Conferma assemblea pubblica del 10 Luglio 2008 in Rome
Sede legale: Via Fanfulla da Lodi, n. 5 - 00167 Roma – C.F. 97510400589
Segreteria:3486643465 -Presidenza:3277393570 –Coordinamento:3932442264
email: – web:
La Federazione Rom e Sinti insieme promuove per il giorno 10 Luglio 2008 a Roma alle ore 14.00 al Villaggio Globale – campo Boario di Testaccio (a 700 metri dalla stazione Piramide della Metro linea B) l’assemblea pubblica: “Dosta… Basta … manipolazione e autoreferenzialità. Rom e Sinti: direct dialogue and active role, "Invitation to participate in the Roma and Sinti, the friends of Roma and Sinti, civil society and citizens of Italy
multicultural solidarity to say NO MORE! ... Racial discrimination against the Roma and Sinti, to require the full application of the rules and principles of Constitutional, European and international respect for legality and safety for all people, without exception. Locate
Roma and Sinti minorities in the enemy to be taken as an excuse and blame an entire population, accused of being dangerous criminals, brings us back to the times of our tragic past, when even the Roma and Sinti have unfairly paid with the loss of human life .
La lettura dei dati dal punto di vista mediatico, individuale o politico, incuranti delle conseguenze che le false dichiarazioni e l’agire politico/mediatico hanno nella popolazione, sottolinea come la richiesta di legalità sia una “maschera” che non collega più la causa all’effetto e che genera insicurezza.
L’obiettivo dichiarato sembrerebbe quello di “garantire la sicurezza”, ma spesso l’effetto concreto è quello di aumentare inutilmente il tasso di percezione dell’insicurezza e della paura civile senza risolvere il problema in modo responsabile, ma sempre funzionale al proprio tornaconto mediatico, individuale o partitico.
La Federazione Rom e Sinti insieme dice BASTA! … DOSTA!...
- Dosta! … illegalità, insicurezza
- DOSTA! … al comportamento di quei cittadini, quei politici e quei media che ci condannano, NON per responsabilità e colpe individuali, ma per la nostra appartenenza etnica, senza conoscerci
- DOSTA! … alle dichiarazioni pubbliche false, diffamanti e discriminanti di tutti i rom e di tutti i sinti, che fanno da detonatore alle tensioni, mettendo in moto una "giustizia fai da te", montata ora dopo ora tra gente esasperata.
- DOSTA! … al clima di odio razziale diffuso dai principali media italiani contro le minoranze Rom e Sinte, con mistificazioni e falsità, senza alcun diritto di replica alla rappresentatività Roma and Sinti, which was always denied the presence and active media space given to supposed experts, ruthless opportunists, who have assumed the right of self-Roma and Sinti.
- Dost! ... Solutions to the "differentiated", segregating and discriminating, with no prospect of Normal ', passively suffered by Roma and Sinti
- Dost! ... Indifference towards the Roma immigrants, forced to flee their country for the war, arrived in Italy for many years and still undocumented and Italian citizenship, difficult if not impossible to achieve in conditions in which they live, especially now
- Dost! ... The lack of a direct dialogue and an active role of the Roma and Sinti
- Dost! ... The "dirty work" to fragment and divide the Roma and Sinti.
- Dost! ... Manipulation, self, cultural welfarism
The Federation Roma and Sinti with "invitation to join and attend the public July 10, 2008 in Rome with a warm appeal:
- Roma and Sinti to show our presence in such numbers , giving voice to our protest and our proposals, let us know directly;
- all Roma and Sinti people who have benefited from fair opportunity to "make it" to no longer be forced to hide and deny their own history family and personal life for fear of racial discrimination;
- friends of Roma and Sinti to support the direct dialogue and the active role of the Roma and Sinti, to say ENOUGH! ... The violence and violations;
- citizens of Italy multicultural and inclusive for the full statement of rights and duties for all, without exception;
- civil society organizations to express solidarity with the Roma and Sinti;
- personalities and the Italian and European artists, with authority to say "NO to racial discrimination, IT application of the rules and principles of Constitutional, European and international.
Federazione Rom e Sinti insieme
Per adesioni:
Programma provvisorio:
Dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 17,30 assemblea pubblica con interventi diversi
Dalle ore 18.00 in poi manifestazione culturale (Programma in corso di definizione)
Hanno aderito finora
Associazione Antigone - Arci immigrazione - Union Romanì – CGIL immigrazione, Cantieri sociali Napoli - Coop. Sociale Dedalus - Coop. Sociale Pralipè Pescara – Sucar Drom Mantova– Nevo Drom Bolzano – Nevo drom Trento – Osservazione Firenze – Sucar mero Rimini – Romano Pala Tethara Torino– A.C.E.R. Pisa – Amalipè Romano Florence - Cheese Drom Piacenza - Reggio Emilia Romano Them - RomSinti @ Teramo Policy - ON Piovese Padova - Coop. Antica Roma Rome couture - Romano Drom Milan - Evangelical Mission Zigana - Nevo Gipen Brescia - Coop. Workshop Pescara - Roma Association Kalderash Venice - Association Tikanè together Isernia - European Roma Napoli - Councillor for Social Policies Province of Venice - Anti-Racist Coordination "La Sapienza" -
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mri,s On Neck Arethey Bad
History, culture, prejudice against gypsies and Roma music July 13 in Corsico (Milan)
Corsico is a symbolic center of the state of discrimination in which the Roma live in Italy, but also a meeting point for a movement against racism remains alive and well and consistently. Ecco perché l'incontro del 13 luglio, presso l'Area Pozzi (Via Alzaia Naviglio Trento) risulta particolarmente significativo. Nell'àmbito dell'iniziativa, ha un notevole interesse storico la mostra dedicata alla partecipazione di Rom e Sinti alla Resistenza e quella incentrata sulla comunità Sinti di Buccinasco. Cultura, Storia e una riflessione sulla condizione attuale dei Rom in Italia saranno i temi trattati da Ernesto Rossi, Dijana Pavlovic e Roberto Malini durante il dibatito "Nomadi. Storia, percorsi e integrazione".
h. 16:
Spazio associazioni
Mostra fotografica curata da Cipes sulla partecipazione dei Rom e Sinti alla Resistenza Italiana
Mostra di foto della comunità Sinti di Buccinasco a cura di Apertamente
h.17.30 – 19:
Discussione dibattito: “Nomadi. Storia, percorsi e integrazione”
Diversi gli argomenti trattati, dalla Storia e cultura del popolo Rom alle problematiche di integrazione, fino ai provvedimenti di schedatura etnica e ai recenti casi di aggressione di cittadini Rom da parte di agenti delle forze dell'ordine. Relatori: Dijana Pavlovic, Ernesto Rossi, Roberto Malini.
h.19 – 20.30:
Cena aperitivo
h. 19 – 22:
Musica dal vivo con Nico Grancea e i Manele Manele.
Nico Grancea è nato a Buzău, in Romania, il 18 marzo 1988. E' figlio dell'Olocausto di terza generazione (suo nonno scampò allo Zigeunerlager di Auschwitz durante la rivolta dei Roma took place May 16, 1944). It 'an interpreter of the musical genre "Manele". The music manele, which was established in Romania since the year 1980, is part of the folk music of the Roma people The first performers were singing in the streets of Ferentari, a poor district of Bucharest. The roots of the music manele, strongly influenced by Arabic and Turkish music, date back to the eighteenth century. The best-known modern interpreters are Adrian Minune, Nicolae Guza, Florin Salam. The lyrics are very free and mostly tell stories of love and passion. Nico sings, with his intense, vibrant voice that is reminiscent of Florin Salam, because the Roma people is not crushed into silence, because a song of freedom and justice continui a levarsi, più in alto del coro di chi inneggia a un mondo "zigeunerfrei", senza più 'zingari'. Nico Grancea, Ionit Ciuraro (che interpreterà alcuni brani insieme a Nico) e i Manele Manele fanno parte del gruppo di artisti e intellettuali contro il razzismo "Watching The Sky".
Associazioni partecipanti:
Apertamente, Aven Amentza, Opera Nomadi, Gruppo EveryOne, Cipes, Rete Antirazzista, Anpi sez. Corsico, Liberamente, Acli il Sogno
Per informazioni:
Organizzazione: Tel. (+39) - (+39) 348.81.00.209
Mail ufficio:
Gruppo EveryOne
Tel. (+ 39) 331-3585406 - (+ 39) 334-8429527 :
Corsico is a symbolic center of the state of discrimination in which the Roma live in Italy, but also a meeting point for a movement against racism remains alive and well and consistently. Ecco perché l'incontro del 13 luglio, presso l'Area Pozzi (Via Alzaia Naviglio Trento) risulta particolarmente significativo. Nell'àmbito dell'iniziativa, ha un notevole interesse storico la mostra dedicata alla partecipazione di Rom e Sinti alla Resistenza e quella incentrata sulla comunità Sinti di Buccinasco. Cultura, Storia e una riflessione sulla condizione attuale dei Rom in Italia saranno i temi trattati da Ernesto Rossi, Dijana Pavlovic e Roberto Malini durante il dibatito "Nomadi. Storia, percorsi e integrazione".
h. 16:
Spazio associazioni
Mostra fotografica curata da Cipes sulla partecipazione dei Rom e Sinti alla Resistenza Italiana
Mostra di foto della comunità Sinti di Buccinasco a cura di Apertamente
h.17.30 – 19:
Discussione dibattito: “Nomadi. Storia, percorsi e integrazione”
Diversi gli argomenti trattati, dalla Storia e cultura del popolo Rom alle problematiche di integrazione, fino ai provvedimenti di schedatura etnica e ai recenti casi di aggressione di cittadini Rom da parte di agenti delle forze dell'ordine. Relatori: Dijana Pavlovic, Ernesto Rossi, Roberto Malini.
h.19 – 20.30:
Cena aperitivo
h. 19 – 22:
Musica dal vivo con Nico Grancea e i Manele Manele.
Nico Grancea è nato a Buzău, in Romania, il 18 marzo 1988. E' figlio dell'Olocausto di terza generazione (suo nonno scampò allo Zigeunerlager di Auschwitz durante la rivolta dei Roma took place May 16, 1944). It 'an interpreter of the musical genre "Manele". The music manele, which was established in Romania since the year 1980, is part of the folk music of the Roma people The first performers were singing in the streets of Ferentari, a poor district of Bucharest. The roots of the music manele, strongly influenced by Arabic and Turkish music, date back to the eighteenth century. The best-known modern interpreters are Adrian Minune, Nicolae Guza, Florin Salam. The lyrics are very free and mostly tell stories of love and passion. Nico sings, with his intense, vibrant voice that is reminiscent of Florin Salam, because the Roma people is not crushed into silence, because a song of freedom and justice continui a levarsi, più in alto del coro di chi inneggia a un mondo "zigeunerfrei", senza più 'zingari'. Nico Grancea, Ionit Ciuraro (che interpreterà alcuni brani insieme a Nico) e i Manele Manele fanno parte del gruppo di artisti e intellettuali contro il razzismo "Watching The Sky".
Associazioni partecipanti:
Apertamente, Aven Amentza, Opera Nomadi, Gruppo EveryOne, Cipes, Rete Antirazzista, Anpi sez. Corsico, Liberamente, Acli il Sogno
Per informazioni:
Organizzazione: Tel. (+39) - (+39) 348.81.00.209
Mail ufficio:
Gruppo EveryOne
Tel. (+ 39) 331-3585406 - (+ 39) 334-8429527 :
Monday, June 23, 2008
How Much Does A Tattoo Cost In Orlando
Persecution of the Roma: a spiral of violence, but growing anti-racist network
Roberto Malini
Covaciu The case of Rebecca and her father, the evangelical Christian missionary Stelian, is emblematic of climate surrounding the Roma people in Italy today. Reports of violence, threats and racist abuse against Roma, implemented by Italian citizens, neo-Nazis or members of law enforcement ("suspected members" underlined the authorities) is increasing every day. When the victims complain or claim their rights through human rights groups or the media, you experience immediate retaliation, always the hardest. Some Roma, especially Romanians, seems to have disappeared and their families no longer have news of them. As reported by MEP Viktoria Mohacsi Hungarian of Roma origin, the practice of abduction of Roma children from the authorities is still ongoing and now covers hundreds of cases. The Roma mothers, who suddenly see their children steal, attempt to commit suicide in many cases, "even by drinking bleach or gasoline," a witness told us. Heavy intimidation strike now also activists. "By combining the actions of EveryOne Covaciu family support," a volunteer told us yesterday, "I have lived days of terror. Who was protecting the Roma by the authorities with hostility, as if it were a dangerous criminal or an abettor of criminals. We live in a dictatorial regime that is operating an ethnic purge, but the complicity between media and executioner makes the humanitarian tragedy occurs indifference. "Fortunately, Europe and the United Nations are very close to the anti-racist network that has been created in Italy. The European Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg is in constant contact with the EveryOne Group and the National Coordinating Discrimination and these days will audit at the Italian institutions to identify actions to be undertaken. The CERD (Committee of Nations Convention against Racial Discrimination) and UNICEF are in network with us and intend to implement interventions both in relation to the case of Rebecca in general to fight the persecution of the Roma do not forget, then, support for campaigns of EveryOne Group and the National Coordination Antdiscriminazioni radicals and some European political groups (ALDE, PSE, Verts / ALE , GUE / NGL etc). they never miss. "The campaign for the rights of the Roma population there will always beside you," he assured me lately Marco Pannella. At the same time, MEP Viktoria Mohacsi is committed with great energy to spread the reality of oppression that takes on the hazy outlines of a new holocaust. The new synergy with the Association Romano Them (World Gypsy) and the progressive growth of the National Coordination Antidiscriminazione ci assicurano la possibilità di attuare strategie nazionali e internazionali a 360 gradi. Tornando al gravissimo episodio di persecuzione della famiglia Covaciu, ricordiamo che Stelian è membro del Gruppo EveryOne e che da molte parti questo particolare comincia ad essere associato alle molteplici aggressioni che si sono verificate contro di lui. Minacce gravi e intimidazioni di ogni genere hanno già toccato, ormai, praticamente tutti i membri del Gruppo EveryOne, nonostante il Parlamento europeo abbia intimato agli Stati membri dell'Unione di assicurare un clima di collaborazione intorno alle organizzazioni che operano per i Diritti Umani e di evitare di ostacolare il loro operato, fondamentale in una società democratica. Dopo l'aggressione on 17 June and the beating of 19, the next day, June 20, 2008, the same agents of violence, still in uniform and brandishing batons deadly, are back in Piazza Tirana, and have combed the area, asking for Roma with a threatening tone of the place where they could find Rebecca. In anticipation of the new raids, however, our group in Milan and its partners had already moved his family to a safe place. To all the anti-racist, an invitation to the efforts hundredfold, because the arrogance and violence manifested by prison guards, indoor and stubbornly uncritically by the authorities, not a sign of strength, but that uncontrolled nervousness that belongs to the base. Must not lack the courage to anyone because if we were four years ago in a few to deal with abuse and pogroms against the Roma families, we are now in the thousands. And if before the press, television and radio stations operate a total censorship, in this matter (except for radio networks such as Radical, and Indymedia Radio Popolare), today there are dozens of journalists who spread democratic regularly chronicle of persecution, breaking through the curtain of silence and complicity. None of you, friends, anti-racist, it just is.
Contact: Gruppo EveryOne
Tel (+ 39) 331-3585 406 - (+ 39) 334-8429 527 :
Roberto Malini
Covaciu The case of Rebecca and her father, the evangelical Christian missionary Stelian, is emblematic of climate surrounding the Roma people in Italy today. Reports of violence, threats and racist abuse against Roma, implemented by Italian citizens, neo-Nazis or members of law enforcement ("suspected members" underlined the authorities) is increasing every day. When the victims complain or claim their rights through human rights groups or the media, you experience immediate retaliation, always the hardest. Some Roma, especially Romanians, seems to have disappeared and their families no longer have news of them. As reported by MEP Viktoria Mohacsi Hungarian of Roma origin, the practice of abduction of Roma children from the authorities is still ongoing and now covers hundreds of cases. The Roma mothers, who suddenly see their children steal, attempt to commit suicide in many cases, "even by drinking bleach or gasoline," a witness told us. Heavy intimidation strike now also activists. "By combining the actions of EveryOne Covaciu family support," a volunteer told us yesterday, "I have lived days of terror. Who was protecting the Roma by the authorities with hostility, as if it were a dangerous criminal or an abettor of criminals. We live in a dictatorial regime that is operating an ethnic purge, but the complicity between media and executioner makes the humanitarian tragedy occurs indifference. "Fortunately, Europe and the United Nations are very close to the anti-racist network that has been created in Italy. The European Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg is in constant contact with the EveryOne Group and the National Coordinating Discrimination and these days will audit at the Italian institutions to identify actions to be undertaken. The CERD (Committee of Nations Convention against Racial Discrimination) and UNICEF are in network with us and intend to implement interventions both in relation to the case of Rebecca in general to fight the persecution of the Roma do not forget, then, support for campaigns of EveryOne Group and the National Coordination Antdiscriminazioni radicals and some European political groups (ALDE, PSE, Verts / ALE , GUE / NGL etc). they never miss. "The campaign for the rights of the Roma population there will always beside you," he assured me lately Marco Pannella. At the same time, MEP Viktoria Mohacsi is committed with great energy to spread the reality of oppression that takes on the hazy outlines of a new holocaust. The new synergy with the Association Romano Them (World Gypsy) and the progressive growth of the National Coordination Antidiscriminazione ci assicurano la possibilità di attuare strategie nazionali e internazionali a 360 gradi. Tornando al gravissimo episodio di persecuzione della famiglia Covaciu, ricordiamo che Stelian è membro del Gruppo EveryOne e che da molte parti questo particolare comincia ad essere associato alle molteplici aggressioni che si sono verificate contro di lui. Minacce gravi e intimidazioni di ogni genere hanno già toccato, ormai, praticamente tutti i membri del Gruppo EveryOne, nonostante il Parlamento europeo abbia intimato agli Stati membri dell'Unione di assicurare un clima di collaborazione intorno alle organizzazioni che operano per i Diritti Umani e di evitare di ostacolare il loro operato, fondamentale in una società democratica. Dopo l'aggressione on 17 June and the beating of 19, the next day, June 20, 2008, the same agents of violence, still in uniform and brandishing batons deadly, are back in Piazza Tirana, and have combed the area, asking for Roma with a threatening tone of the place where they could find Rebecca. In anticipation of the new raids, however, our group in Milan and its partners had already moved his family to a safe place. To all the anti-racist, an invitation to the efforts hundredfold, because the arrogance and violence manifested by prison guards, indoor and stubbornly uncritically by the authorities, not a sign of strength, but that uncontrolled nervousness that belongs to the base. Must not lack the courage to anyone because if we were four years ago in a few to deal with abuse and pogroms against the Roma families, we are now in the thousands. And if before the press, television and radio stations operate a total censorship, in this matter (except for radio networks such as Radical, and Indymedia Radio Popolare), today there are dozens of journalists who spread democratic regularly chronicle of persecution, breaking through the curtain of silence and complicity. None of you, friends, anti-racist, it just is.
Contact: Gruppo EveryOne
Tel (+ 39) 331-3585 406 - (+ 39) 334-8429 527 :
Friday, June 20, 2008
Horse Ringworm Images
call for a national anti-racism
fip Borgo S.Frediano, 66 - Firenze - 11/6/2008
Èil momento di reagire alle logiche e ai molteplici atti
di razzismo istituzionale e diffuso – che arrivano ad
attaccare e mettere in discussione la vita stessa – per
vivere meglio ed essere tutti più liberi.
Le misure proposte dal governo Berlusconi, che ipotizzano il
reato di “clandestinità”, aggravano e alimentano il razzismo.
Il riconoscimento della nostra comune umanità motiva una
forte mobilitazione diretta e unitaria per affermare solidarietà
e accoglienza per tutti.
Per queste ragioni facciamo appello a costruire
unitariamente una manifestazione nazionale entro
the month of July on the following topics:
• Against all forms of racism
• For the freedom and security for all: solidarity and hospitality
• Immediate withdrawal of "security" of the government
• Against the repressive and criminal logic wherever it comes from
offer to all signatories of this appeal to meet in a national meeting Saturday, June 21.
fip Borgo S.Frediano, 66 - Firenze - 11/6/2008
Èil momento di reagire alle logiche e ai molteplici atti
di razzismo istituzionale e diffuso – che arrivano ad
attaccare e mettere in discussione la vita stessa – per
vivere meglio ed essere tutti più liberi.
Le misure proposte dal governo Berlusconi, che ipotizzano il
reato di “clandestinità”, aggravano e alimentano il razzismo.
Il riconoscimento della nostra comune umanità motiva una
forte mobilitazione diretta e unitaria per affermare solidarietà
e accoglienza per tutti.
Per queste ragioni facciamo appello a costruire
unitariamente una manifestazione nazionale entro
the month of July on the following topics:
• Against all forms of racism
• For the freedom and security for all: solidarity and hospitality
• Immediate withdrawal of "security" of the government
• Against the repressive and criminal logic wherever it comes from
offer to all signatories of this appeal to meet in a national meeting Saturday, June 21.
Sissymaid To Wife And Daughter
thousand voices, a common feeling: ''no''to the language of hatred
interventions Tullia Zevi, Gad Lerner, Riccardo Noury, Laura Boldrini the Roman event. Vendola:''The left, by consensus, giving up one's foundational battle, self-denial''
ROMA – Rappresentanti delle istituzioni e delle associazioni, della cultura e dell'informazione si sono dati appuntamento stamattina presso l'Aula Magna della Sapienza, per unirsi al coro delle “Mille voci contro il razzismo”, manifestazione organizzata da un cartello di oltre 20 organizzazioni da sempre impegnate per promuovere l'integrazione e combattere l'emarginazione.
A ricordare le discriminazioni che nel secolo scorso hanno perseguitato le comunità ebraiche sono intervenuti Tullia Zevi e Gad Lerner. “Come cittadina di un mondo libero e democratico, che ha vissuto sulla propria pelle il prezzo della discriminazione e del razzismo, credo che compito fondamentale della mia generazione sia educarsi fertile and educate the management of diversity, "said Zevi. "I came to this gathering of minority groups - said Gad Lerner - because I fear that we are getting used to the fact that injustice and hate speech are part of the common sense of the country. We risk being victims and perpetrators of a desire for self-censorship and to become subordinate to a dominant culture that, after 70 years, proposes commissioners ad hoc surveys for a specific ethnic group. These are things that should make us shudder. I think of all this one day be ashamed, be ashamed as my colleagues who dare to speak of rodent control in reference to human beings. Today it is necessary that the Left expresses a vote against without hesitation, to the security decree into question. "
"It amazes me that we tell our children, looking into her eyes, that the real danger is the security of our country and that it stems from immigrants - said Luciano Eusebi, a lawyer and professor at the Catholic University of Piacenza - . The real risk to safety is the lack of integration. We must shift the focus more on the legacy of high Western culture: the centrality of human rights. The real prevention is not derived from intimidation, but by consensus standards and accession to it by conviction. We must therefore think about the passing of the central jail in favor of recovery paths and deportation of persons. "
should, in other words, build a strong culture of rights, since "the fundamental principle of democracy: human rights belong to every human being, whatever its status - said Riccardo Noury, a spokesman for Amnesty International -. Today, this principle has been injured and need to retrieve the decency to fix the words and the sense of measurement of shares. It should take 30% of the votes by giving up about human rights? We must choose whether to stay firmly on the side of rights or the side of the exegetes of the three 'Rs': raids, raids and roundups.
to remember the tragedies that are consumed every year in the Mediterranean Sea was Nichi Vendola, president of the Puglia region, which has called for "the work of reconstruction of the cemetery that was never done, why is this bad memory of globalization. When the foreigner is put to flight by the fear of death - he continued - must be upheld and the inhospitable and criminal. We have to react to this process of criminalization of the poor, whose case is emblematic of the crime of illegal immigration. The consent of the people can not be ordered over the law, especially when these people is an invention ideological television. The left, for the issue of consent, the sense of being lost and gives up battle to the foundational, self-denial. "
must therefore be that "we all recognize that it failed and try to understand why - says Laura Boldrini, a spokeswoman dell'Achnur - Ten years ago, Italians were competing in solidarity with the boats that arrived from the Balkans. What happened to Italy over the past ten years? We sin of omission, allowing anyone to create political careers on racist messages. Today those people are in government and we are the losers. We need to counter, from the handbook of ethics for the press that the Achnur drafted and which was approved a few days ago by the National Order of Journalists. " (Cl)
(See subsequent launches)
© Copyright Social Editor
Roma and Sinti, the story of regularization impossible
D to the Bossi-Fini law Martelli, documents and work have prevented many from obtaining the residence permit. Guilty of an Embassy of the prejudices and inefficient. On 10 July in Rome a large public assembly
ROME - Roma and Sinti in need of a residence permit. Starts from this fundamental premise of the guide Mustafa Demir, President of the Roma and Sinti together, spoke today at the "thousand voices against racism". The first requests for regularization by the Roma and Sinti, date back to 1989-1990, quando la legge Martelli offrì per la prima volta questa possibilità. “Ma molti non riuscirono a ottenere il permesso di soggiorno – riferisce Mustafà - anzi tanti non avevano neanche saputo di questa opportunità, perché non parlavano bene l'italiano e vivevano fuori dalle città”.
La seconda possibilità si offrì, sempre con la legge Martelli, nel 1992, ma occorrevano i documenti in regola e i documenti. “Molti Rom non erano riusciti a trovare un lavoro, per via dei pregiudizi che li vogliono sfaticati e inaffidabili. E tanti non avevano neanche i documenti in regola, a causa del cattivo funzionamento della nostra ambasciata”. Ancora niente da fare, dunque. “Arrivarono poi new streams of Roma and Sinti, Bosnia between 1991 and 1993 and Kosovo between 1999 and 2000. But these are largely were settled. Remained outside instead of the so-called historians. The Turkish-Napolitano law has failed to solve the problem and the Bossi-Fini has worsened. Nowadays people in the worst conditions are the Bosnians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Croats, who can not return to their countries but here in Italy are not recognized.
On 10 July we will make a big public meeting in Rome - has finally announced Mustafa - to talk, discuss and ask for rights. " (Cl)
© Copyright Social Editor
''Racism makes us insecure'' è lo slogan della manifestazione che si è svolta oggi alla Sapienza. Più di 20 associazioni hanno chiamato a raccolta ''coloro che non la pensano come quella che, per i giornali, è la maggioranza degli italiani''
ROMA – Si è aperta con un minuto di silenzio in ricordo delle ultime vittime del Mediterraneo la manifestazione “Mille voci contro il razzismo, che nell'Aula Magna dell'università La Sapienza ha riunito oltre 20 associazioni, insieme a rappresentanti della politica, della cultura e dell'informazione del nostro paese. “Il razzismo ci rende insicuri” è lo slogan dell'iniziativa, organizzata per “dare la parola a chi vive sulla propria pelle i risultati di questo razzismo spread and who does not think like that, according to the newspapers, would be the majority of the Italian population, "said Filippo Miraglia dell'Arci, introducing the morning. "We do not give the fact of being a minority - he added - and we feel there is to speak on the culture of Italians."
"We are full of sadness and concern for the events triggered from the facts of the Opera - said Eva Rizzin, on behalf of the newly formed federation Roma together - We are here to say that dialogue is possible. The Roma and Sinti are now demanding to be recognized as ethnic and linguistic minority, for the conferral of the right to dignity of a people presente in Italia dal 14° secolo”.
A portare la testimonianza dei rifugiati era presente Mamadou Sy, del movimento migranti e rifugiati di Caserta: “Dobbiamo dare diritti agli immigrati se vogliamo costruire sicurezza – ha detto – Chiediamo una grande regolarizzazione, una legge sull'asilo, il superamento della Bossi-Fini e il riconoscimento della cittadinanza ai bambini che nascono in Italia”.
Del dramma delle donne vittima di traffico e sfruttamento ha riferito Isoke Rose Dobhokan: “Parlo da ex-trafficata, oggi libera. Da quando sono in Italia più di 200 ragazze della mia regione sono state uccise da questo lavoro che non hanno scelto. Allora mi chiedo: quando parliamo di sicurezza, we refer to the safety of humans or that of our wallets?. The slaves in 2008 should be released, not concealed as someone proposes to do. "
On the "irrationality scientific" racism of the dwelt Prorector Piero Marietti: "If there is between me and Mamadou 3 per 1,000 of genetic differences, racism is not only criminal, but it is scientifically unfounded. E 'with the rationality that governs and laws are made. I apologize - said Marietti - because here today who is missing is the university. " (Cl)
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interventions Tullia Zevi, Gad Lerner, Riccardo Noury, Laura Boldrini the Roman event. Vendola:''The left, by consensus, giving up one's foundational battle, self-denial''
ROMA – Rappresentanti delle istituzioni e delle associazioni, della cultura e dell'informazione si sono dati appuntamento stamattina presso l'Aula Magna della Sapienza, per unirsi al coro delle “Mille voci contro il razzismo”, manifestazione organizzata da un cartello di oltre 20 organizzazioni da sempre impegnate per promuovere l'integrazione e combattere l'emarginazione.
A ricordare le discriminazioni che nel secolo scorso hanno perseguitato le comunità ebraiche sono intervenuti Tullia Zevi e Gad Lerner. “Come cittadina di un mondo libero e democratico, che ha vissuto sulla propria pelle il prezzo della discriminazione e del razzismo, credo che compito fondamentale della mia generazione sia educarsi fertile and educate the management of diversity, "said Zevi. "I came to this gathering of minority groups - said Gad Lerner - because I fear that we are getting used to the fact that injustice and hate speech are part of the common sense of the country. We risk being victims and perpetrators of a desire for self-censorship and to become subordinate to a dominant culture that, after 70 years, proposes commissioners ad hoc surveys for a specific ethnic group. These are things that should make us shudder. I think of all this one day be ashamed, be ashamed as my colleagues who dare to speak of rodent control in reference to human beings. Today it is necessary that the Left expresses a vote against without hesitation, to the security decree into question. "
"It amazes me that we tell our children, looking into her eyes, that the real danger is the security of our country and that it stems from immigrants - said Luciano Eusebi, a lawyer and professor at the Catholic University of Piacenza - . The real risk to safety is the lack of integration. We must shift the focus more on the legacy of high Western culture: the centrality of human rights. The real prevention is not derived from intimidation, but by consensus standards and accession to it by conviction. We must therefore think about the passing of the central jail in favor of recovery paths and deportation of persons. "
should, in other words, build a strong culture of rights, since "the fundamental principle of democracy: human rights belong to every human being, whatever its status - said Riccardo Noury, a spokesman for Amnesty International -. Today, this principle has been injured and need to retrieve the decency to fix the words and the sense of measurement of shares. It should take 30% of the votes by giving up about human rights? We must choose whether to stay firmly on the side of rights or the side of the exegetes of the three 'Rs': raids, raids and roundups.
to remember the tragedies that are consumed every year in the Mediterranean Sea was Nichi Vendola, president of the Puglia region, which has called for "the work of reconstruction of the cemetery that was never done, why is this bad memory of globalization. When the foreigner is put to flight by the fear of death - he continued - must be upheld and the inhospitable and criminal. We have to react to this process of criminalization of the poor, whose case is emblematic of the crime of illegal immigration. The consent of the people can not be ordered over the law, especially when these people is an invention ideological television. The left, for the issue of consent, the sense of being lost and gives up battle to the foundational, self-denial. "
must therefore be that "we all recognize that it failed and try to understand why - says Laura Boldrini, a spokeswoman dell'Achnur - Ten years ago, Italians were competing in solidarity with the boats that arrived from the Balkans. What happened to Italy over the past ten years? We sin of omission, allowing anyone to create political careers on racist messages. Today those people are in government and we are the losers. We need to counter, from the handbook of ethics for the press that the Achnur drafted and which was approved a few days ago by the National Order of Journalists. " (Cl)
(See subsequent launches)
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Roma and Sinti, the story of regularization impossible
D to the Bossi-Fini law Martelli, documents and work have prevented many from obtaining the residence permit. Guilty of an Embassy of the prejudices and inefficient. On 10 July in Rome a large public assembly
ROME - Roma and Sinti in need of a residence permit. Starts from this fundamental premise of the guide Mustafa Demir, President of the Roma and Sinti together, spoke today at the "thousand voices against racism". The first requests for regularization by the Roma and Sinti, date back to 1989-1990, quando la legge Martelli offrì per la prima volta questa possibilità. “Ma molti non riuscirono a ottenere il permesso di soggiorno – riferisce Mustafà - anzi tanti non avevano neanche saputo di questa opportunità, perché non parlavano bene l'italiano e vivevano fuori dalle città”.
La seconda possibilità si offrì, sempre con la legge Martelli, nel 1992, ma occorrevano i documenti in regola e i documenti. “Molti Rom non erano riusciti a trovare un lavoro, per via dei pregiudizi che li vogliono sfaticati e inaffidabili. E tanti non avevano neanche i documenti in regola, a causa del cattivo funzionamento della nostra ambasciata”. Ancora niente da fare, dunque. “Arrivarono poi new streams of Roma and Sinti, Bosnia between 1991 and 1993 and Kosovo between 1999 and 2000. But these are largely were settled. Remained outside instead of the so-called historians. The Turkish-Napolitano law has failed to solve the problem and the Bossi-Fini has worsened. Nowadays people in the worst conditions are the Bosnians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Croats, who can not return to their countries but here in Italy are not recognized.
On 10 July we will make a big public meeting in Rome - has finally announced Mustafa - to talk, discuss and ask for rights. " (Cl)
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''Racism makes us insecure'' è lo slogan della manifestazione che si è svolta oggi alla Sapienza. Più di 20 associazioni hanno chiamato a raccolta ''coloro che non la pensano come quella che, per i giornali, è la maggioranza degli italiani''
ROMA – Si è aperta con un minuto di silenzio in ricordo delle ultime vittime del Mediterraneo la manifestazione “Mille voci contro il razzismo, che nell'Aula Magna dell'università La Sapienza ha riunito oltre 20 associazioni, insieme a rappresentanti della politica, della cultura e dell'informazione del nostro paese. “Il razzismo ci rende insicuri” è lo slogan dell'iniziativa, organizzata per “dare la parola a chi vive sulla propria pelle i risultati di questo razzismo spread and who does not think like that, according to the newspapers, would be the majority of the Italian population, "said Filippo Miraglia dell'Arci, introducing the morning. "We do not give the fact of being a minority - he added - and we feel there is to speak on the culture of Italians."
"We are full of sadness and concern for the events triggered from the facts of the Opera - said Eva Rizzin, on behalf of the newly formed federation Roma together - We are here to say that dialogue is possible. The Roma and Sinti are now demanding to be recognized as ethnic and linguistic minority, for the conferral of the right to dignity of a people presente in Italia dal 14° secolo”.
A portare la testimonianza dei rifugiati era presente Mamadou Sy, del movimento migranti e rifugiati di Caserta: “Dobbiamo dare diritti agli immigrati se vogliamo costruire sicurezza – ha detto – Chiediamo una grande regolarizzazione, una legge sull'asilo, il superamento della Bossi-Fini e il riconoscimento della cittadinanza ai bambini che nascono in Italia”.
Del dramma delle donne vittima di traffico e sfruttamento ha riferito Isoke Rose Dobhokan: “Parlo da ex-trafficata, oggi libera. Da quando sono in Italia più di 200 ragazze della mia regione sono state uccise da questo lavoro che non hanno scelto. Allora mi chiedo: quando parliamo di sicurezza, we refer to the safety of humans or that of our wallets?. The slaves in 2008 should be released, not concealed as someone proposes to do. "
On the "irrationality scientific" racism of the dwelt Prorector Piero Marietti: "If there is between me and Mamadou 3 per 1,000 of genetic differences, racism is not only criminal, but it is scientifically unfounded. E 'with the rationality that governs and laws are made. I apologize - said Marietti - because here today who is missing is the university. " (Cl)
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