giro e non stanno mai fermi.

Rischiamo di perdere tutto questo, per sempre, sentiamo un buco nell'anima e in bocca l'amaro sapore della sconfitta.

Lontano da noi voler criticare, lontano da noi voler insegnare. Vogliamo qui far sentire il sentimento di amore che ci lega alla nostra terra e alla nostre tradizioni, alla nostra gente, al ricordo dei nostri old, we have no shame to use these words makes us strong regret that we are trying.

We are sure that those of us who loved and was spent, with passion and perseverance, we can understand and will appreciate our helping hand to help in every way, with passion and tenderness angry.

We need to unite, reflect, to decide soon, soon. It 's time to act with all our strength.

We will not surrender to indifference, will not give in to fatalism, no surrender to the banalities che tutto inghiotte: abbiamo mille idee, abbiamo mille forze; siamo abituati a combattere e combatteremo fino in fondo.

Ben sappiamo, d'altronde, di non avere in tasca tutte le verità, ma quello che sappiamo per certo è che se tutti quelli che non rimarranno insensibili a questo appello si uniranno a noi, insieme studieremo e agiremo.

Badate la nostra è buonafede, la nostra è passione, non credeteci ingenui. Il nostro è un grido accorato. Non abbiamo interessi da difendere; solo, sappiamo che l'unione non deve essere coalizione di egoismi, ma ideali shared.


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