Friday, December 10, 2010

Satellite Indian Channels Frequency


Venerdì 8 ottobre si è svolto l’incontro-dibattito sul tema “Residui bellici chimici nell’Adriatico”.L’incontro, promosso e organizzato da Alessandro Lelli e Niccolò di Bella per Italia Dei Valori Pesaro e da Italo Campagnoli per la lista civica LiberiXPesaro, ha avuto come relatori il giornalista Gianluca Di Feo, autore del libro inchiesta “Veleni di Stato”, e Matteo d’Ingeo, coordinatore del Movimento Liberatorio Politico di Molfetta, tra gli ospiti Giuseppina Catalano Vicesindaco di Pesaro, Davide Rossi Vice Presidente della Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, Massimo Mariani, dirigente del Servizio Rifiuti-Suolo del Dipartimento Provinciale ARPAM (Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale Marche) di Pesaro e Rodolfo Coccioni direttore del Centro di Geobiologia dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino.Hanno condotto all’organizzazione dell’evento le preoccupazioni suscitate dalla lettura del volume-inchiesta “Veleni di stato” di Gianluca Di Feo, pubblicato da Rizzoli nel 2009, in cui si denuncia, tra le altre drammatiche conseguenze della sperimentazione war of lethal substances, persistence on the seabed of the Adriatic bombs containing poison gas "mustard gas", downloaded during World War II off the coast of the Marche and Puglia. "So was Hitler to give the green light to the first of many operations undesirable sinking into the Adriatic over 4300 major toxic bombs. Thanks to documents of the German archives we know that it was 1316 tons of mustard gas warheads, most of which are still in waters south of Pesaro with their deadly contents "(" Poison status', p. 10)..
The mustard gas, poison gas used for chemical warfare, causing inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin risks serious, acute or chronic, even fatal, damage to the ecosystem and can cause short-or long-periodo.Gli steel casings buried by mud and sand on the seabed, with time are corroding and could release the mustard , whose toxicity may have a correlation with the so-called "toxic algae" and be responsible for negative consequences for the health of the sea, marine life and people.
After publishing Resto del Carlino article "Bombs in the Adriatic Sea", which tries to bring attention to the subject, the regional coordination of Civic Lists Marche, which is part of the civil list LiberiXPesaro, urges all Marches mayors, presidents of the province and the President of the Regione Marche to be carrying at the Italian Government to a request for information and clarifications concerning, in particular on the knowledge of specialized agencies in regard to the news, on the degree of toxicity of abandoned materials on any plans for the recovery and disposal of explosive remnants of war. In March 2010, Pesaro, Italy of Values \u200b\u200badds its voice to Marches and Civic Lists contributes to urge local governments, which prove to interested and willing to send a letter of request to the Ministry of Defense to verify the actual risk of deposits and the possibility of a reorganization Full of the Adriatic sea with the help of modern technology survey, relief and rehabilitation.

LiberiXPesaro IDV and come into contact with the "Liberating Political" Molfetta, a civic movement very well informed on the issue,
which in 2008 had submitted a request to observe the marine waters at the Regional Office of ARPA Puglia (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection), based on data collected from several studies related to the particular area of \u200b\u200bMolfetta, where they had long-known cases of discovery of weapons and cases of poisoning among fishermen and bathers who reported such symptoms (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, fever, dermatitis, vaginitis, conjunctivitis), attributed to the action of toxic algae, the Ostreopsis ovata, whose origin has not yet been comprovata.Lo June 21 came the reply from the Ministry of Defence, which states has recovered the bomb and the restoration of marine areas affected in the postwar years, the non-discovery of weapons of war in recent times with loading mustard, and the consequential "dubious utility" for further monitoring of the seabed. The meeting
were investigated the different aspects of the issue and above all we tried to find solutions to the problem, thanks to scientific and technical degli esperti presenti e all’impegno assunto dagli amministratori locali per le azioni da portare avanti nei confronti del governo centrale.

Il Coordinamento Nazionale per la Bonifica



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