Monday, February 28, 2011

Diagrams Of Ovarian Cancer



WEDNESDAY 'March 2, 2011



Kate Of Katesplayground

Formula One oar

Se oggi possiamo ammirare la magia di una bianca gondola da regata, se possiamo sentire la dolce emozione nello scatto elastico di un gondolino, lo dobbiamo ai molti che hanno avuto il coraggio di evolvere e, distillando antiche esperienze, adeguare le barche alle esigenze, seguendo e realizzando con orgoglio e passione un sogno, di tecnica, bellezza e di eleganza.
Così la forma della gondola è cambiata nel tempo: guardiamo le immagini qui sotto, la prima da un quadro del '500, mostra una barca più bassa, più larga e più corta, non c'è ancora la asimmetria tipica delle gondole current. A proof is lacking even the expensive "dolfin.
Between '600 and '700, the gondola changes again. The boat is evolving to a new use, "de casada" for the rich merchants and the nobility. The stern is raised significantly by water, the slope becomes covered, the forked branch acquires its "còmio" carved, "the iron test, finally, becomes head of the Doge." Here in the triumph of the colors and splendor of the decorations, which shine with gold and silver, Venice, proudly shows off his wealth. Exhibition of water power, its laws, its culture, its lagoon and its traditions. Venice challenge the world, bigoted and conformist, talking about freedom, love of life, taste, refinement and elegance.
In the nineteenth century, the stern and the bow rise again from the water, the hull has been slimmed down and reaches almost 11 meters today: even to have the boat now have to wait almost the last century. New technical requirements are met. The water line becomes more arched to make the boat more maneuverable, the strong asymmetry of the bilge, is per vogare ad un remo; il ferro di prua è calcolato, con sapienti rapporti di leva, per bilanciare il peso del gondoliere.
Adesso le gondole non sono più di legno, sono più leggere, in compensato marino. Non sono più nere di pece. Ma vivaci e preziose in tutti i loro nuovi colori. La gondola è sempre elegante; la gondola è viva!. Chi la ama e la voga sognando, la sente ancora più bella, ancora più sua.
Dobbiamo lasciare ai giovani le nostre tradizioni come un insegnamento, come un caro ricordo, ma anche come una sfida per andare avanti, per realizzare le nostre hopes. We want, also taking our mistakes, have the courage to change, with their ideas, more free, more tolerant. To finally be citizens of the world, more and more friends, more and more of all brothers.
Sport has always been, with its ideals of equality and fairness - race turning into the wicked drive to war, the result of the indomitable will to fight, fight and overcome that always lurks in the human - the road to unite peoples and nations.
Sport, taking advantage of the progress of science and technology, has delivered exciting new horizons and new goals, all'uomo atleta. Così nell'Atletica, così nel Nuoto, così nel Ciclismo, così nello Sci, negli Sport alpini, così nella Vela, così nella Voga.
Sport non è solo gareggiare ma anche inventare. Come fecero Icaro e Prometeo sfidando, quando serviva, anche gli Dei e la Natura; sport è anche saper sfruttare a fondo la scienza, la tecnologia, per esaltare tutte le possibilità che offre questa meravigliosa macchina che è il corpo umano, con quella cosa che ci rende rari nell'Universo, che è la nostra intelligenza,
Perché allora noi della voga dobbiamo fermarci, dobbiamo limitare i nostri orizzonti, perché non dobbiamo inventare nuove meravigliose boats. Why must we kill the dream? Why should we not try to fly?

I hate to think the chorus of protests, the screams of the hideous moderate, accusations of insanity, delirium or delusions of grandeur that - if it was not the case that I'm nobody and do not represent anyone - I could receive for what I'm about to say, but you see, I believe, and I feel that people like me are many.
Some may be ashamed. Not me, dear friends, I know what you're thinking: "Yes, in a mental hospital, there are a lot like you." Well, then I hope to be the last, the wisest and has fewer ideas and less courage of all.
You know the America's Cup, you know Formula One?, And we who are more voghiamo "Mone"?. You need not turn up your nose, look at that is an ancient word, a noble and beautiful: he comes from Mona, that is Madonna, who comes from Domina: Mistress of the House, in Latin. They are stupid, insensitive and incapable those having their interests, often generously funded us, public and private?
addition to the muscles in the race we put the ideas, imagination, science and technology, everything. We invent and let in the game, each with its own traditions, its capabilities with its elegance and its own style. We set the rules and then are free to invent!. Let the world championship. We reward those who arrive first, but who did the most beautiful boat, that water is best. Premiamola as a reward for all the works of art.
I want to see if the brothers of Europe, the brothers of Africa, Asia and America, will be able to win our Italian style. Already we are proud. What do you want?. We are already first in the Art in Food and Wine, in dress, in the Ferrari. Why should we fear, we will also create in the first Amadi or some other hand: in Lombardy, Lake Garda, in Ancona, Pisa, Genoa, Naples, Amalfi, Sardinia, Sicily, anywhere: in any bel canto in Italy. It's just a matter money, there are plenty of men there strength, love and passion.

Now you can understand why grips my heart and I feel like crying when I think how far we are from the dream and the hope is that when I see the war and the monstrous effort, even to get to row, only competing in Italy. When I think of canoeing, rowing, sailing, who are already all over the world, I would like for us.
And back to me as a rude awakening in the pettiness of some farcical claims of certain short-sighted selfishness. Unfortunately today, Italy, the ancient nation of saints and poets, sailors, appears to be a prisoner, subdued by a busty, uncouth band of dwarves.

At this point Orwell would say, "And some are even dwarf dwarfs the others."

Renato Bullo

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gay Cruising Truck Stops Ontario Can.

Reflection on Coordination.

cater below, for the record, some information and thoughts that our partner has asked us to publish a personal capacity.
clear, in that respect, that what follows is not intended in any way express rappresentare la posizione di Canottieri Treporti che verrà a suo tempo espressa nei modi e nelle sedi opportune.
Si fa riferimento alla riunione che si è tenuta sabato 19 febbraio a San Giuliano, in vista delle elezioni che si terranno a breve, per scadenza del mandato dell'attuale Consiglio Direttivo del Coordinamento Nazionale delle Remiere.

Cari amici,
Nel resoconto della riunione, che gentilmente la società Canottieri Treporti mi ha permesso di pubblicare, riporto sinteticamente le motivazioni, le istanze e le proposte che sono state espresse nella occasione.
Con queste note desidero dare il mio contributo per aprire un dibattito. Nei commenti che potrete lasciare, ogni opinione troverà posto, anonima o meno.
Se siete d'accordo con le idee espresse, lasciate un commento, spiegate; così che tutti possano capire e giudicare. Se volete lasciate dei riferimenti per potervi ricontattare.
Se non siete d'accordo, sappiate che interessano anche le vostre idee, le vostre motivazioni, cercheremo di capire, anche di questo cercheremo di fare tesoro.
Nello Sport non ci sono nemici, al massimo ci sono avversari, l'obiettivo non just win, let alone the goal is power.
Important is tested, in good faith, united by a common passion for Venice, for our sweet lagoon and the Voga alla Veneta, whose values \u200b\u200bwe want to consolidate, export and share with the whole country, with all Italians, with all our old and new friends.
Why do we want to live and are passed on intact to future generations.

My Report

È emersa una generale condanna dell'operato dell'attuale Presidente del Coordinamento accusato di personalismo, dirigismo, poca trasparenza, mancato rispetto delle regole statutarie, assoluta mancanza di partecipazione e di coinvolgimento nella formazione e nella attuazione delle decisioni.
Secondo la maggioranza delle persone intervenute nel dibattito l'attuale gruppo dirigente non promuove la partecipazione delle Remiere non veneziane e ancor meno di quelle nazionali e allo stato non si evidenzia nessuna volontà di intraprende azioni con il fine ultimo di entrare nel Coni.
Una possibilità di modificare questa situazione è legata a nuove carismatiche availability that have emerged and have been presented for the role of President.
Rowing The change must express an interest in their candidates, so as to form an alternative list.
Rowing The need to engage immediately in a sustained effort to disclosure and involvement.
The new, eligible, the Board of Directors will ensure democracy, transparency and participation, in particular to be adopted a policy of fair representation.
must be encouraged to take part of the Company is not Venetian, so da estendere la Voga alla Veneta a tutto il Paese, con l'obiettivo di ottenere il riconoscimento della Voga alla Veneta come Sport Nazionale, riconosciuto dal Coni.
È stata proposta una strategia a breve termine e una possibile strategia a lungo termine.

Le mie impressioni sulla riunione.

Ho apprezzato l'atmosfera di pacata fermezza con cui si sono proposti gli organizzatori e che le persone intervenute hanno testimoniato: le critiche sono state esposte con compostezza e senza indulgere a chatter.
I would say "gossip" if I had not spent a lifetime fighting the invasion of neologisms Anglophone and yet, I can not help but consider that, over the years of youth and alas, I find myself more and more often think that this can be no progress.
Even there were smears controversy emerged intentions are clean, clear and concrete. The tone was more balanced, without emphasis or rhetoric.
He felt in many words of regret for the death of an old, dear, and hope, together, as a last flicker of pride in designing a future ransom.
I have not registered malice or hatred toward those who, rightly or wrongly, is considered the primary cause of failure of coordination, but only made a conviction and perhaps regret, sincere.
remarkable words of the elderly patron, shy and proud, that will never become old, soul, and so enthusiastically prepares to fight again, and not afraid of anybody because he knows to be true sportsman, a good man, just, fair and sincere.
am confident that the attitude shown at the meeting, along with ideas that it brings with it, is appreciated by all who have made sport a style of life.
hope that all those who know that any challenge must be based on a comparison, generous, loyal, tolerant, can gather the spirit of the motivations of the call for change has been launched.
so I want to conclude with these words: I asked to distribute this guide, with the approval of the promoters of the meeting, along with not being afraid to show their ideas without obscuring the words and intentions.
Less than ever I was afraid to find out the cards to the enemy. Prima di tutto perché nello Sport non esistono nemici e perché non credo che le persone, che per mia voce qui hanno parlato, considerino un nemico, il signor Giovanni Giusto, perché è anche lui uno sportivo, uno di noi.
Perché sono certo che è in buona fede e ci affratella la passione per la Voga che egli condivide con noi.
Magari se vincerà ancora una volta sentirà la forza sincera che emana dalle critiche. Saprà emendarsi e correggere i propri errori.
Sicuro, sono state espresse idee contrarie alla attuale gestione, ma ritengo positiva la volontà, che qui io testimonio, di non sottrarsi al confronto, di agire a testa alta, alla luce del sole. C'è il rifiuto totale verso le congiure ed i giochi di potere.
Chiunque vinca, deve sapere, che democrazia è agire in vista del bene comune, compreso quello della più piccola minoranza; agire ad esclusivo vantaggio della maggioranza non è democrazia, ma si deve chiamare dittatura, della maggioranza.

Renato Bullo

Per completezza, ho chiesto ed ottenuto di poter riportare, integralmente, anche lo statuto del Coordinamento, che inutilmente avevo cercato in rete.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cervical Spondylosis Dizzyness

MEETING E 'open to all *.

WEDNESDAY 'February 23, 2011
VIA Cocchetti No.11

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Specialized Crossroads White


L'associazione “Palio Remiero delle Contrade di Cavallino Treporti” è nata nel 2000 con lo scopo promuovere il movimento della Voga alla Veneta all'interno del comune di Cavallino Treporti, making it revived the old spirit of Contrada, which has always bound in brotherhood on earth and passionately divided on the boat, the old as the new Contrada.

The twelve districts are so called:

  1. Faro Piave Vecchia
  2. Horse
  3. Ca 'Di Valle
  4. Ca' Ballarin
  5. Ca' Vio
  6. Ca' Pasquali
  7. Ca' Savio
  8. Punta Sabbioni
  9. Treporti
  10. Saccagnana
  11. Lio Piccolo
  12. Mesole

Ognuna ha la sua storia, ognuna è equal, each is different: each is waiting to be discovered!

are lost in time the origins of the word Contrada, the best hypothesis is that the word derives from the Latin "cum-strata " , where the term " strata "comes from the participle" stratum "of the verb" Stern ", meaning" covered, paved. "

In Italian "strata" then became "street", enriching dell'ulteriore significato di percorso da seguire per andare da un posto ad un altro: una origine simile ha il nome del paese di Stra', dove sulla riva sinistra del Brenta si affaccia maestosamente la settecentesca villa Pisani.

Il taglio della ″ta″ finale come indicato dall'apostrofo - tipico del nostro dialetto, dove ad esempio, ″cantato″ diventa subito ″cantà″ e ″portato″ si trasforma in ″portà″- ci fa capire che il luogo era chiamato dagli antichi abitatori ″Strata″, appunto ad indicare che di là passava una strada.

We like to think that the "cum", which is in front of "strata," which literally means "with", is made here in the sense of "together" in the same way that "companion" comes from "bread-cum", meaning that the person with whom you eat together, or better, you share the bread.

So already pronouncing the word Contrada, gives us a sense of belonging, a sense of brotherhood, a sense of community, a tenderness, which makes us now feel that dear and sweet , warm and precious to us scioglie dentro qualcosa, nel nostro cuore: Contrada , dove sono le nostre care radici, Contrada dove sono i nostri ricordi più belli: qui i nostri vecchi, qui tanti amici.

Così ci vengono in mente quelli che una volta abbiamo, da bambini, accompagnato, in pieno sole, finita la pesca, ormai passati i brividi dell'alba sull'acqua immobile della laguna, o quelli che abbiamo accompagnato, finito il lavoro nei campi, nell'aria tiepida della sera, tornando insieme per la strada di casa.

Camminiamo ancora, in silenzio, along the dirt going to the isolated houses, among lush green fields and the sparkling water in the channels between the sandbanks smell of salt and seaweed where, in summer, suddenly, the water barely rippled the sea breeze, darting fish and walk the egrets.

In the distance the steeple of Lio Piccolo emerges from behind the sinuous road running with his hot asphalt over the bank raised, and at noon from the base of the steep banks, among the white stones lapped by 'water, you hear the song of cicadas.

is now spring, when ci si trova alla sera dal Capo-Contrada a parlare della prossima festa: chi procurerà da mangiare: la pasta e fagioli, i bigoli in salsa, i fagioli bianchi con le cipolle, i folpetti, salame e soppressa, le trippe, gli ossetti, il pesce fritto, la polenta e il pane, e le donne faranno le torte; chi porterà l'acqua, il vino e la birra, le bibite, il caffè; nulla deve mancare: chi sistemerà la cucina, chi preparerà le sedie, i tavoli, gli ombrelloni, il palco e gli addobbi.

Si decide per la pesca-lotteria, si trovano i premi: facciamo venire un cantante, sentiamo in comune, chi viene, sentiamo chi fa il discorso. Si decide the teams for the race: "Come on Marco, come Bepi, 'I'm vincemo noiantri years,' I'm dying every year, the femo . It is now night, he comes home excited, in the black sky over fields and marshes, glitters in a triumph of quiet stars, already approaching the summer solstice.

The time has finally come for a month is a feast among the banks, roads, squares, decorated with festoons and garlands, with the flags of the district, passing between light and colors all speak of the boats, everyone makes predictions on the outcome of the event.

the day of the Palio is held four challenges: a very young pupparini, one of the women with mascarete, the classic race of the samples and Contrada, with caorline of our common The most anticipated of all.

the morning, the lawn of the Canoe Treporti, still wet with dew, full of people busy with final preparations, the Heads-Contrada launching complicit glances prepare refreshments and lunch, while from every corner of the lagoon, rowing, speed boats arriving on the participants in the great procession.

Competitors end up with feigned patience to polish the bottom of the boat to make it more smooth, round, there are relatives and friends of the rowers and all the curious: eager to participate and each one looks colorful, noisy, ferment.

The sun is high, and now comes the breeze from the sea, under the shade of elm trees to eat, laugh, talk, and children are never still running and playing with boats, grass, and now the happy buzz, is more subdued, people get up, while the boats bob, still waiting in the upper marea il tempo è arrivato, è giunto il momento!

Verso le cinque, dopo il pranzo in compagnia, la partenza del corteo e delle regate di donne e dei giovanissimi; d'improvviso è silenzio, c'è una strana tensione nell'aria, e sembra che anche l'ombra del vecchio forte si protenda sull'acqua a vedere la partenza delle caorline.

Dietro, ancora in distanza, appare, leggera e veloce, la schiera festosa dei bambini, e i kayak dondolando danzano come petali bianchi sul verde dell'acqua, che ribolle di celeste e di bianco nelle scie degli hulls and elegant dip of the paddles, and behold the shimmering channel of gold and blue, cheering on the oars, pitch battle, pounding the water with arms outstretched, red flakes, like long snakes, cut through the small waves, Majestic dragonboat.

Way!, A pistol in the air and pops rintonando suddenly breaks the silence: a Colorful thrill the crowd, moving above the banks of the dock. The nine caorline parade, svelte struggling with bows of white foam on the Canale San Felice, beginning almost all side by side.

As long bodies together and push on the oars, six for six, beating the water with an elegant cadence, caorline lined up in the path, on the edge of the current, trying to get close to the curve that introduces in Pordelio; from the crowd in the boats and the shore, like a faint rustle of leaves, voices high and low, and the distant cries inciting, chase boats, now inside the duct.

With the calm of the strong, the aft most experienced, shrewd and wise, expect the last five hundred meters before launching the attack, from the stern sentina, dal lai fino al prodìn, arriva infine il comando aspettato, esaltante: ″premi, premi! daghe, daghe che 'ndemo via!″.

Decisi e leggeri i remi si abbassano e salgono insieme, in spinta e in ripresa; nel movimento c'è già tutta l'anima e tutta la forza dei regatanti; una caorlina, come per fotogrammi rallentati, avanza: in principio le differenze sono minime, tutti i remi sono ancora gagliardi, poi, una alla volta, le barche si accodano, ma nessuno vuol cedere e c'è ancora forza nella loro stanchezza, ma l'esperienza e lo stile dei primi, mettono ali nei remi, volando sull'acqua, the boat and row away now without weight.

Before the bridge, the theory of caorline Back ordered, almost compact someone unhappy with his position, try again a furious attack, challenging the regulation, dreams of a successful collision, someone expect the double curve of the channel groped for overtaking, and while the weaker teams do not dream any more slowly, inexorably, they lose water and the snake gets longer.

Joining, to competitors in the air hot, panting, there is thirst and passion, sweat and exhaustion, but the encouragement of the villagers, who followed with attention and speed bicycles from the banks, brings back the pride and strength, someone still flickers for a moment and wants to replace .

Ca 'Ballarin, those who are behind are tired and resigned, only the first, appear immune to fatigue and already anticipating the sweet taste of victory do not seem to get more for forces seem to miss a moment, but you look back, the others are gone, lost lucidity and their strokes were awkward, no longer with the original.

After the curve of falconry here check the water tower of the old pony, like a beacon, showing everyone that the enterprise is almost at its end, the pace is recomposed, the omen of victory gives force and cadence to the legs, torsos, arms: perfect rhythm with the blades of the oars beat the water, going in and out, and now the first coarlina, with its relentless headway, is under the finish.

The music blaring of trumpets in medieval costumes accompanied by the pier, the triumph of the victors, who renew the pace agreed to the beats of the oars, for a moment yet, elegant and precise in movement, as to departure.

Pride sweeps away the tiredness and fatigue while hiding in the expressions of defiant and respected competitors, which I watched each other, suddenly bursting into joy and suddenly raise the rowing, which is now weighing how grass, and like an ancient greeting of swords, still with the challenge in the eye, greet everyone: locals, tourists, people.

Among the spectators on the shore, while the dull color of the air and the weary reflexes Water portend the end of the sunny afternoon, about spreading a buzz of admiring comments, but some voices are higher, few words more excited: at last, as it should be, as it should be, hopefully always will be, bursts the blood rite of final arguments, all seems lost for a moment, the joy, serenity, but then comes the pride, there will be revenge, "and then and then!"

Quickly the scene comes together, there is no time to discuss, you go back to dream, is to get the race of Champions, the sun is Low blinded by the sight with his hands above his head, to act as a screen to light grazing, someone already shouting: "It the white, white el xe first" , another mischievous responds "no! x el red, but if you one-eyed?" , echoes another, joking " is white and red, menime home! "

did not take long and already there's also the gondolas, elegant, powerful, the samples to steal the scene caorline and younger fans, close your eyes, dreaming, and already feel the soul fly pushing water, rustling, a gondola race.

We are the authority, rejoicing among the people happy too, and the eyes seem to say jokingly, "See, how good we are, if we did not we! ". Ah! How I wish, just once, a politician too.

On stage there are flags and prizes for all, the square of the Horse is in a festive, great, games, music and stalls, smell of fried food and Ossett, singing and dancing, the tourists watching in disbelief and dreamy, you send someone to take food and drink, first to the case, then there is the queue, finally get the tray.

" P carried fried polenta, a piatìn de fasioi coe tallow, do Goths de vin and a bottle of water for the lady and frissante pute , eating, drinking, it's still a bit 'of anything, but just because it's summer and hot weather, and again, racing, and then to districts, and "x beo el Palio, Palio x el our, never, never should it not die "in the air umida e calda c'è amore, c'è orgoglio, c'è gioa, c'è pace.

E intanto i bambini, spensierati e felici, corrono in giro e non stanno mai fermi.

Rischiamo di perdere tutto questo, per sempre, sentiamo un buco nell'anima e in bocca l'amaro sapore della sconfitta.

Lontano da noi voler criticare, lontano da noi voler insegnare. Vogliamo qui far sentire il sentimento di amore che ci lega alla nostra terra e alla nostre tradizioni, alla nostra gente, al ricordo dei nostri old, we have no shame to use these words makes us strong regret that we are trying.

We are sure that those of us who loved and was spent, with passion and perseverance, we can understand and will appreciate our helping hand to help in every way, with passion and tenderness angry.

We need to unite, reflect, to decide soon, soon. It 's time to act with all our strength.

We will not surrender to indifference, will not give in to fatalism, no surrender to the banalities che tutto inghiotte: abbiamo mille idee, abbiamo mille forze; siamo abituati a combattere e combatteremo fino in fondo.

Ben sappiamo, d'altronde, di non avere in tasca tutte le verità, ma quello che sappiamo per certo è che se tutti quelli che non rimarranno insensibili a questo appello si uniranno a noi, insieme studieremo e agiremo.

Badate la nostra è buonafede, la nostra è passione, non credeteci ingenui. Il nostro è un grido accorato. Non abbiamo interessi da difendere; solo, sappiamo che l'unione non deve essere coalizione di egoismi, ma ideali shared.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

International Vaccine Certificate

Regatta "Pegolo"

scheduled for Sunday, March 20, the now classic regatta "pegol" (date uncertain) on caorline six rowing crews will be trained to draw with residents and other useful (open young men and women) and in case we fail to complete their crews, registration will be open to non-residents.
Following the event there will be a ceremony followed by the classic drink.

Everyone is invited to attend this event sponsored by the Municipality of Cavallino, we'll add more news, videos and photos below.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nordictrack Exp 2000, How To Repair

(articolo pubblicato su LA PIAZZA - Cattolica)

Un recente libro-inchiesta pubblicato del giornalista dell’Espresso Gianluca Di Feo intitolato “Veleni di Stato” (Rizzoli 2009), sulla base di documenti tedeschi, inglesi, americani ha sollevato il tema della presenza invisibile ma reale sul territorio Italiano della preoccupante eredità dell’enorme arsenale chimico bellico creato dal regime fascista ed occultato dai tedeschi e di quello disperso dalle forze alleate durante l’ultima guerra (
La zona adriatica a cavallo della Linea Gotica è indicata come uno dei luoghi significativi in cui ciò occurred along the coasts of Puglia, the Gulf of Naples, Lake Maggiore, Lombardy, Lazio.
In the chapter "The mustard gas in front of the sun" Di Feo documents the existence of an important deposit in Urbino German chemical weapons captured Italians after the armistice, in December 19, 1943, on direct orders of Hitler, was decided to move, probably in Germany.
summer of 1944, June 21, Hitler himself strictly imposed the immediate evacuation of the store, which began July 6. The complex and dangerous procedure provided for the transportation of chemical weapons up to Pesaro and Fano, and from there to the north, but, with our allies to doors - the attack on the Gothic Line will take place in early September - the ongoing incidents have taken place during travel, and air raids could have catastrophic consequences by blocking the most important railway axis Adriatic, for which Major Meyer, commander of Sonderkommando charge the operation, he chose the lesser evil: to lay the chemical arsenal in the Adriatic.
Three wagons of chemical warheads, equivalent to 84 thousand liters of arsenic, came to Pesaro and were emptied at night into the sea. The same fate followed 4,300 older C500T bombs containing mustard gas, the well-known toxic gas and blister, for a total of 1,316 tons, more than a million liters, which by August 10, 1944 were loaded onto barges, and thrown off.
few years after the end of the war, in a parliamentary question on 20 November 1951 ( the Secretary of the Merchant Shipping Ferdinand Tambroni, in reply to a parliamentary question by Hon. Enzo Capalozza (Mayor of Fano in 1944, then member of the PCI in the post-war senator, judge of the Constitutional Court) concerning "roundup of mustard gas bombs in the stretch of the Adriatic between Pesaro and Ancona," respond in detail, recognizing the 'there is a danger still exists, citing "the accident dei pescatori locali per contaminazione da aggressivo chimico”, riportando le coordinate geografiche della “zona in cui le bombe ad iprite sarebbero state affondate”: quattro punti geografici ubicati in mare, di fronte al porto di Cattolica, a Casteldimezzo ed a Fosso Sejore (tra Pesaro e Fano), a distanze variabili tra uno e tre miglia dalla riva, e due punti sulla terraferma - probabilmente un errore di trascrizione - nei Comuni di Cattolica e San Giovanni in Marignano.
L'inchiesta ufficiale del 1951 lasciava aperti molti interrogativi – non risultano infatti attuate successive campagne militari di indagini – ancora oggi privi di risposte esaurienti: molti ordigni sono stati rinvenuti nel dopoguerra, ma non sappiamo precisamente where and how many there are now steel casings buried by mud and sand on the seabed, they may be recoverable, if over time can corrode releasing toxic substances, they 'know - if this happens - which could have consequences for the environment, to the health of citizens, to the tourist economy.
Recently, in the Marche, the Civic Party LiberiXPesaro together with Italy of Values \u200b\u200burged the City and the Province of Pesaro to seek clarification on the Italian government. This request was granted last June 21 and received the reply from the Ministry of Defence, who said the bombs has recovered and the recovery of the marine areas affected during the years of war, not the discovery of weapons of war in recent times with mustard and upload the resulting "dubious" of further monitoring of the seabed.
To inform the public in October was held at the Hall of the province of Pesaro, a public conference with the participation of De Feo, representatives of municipal and provincial administration, the political laboratory of Molfetta, and ARPA research environment (
between Cattolica and Gabicce, however, this passed almost silently, producing only the intervention of some ostrich anxious Di Feo to sue for 'scaremongering' even if you do not know on what basis, you can not prosecute those who bring to light facts and documents of the past, especially if they give us information about our present and warn us about the possible consequences for the future.
For this reason the Catholic ANPI's intention to organize next year a public meeting on the theme with the participation of De Feo and sailors direct witnesses of those events.

Maurizio Castelvetro (
m.castelvetro @ )

Aerial photograph showing the six points where the mustard gas bombs were sunk, according to the coordinates provided by the maritime district of the Catholic in 1951.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Marine Semper Fi Wrestling Singlets

Before starting the new season

Dear readers, dear friends,

the new racing season is almost upon us, there is hope and the desire to share, compare, there is hope and the desire to stay together and be united.

Dark threats we sometimes ahead: stupidity, banality, the callousness, the economic resources that are never enough, but we know that together we stand strong in our friendship, our passion, our emotions.

We are conscious of living a unique moment in our lives and we are determined to transmit these values \u200b\u200bto those who come after us.

Le emozioni di una regata: l'orgoglio della vittoria, ma anche l'ammirazione per chi fa meglio di noi.

Regatare non è solo uno sport ma è soprattutto stile di vita, che ti abitua a prepararti, sacrificarti e soffrire per raggiungere quello che vuoi.

Sai che devi lottare, sai che devi essere leale, sai che devi rispettare gli avversari, sai che puoi imparare da chi è più bravo di te. Sai, senza falsa modestia, che quando vinci te lo sei meritato e sei un esempio, anche tu.

Ci saranno sempre difficoltà, sempre ci saranno inutili polemiche, ma il tuo sogno, il nostro sogno è più forte e più sweet about everything.