Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sim City 4 Patch B 638

Un altro sgombero a Sesto San Giovanni

Milan, 29 October 2008.
roam the most inhospitable places, hidden in Sesto San Giovanni and Milan, desperately seeking shelter for the night. Someone has already camped under a bridge or behind the bushes of a park. Others have faced a difficult trip back to Romania and cities which have fallen away in recent years to escape poverty, hunger, exclusion: Bucharest, Brasov, Buzau, Constanta. The lucky ones have already reached France and Spain, where they were hosted by relatives. 150 Roma who are the police evicted from the former Falck, Sesto San Giovanni. On 19 October the delegation of specialists in the analysis of phenomena antzigani, Guided by MEP Viktoria Mohacsi had arrived at their settlement with the Everyone Group. "They were all very tense and worried," says the activist Nico Grancea, "because the police had already been several times at the site and the attitude of the agents was decidedly hostile. They were afraid of everything, even of those who came to visit with the intention of helping them. In the field, at the abandoned buildings and barracks, everyone was ready for the worst, the arrival of the authorities with an order of immediate eviction, as was the case, again in the sixth, last month. In that ' opportunity, with 160 staff - including police officers, police and fighters - they put on the road about fifteen families, including small children, pregnant women and seriously ill. A Sesto San Giovanni racism has killed many Roma Fear has caused the death of another, as a small Ciprian, burned alive, perhaps because of a candle falling. I knew him well, Ciprian and recently he was terrified by the climate of intolerance that surrounded him. The terror kills. "The new eviction took place according to the usual procedure, ruthless and swift. Cops, police officers and municipal police forced families out of their huts and set off to nowhere: children, women and men. Malati and severe disabilities, including several wounded. Ciprian's family in mourning, was forced to leave the building where he died il loro giovane congiunto. Alcuni genitori hanno chiesto alle autorità di poter trascorrere almeno qualche notte presso un dormitorio o un ricovero. Alcune donne incinte e malati febbricitanti hanno chiesto qualche ora, prima di abbandonare le baracche. Ma gli ordini erano chiari: nessun "privilegio". I Rom della ex Falck se ne dovevano andare.
"Non abbiamo neanche protestato," ha detto una giovane madre, "perché quando lo facciamo, arrivano le assistenti sociali e ci rubano i bambini".


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