Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trouble Light On Home Alarm

Press Release: Introducing

La costituzione ufficiale del Coordianamento delle politiche
Giovanili Roseto degli Abruzzi
represents an important opportunity for participation in
administrative and policy-
juvenile boys and girls Rosetani aged between 16 and 30 years.
The work of drafting Laws
made by 13 members of the Interim Coordination
elected in February 2007 (99 consents validly cast) and
other kids interested and willing
allowed the creation of a direct representation of that
bring to the attention of City
the desires, demands and needs closer to young people.
The next step to make this operation will be
creation of an ultimate coordination with
period of two years through the direct election of
boys and girls who have eligibility requirements candidabilità and
as defined by the State and give their availability
submitting application connected to a list of at least 2 candidates
to be required to submit lists taking
vision of Laws viewed
downloaded from

A Funny And Emotional Speech

status and Rogal:

Roseto degli Abruzzi


Article 1 Preamble

It is in Roseto degli Abruzzi Coordination of Youth Policies to promote youth participation in social, political and cultural center, officially recognized by Article . ___ Of municipal regulations.
Coordination is a voluntary association, secular, nonpartisan and free from all forms of corporate management. In full compliance with the legislation municipal, provincial, regional and community. Is not pursued in any activity for profit. Coordination
membership is free, free, open to young residents in the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi aged between 16 and 30 years.

Article 2 Principles guiding

Coordination is based on principles of equality, solidarity and democracy. Regardless of sex, race, religion, social status, personal opinion. Pluralism and dialogue of civil confrontation are the cornerstones of that body, so that ideas are not words but remain real prospects for the future.

Article 3 Rights

Each member is entitled to be informed and involved in the life of Coordination. He has freedom of speech, thought, opinion and voting. Each member will be put in a position to exercise these rights in practice. Shall be the duty of the appropriate bodies to ensure these rights.

Section 4 Aims and objectives

participation in social, political and cultural center;
The promotion of a sense of belonging to their communities as active citizens;
The establishment of a proactive relationship and critical of the communal institutions;
Finding resolution to the problems of young people in particular with regard to the most vulnerable;
A strong focus on youth issues: the promotion of initiatives to combat insecurity in order to facilitate entry into the world of work;
The organization of sporting and cultural events that promote the rediscovery of local traditions;
Sustainable development of the region through the promotion of sound policy for safeguarding the environment;
Collection and dissemination of information in the interest of youth with independent research or by local administrative structures.

Article 5 Organs of coordination

General Assembly
Board Coordinator

Treasury Board of Arbitration


Article 1 "General Assembly"

È costituita da tutte/i le/gli iscritte/i al Coordinamento delle Politiche Giovanili (a norma dell’Art. 1 dello Statuto, comma 3).
L’Assemblea delinea i principi organizzativi e programmatici per un efficace raggiungimento degli scopi e delle finalità previste dallo Statuto.
Sono compiti dell’assemblea:
eleggere al suo interno il Consiglio Direttivo;
approvare a fine anno in bilancio consuntivo presentato dal Consiglio Direttivo;
nella prima seduta fissare le linee di indirizzo per il perseguimento degli obiettivi istituzionali e affidare la traduzione operativa al Consiglio Direttivo;
verificare la piena aderenza ai compiti istituzionali and guidelines established through the ability to require amendment and / or revocation of the act;
in extraordinary session may propose and vote on resolutions, initiatives, proposals, necessary and urgent, in relation to the pursuit of institutional power has
distrust of the individual or the entire Board of Directors, because
breach of duties imposed by statute, regulation and programs and acts set;
has power to amend the Constitution by the affirmative vote of three fourths of claimants;
has power to amend the Regulations by the affirmative vote of two thirds of claimants;
The Ordinary General Meeting shall meet at least twice a year, convened by del Consiglio Direttivo.
L’Assemblea straordinaria viene convocata dal Consiglio Direttivo su richiesta di
1/5 degli aventi diritto.
L’Assemblea straordinaria viene convocata per:
proposta e votazione di mozioni, iniziative, proposte varie ed eventuali;
modifica e/o revoca degli atti;
sfiducia del singolo o dell’intero Consiglio Direttivo.
I lavori dell’Assemblea sono diretti dal Coordinatore. Al segretario del Consiglio Direttivo compete la funzione di segretario dell’Assemblea, incaricato di redigere i verbali delle riunioni.
L’Assemblea viene introdotta dalla lettura del verbale della seduta precedente, per l’approvazione, seguita da una relazione presentata dal Coordinatore. Al termine di ogni riunione l’Assemblea può proporre argomenti da inserire nell’ordine del giorno della seduta successiva
Su richiesta del Consiglio Direttivo possono partecipare i componenti della Giunta Municipale e del Consiglio Comunale, senza diritto di voto.

Art. 2 "Consiglio Direttivo"

Il Consiglio Direttivo è organo esecutivo degli indirizzi dell’Assemblea nel rispetto degli scopi e delle finalità dello Statuto. Il Consiglio è composto da 9 membri appartenenti al Coordinamento ed eletti dall’Assemblea. Il suo mandato ha la durata di due anni e i componenti sono rieleggibili una sola volta.
Sono incandidabili nel Consiglio Direttivo: segretari, presidenti, coordinatori, portavoce, referenti di partiti politici e dei loro gruppi giovanili comunali, provinciali e regionali; consiglieri comunali, provinciali e regionali; componenti di commissioni consiliari di ogni grado e ordine; membri di enti strumentali di ogni grado e ordine. Con lo scopo di limitare l’influenza di partiti politici ed amministratori ad ogni evento, affinché l’adesione dei giovani rosetani sia più consistente possibile.
Sono compiti del Consiglio Direttivo:
proporre e deliberare su iniziative e attività nella prima Assemblea ordinaria dell’anno;
in casi straordinari ed imprevisti attuare, con voto unanime, iniziative volte a soddisfare tali esigenze. If the vote is not unanimous the Board of Directors, approval of extraordinary resolutions will be proposed and voted in the Assembly;
possibility of appointing a working group within the Assembly. The head of this group is a member of the Executive Council appointed by himself,
appoint in-house Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Secretary;
allocated to each member or members of the Executive Council responsible for a particular sector of activity;
convene Assembly to approve the budget and hold elections for its renewal;
third (3) of the members of the Executive Council may request the convening of the Board in extraordinary session.
The election of the Executive Council is using the following method: presentation of lists that have a minimum of two and a maximum of nine candidates, voting is expressing a preference on the list, up to two preferences for the candidates of the same. The invalid votes separated the card. Each list has its own program. The composition of the lists must meet the following table, ensuring the presence of both sexes:
for 2 and 3 candidates are not required to ensure the presence of either sex, 4 sex prevalent - a presence minority sex, 5 - 2, at 6-2, 7 - 3, up 8-3 on 9-4.
The allocation of seats shall be effected by 9 il sistema proporzionale e il metodo d’hont.
Un membro del Consiglio Direttivo decade in caso di 3 assenze, in un anno, non comunicate entro 24 ore prima al Coordinatore, al Vice Coordinatore o al Segretario, tramite fax e/o e-mail. Un membro del Consiglio Direttivo decade se matura 14 assenze, comunicate e non, in un mandato. In una di queste eventualità, al decaduto succede il primo dei non eletti della lista dello stesso. In caso di esaurimento dei membri della lista del decaduto subentra il primo dei non eletti in scala generale. In caso di parità di voti, la sostituzione avviene con il più anziano di età. Lo stesso metodo di integrazione si usa in caso di dimissioni.

Art. 3 "Coordinatore"

The Coordinator represents the Coordination of Youth before the city, young people and institutions.
has the following functions:
convene and coordinate the General Assembly at the request of the Board;
convenes and coordinates the Executive Council in accordance with the Board;
calls elections for the renewal of the members of the Board;
promotes active partnership with the City Council and the Municipal Administration;
ensure the enforceability of the resolutions adopted by the Assembly and the Board of Directors;
supervises the activities of any working in collaboration with the Executive Board;
links to the institutions on opinions requested by the Coordination, coordination of their activities and all other facts on youth policy.
In case of impediment or absence, the Coordinator is replaced by the Deputy Coordinator, who still supports him and assist him in carrying out its institutional role.
The Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator shall be of age at the time of the elections.
The Coordinator is elected by the Executive Council by an absolute majority. His term lasts two years and can be reelected only once.
Deputy Coordinator in the event of more than one candidate for president of the Coordination is the first the non-elect. If only one candidate will be elected by the Executive Council by an absolute majority.
The Secretary is responsible for preparing minutes of meetings, and manage and coordinate the administration office. The Secretary is appointed by the Coordinator.

Art 4 "Treasury"

The Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors, chosen from a Chartered Accountant or register and attend the relevant register.
The Treasurer manages the internal resources of the Coordination of Youth Policies and maintains contact with the Municipal Treasury for any grants, for updates on the financial situation of the Coordination and budgets start and year-end.

Article 5 "Appeals Board"

The Board appoints the Board of Arbitration, consisting of 3 members. The Appeals Board has the task of monitoring the proper operation of the Executive Council and report any violations of the Charter House-Rules, any abuse dell'addetto the Treasury, inappropriate behavior, not related to the goals, objectives and interests of the Coordination Youth Policies.

Article 6 "Transitional and final provisions"

For matters not covered by these Regulations, please refer to the regulations and existing provisions, as applicable and compatible with the nature of this document, and in particular the Charter of the City Council and local regulations.