Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Un altro sgombero a Sesto San Giovanni

Milan, 29 October 2008.
roam the most inhospitable places, hidden in Sesto San Giovanni and Milan, desperately seeking shelter for the night. Someone has already camped under a bridge or behind the bushes of a park. Others have faced a difficult trip back to Romania and cities which have fallen away in recent years to escape poverty, hunger, exclusion: Bucharest, Brasov, Buzau, Constanta. The lucky ones have already reached France and Spain, where they were hosted by relatives. 150 Roma who are the police evicted from the former Falck, Sesto San Giovanni. On 19 October the delegation of specialists in the analysis of phenomena antzigani, Guided by MEP Viktoria Mohacsi had arrived at their settlement with the Everyone Group. "They were all very tense and worried," says the activist Nico Grancea, "because the police had already been several times at the site and the attitude of the agents was decidedly hostile. They were afraid of everything, even of those who came to visit with the intention of helping them. In the field, at the abandoned buildings and barracks, everyone was ready for the worst, the arrival of the authorities with an order of immediate eviction, as was the case, again in the sixth, last month. In that ' opportunity, with 160 staff - including police officers, police and fighters - they put on the road about fifteen families, including small children, pregnant women and seriously ill. A Sesto San Giovanni racism has killed many Roma Fear has caused the death of another, as a small Ciprian, burned alive, perhaps because of a candle falling. I knew him well, Ciprian and recently he was terrified by the climate of intolerance that surrounded him. The terror kills. "The new eviction took place according to the usual procedure, ruthless and swift. Cops, police officers and municipal police forced families out of their huts and set off to nowhere: children, women and men. Malati and severe disabilities, including several wounded. Ciprian's family in mourning, was forced to leave the building where he died il loro giovane congiunto. Alcuni genitori hanno chiesto alle autorità di poter trascorrere almeno qualche notte presso un dormitorio o un ricovero. Alcune donne incinte e malati febbricitanti hanno chiesto qualche ora, prima di abbandonare le baracche. Ma gli ordini erano chiari: nessun "privilegio". I Rom della ex Falck se ne dovevano andare.
"Non abbiamo neanche protestato," ha detto una giovane madre, "perché quando lo facciamo, arrivano le assistenti sociali e ci rubano i bambini".

I Think I Have Ovarian Caner

Lettera del Gruppo EveryOne al Prefetto di Roma Carlo Mosca

E' necessario attuare con urgenza un progetto di desegregazione e inclusione dei Rom nella Capitale

At the meeting of the Associations Arpj-Roof, Popice, Arci Roma Antica Sartoria and EveryOne Group with the Prefect of Rome

Rome, October 27, 2008.

Dear Sir,
EveryOne Group has noted in recent years, especially over the last 12 months, an escalation of racism and brutality against the Roma families have taken refuge in Rome and especially in respect of Roma from Romania. A political and media campaign, which started in the immediacy of the entry of Romania into the European Union and continued until today, has sown racial hatred towards the Roma people, enabling the authorities to implement a real ethnic cleansing, despite the resolution European Parliament of 15 November 2007 on the implementation of Directive 2004/38/EC, the warnings of the European Commission and the United Nations, the stigma of the Italian political persecution by the whole civilized world. In recent days the authority of Rome, regardless of the recent visit of the Delegation of the European Commission Jacques Barrot and the letter to Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, have stepped up repressive operations, evacuating twenty microinsediamenti on the banks of the Tiber and elsewhere in the capital and putting in the road dozens of families of ethnic Roma people, children, pregnant women and sick also very serious. During these operations police, no social-health assistance is been guaranteed to the evicted, who were driven from their miserable shelters with a cynical inhumanity. Children in groups, cancer patients, people with disabilities, heart disease and major illnesses have been forced to set out without means of subsistence, without blankets or essential medicines to nowhere, in the tragic death marches, unworthy of any civilized country or city. If the fate of the city of Rome has to offer Roma from Romania is so inhumane, even the Italian Roma, those from the former Yugoslavia and the "stateless" is not treated in a respectful of basic rights. The few "Roma camps" remained in Rome are real ghettos, where the institutions have deliberately avoided di fornire servizi igienici e sociali necessari alla vita. Contemporaneamente, in spregio alle norme internazionali che tutelano i popoli, gli abitanti di tali insediamenti sono stati costantemente intimiditi, umiliati, abusati nei loro diritti a perseguire un'esistenza dignitosa. Criminalizzati attraverso dichiarazioni di autorità irresponsabili, diffuse dai media locali e nazionali, gli abitanti dei campi si sono trovati senza alcuna opportunità di sussistenza e le lorro condizioni - verificate da delegazioni europee - sono quelle di topi o scarafaggi. "Sono come i topi," ha affermato infatti, qualche tempo fa, l'esponente di uno dei partiti di governo, "solo che è più difficile disinfestare le città dalla loro presenza". La speranza average life of the Roma camps in the capital does not reach the age of 40, while bacterial infections, fungal and viral diseases and rampant insecurity wiped out by children, women and men. About the "nomads" who have sought refuge in Rome, coming from difficult situations in Romania, it is sufficient to note that a year ago were about 6 000, while today, because of persecution, a few hundred are: human beings in a state of social dramatic and precarious, even worse - as pointed out by the Red Cross - that in the poorest and most troubled African states. MEP Viktoria Mohacsi pronounced the following words, after visiting microinsediamenti and fields, in Rome and other Italian cities: "I have traveled throughout Europe and have watched the Roma community in all EU countries, but nowhere I have seen with my own eyes so serious a situation of marginalization and persecution of my people. I hope that the example Italian, which can be compared only to racial persecution that occurred in the Third Reich, not propagete never in European Union countries. "
EveryOne Group can not but share the comments bitterly dell'europarlamentare Hungarian and once again asks you, dear Mr. Prefect Carlo Mosca - and with you, it calls on all authorities in Rome - to immediately suspend the operations of police evacuation of the few Romanians Roma settlements remained in the city, providing ad attivare con urgenza piani di sostegno per le famiglie che vivono in essi, in condizioni tragiche. Tali piani dovranno iniziare con l'assistenza socio-sanitaria, la predisposizione repentina di piani di alloggio, la concessione di sussidi alle persone gravemente malate o inabili. Quindi, quando le famiglie - unite - potranno contare sul diritto a un tetto sulla testa, alla salute e alla sicurezza, si potranno attivare programmi di inserimento professionale e scolastico. Per quanto riguarda i campi Rom, invece, il Gruppo EveryOne chiede che siano immediatamente interrotte le misure poliziesche di controllo e repressione, che presentano le famiglie perseguitate, agli occhi dei cittadini romani, come "associazioni per delinquere" e non come persone rifdotte in condizioni desperate because of racial hatred, the violence of racist movements, of negligence and brutality, inhumane institutions and authorities. So when will restore dignity to the inhabitants of the camps and when the truth of racial repression will result, you can start programs of accommodation and integration, looking as much as possible to match the demands of families who are victims of persecution.
EveryOne Group puts at your disposal, Your Excellency, as well as other institutions and authorities, its experience and its network of activists, experts and international specialists to help the city of Rome to implement the necessary change, is putting outstanding educational programs to combat racism (directed to citizens, schools, but also - and this is a priority - to the police), is cooperating in the organization of effective desegregation projects and social inclusion. Grateful
attention, waiting for an answer and I offer cordial greetings

Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Dario Picciau - Gruppo EveryOne

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good Rookie Party Ideas

The coordination of youth policies as the need arises Rosetani children, members and non-political and cultural associations, in order to serve as a point of contact between citizens and institutions. This point of meeting is open to all those who are aged between 16 and 30 years was not "labels" policy and is always open to dialogue.

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Want to be an active citizen in Roseto?
Want to get closer to the institutions more easily?
you have a point of reference in your social life, politics and culture?
you like to be informed about job opportunities, cultural events and sports and environmental protection? The answer is
of youth policy coordination, a free association that promotes youth participation in social, political and cultural center. Riconusciato recently by the municipal council has taken off this new initiative created by young people with the need to have a reference point. In fact, the coordination aims to be a meeting point between the reference and all the young people of Roseto and our institutions.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Continuous Feeling Of Heartburn

Affinché cadano i muri

For some months the residents of 900 Casilino live without water or electricity, in July the entrances of the camp were wide open lanes with concrete to prevent access to any alley, recently, the city police has arrested arbitrarily small generators in the absence of invoices and receipts that bear witness to the purchase (you kept the receipt for your chandelier?), lowering of the darkness in the field.

locked in a vise so hard the community has reacted with great dignity and ability to self-organized, so it was made "Savorengo Ker," the home of all. A self-built house interanmente different from the Roma community Casilino (Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins and Kosovar) along with Stalker-Centre with the support of nomadic DIPSU (Department of Urban Studies), Faculty of Architecture at Rome University. The house costs as a container is twice as large, is an expression of a particular culture of living and ecological, made with natural materials largely recovered.

Community representatives have apologized to the district for the bonfires of plastic materials and steps were taken to monitor that these fires do not happen more.
has offered full cooperation with all institutions in a pathway leading to address the emergency housing and health field.
In response, the silence broken only by statements about or removal of the field with no indication of where and how this can go on living people who live there for almost forty years in the abandonment general.
Oggi tanta iniziativa da parte della comunità a cambiare e a cercare soluzioni concrete nel rispetto della giustizia e della legalità, stride con la condizione in cui versa il campo e con l'inasprirsi della pressione politica e delle forze dell'ordine. Si ha forse paura che delle persone cerchino di cancellare lo stereotipo di fannulloni, brutti, sporchi e cattivi?
Chiunque visiti il campo si rende conto della situazione insostenibile, perfino il leghista Borghezio in visita con una delegazione del Parlamento Europeo ha giudicato inumane le condizioni del campo e chiesto all'Amministrazione Comunale il ripristino di acqua e luce.

Quanto è difficile sopravvivere, mandare i figli a scuola, cercare un riscatto e forme di dialogo and active participation, whether the institutional response to such initiative is the lack of interest only if you do not stiffen in the refusal to understand the habit and to condemn a priori any real effort for the emancipation of communities Casilino 900. Both

bipartisan fury towards a whole community (the demolition of some cabins and cutting the light was started in Veltroni) requires an awakening of civil society, the world of culture and communication for too long silent and subdued by the logic of media and economic sun educate political action. All in the general disinterest and overt failure to address the daily problems if not with the tools repression.

as they did to challenge the security pact signed by former Mayor Veltroni Stalker - ON Casilino next to the community of 900 calls on civil society, artists and intellectuals to support the field, to bring down the wall that surrounds it, Casilino to help the 900 to get the restoration of electricity and water, the recognition and use of social and community home for all, to participate in decisions on the fate of the camp and the people who inhabit it.

We need to come together an urgent need for coordination for Rome and for the rights of its inhabitants, or whatever you want to call, starting with the side by side with spirit and creativity Casilino the community of 900 in this difficult time. This is to help the community to open up the field to a new relationship with the neighborhood and the whole city.

Friday, October 3 at 18:30 Casilino 900 meeting at the home of all to propose and compare ideas with the community of about 900 public Casilino: cultural, political and social life of this architattura in common. The first objective to discuss the organization of a three-day, 10 to 13 October to begin the work of the house before the October 15 date assumed by the Municipality for the removal of the field.

Lorenzo Romito
stalker - Osservatorio Nomade