Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where Is Coorg Sweety Was In The Year


Società Canottieri Treporti: Una tradizione che continua e ... "Un gropo in gola"

Presentiamo qui una collezione di fotografie, rimaste forgotten for many years, because of the case, the indifference of haste, of banality, among many other things, in a closet, and now the curiosity, imagination and love some of the younger members are reviving.

When possible, each photograph was provided with all the information we could find: the date, event, manning, news and notes of various news.

It was not an easy job sometimes, talking to our "guardians", we were able to reconstruct the facts and go back to the exact circumstances of the shooting, other times, when the news seemed to be lost, we relied on plausible reconstructions : We have enclosed figures in brackets, to alert the reader. We will continue, however, to look for.

What has not been able to write under the photos are the feelings and emotions we felt that we stole the landscapes, water, boats, people on the banks,
the faces of the protagonists.

each photo is the harbinger of a story, the grief of a before and an after, fleeing away from us, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth passage of time, sometimes just softened, from poignant tenderness of remembrance.

now look with the photos and remembering, thinking, "Maybe x the salt, perhaps x and the air, perhaps x el hall, the fine or XE oci de le done ", but every time I climbed into our boat, she ran, she flew and still flies:" Everything is pol dir, de Treporti or a de de de una de Lio Piccolo or our bee Contrade, forth that all men are not the saltmarsh de: grand, but stubborn, sora de all full of pride and pasion, for boats, oar PEL for the lagoon and I know tradisiòn "

Thus, our win, always, but it was for others, then you are done their rowing was June 29th of the year 1949.

Times were hard, and the horrible wounds of war, which apparently began to heal, they would instead bled for forty years yet, until the fall of the wall.

The '49 was a tough year, and certainly was not any one year: May 4, the plane-ELCE I signed on board with the players of the Torino soccer team, crashed at landing against the Superga hill, there were no survivors, that year, discovered oil at Enrico Mattei Cortemaggiore, in Romagna, near Piacenza, in Sicily Scelba killed the workers who were protesting bread and a piece of land and Italy's De Gasperi and Pius XII came that year in the Atlantic Pact.

As Russia carried out its first nuclear tests and Eastern European countries, serve ormai del sanguinario dominio di Stalin, davano vita al Comecon; la Cina di Mao Zedong, a novembre, era già Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Nasceva la Guerra Fredda: gli arsenali atomici degli opposti schieramenti si riempivano di bombe, e una sorda minaccia avvelenava la speranza.

Nel suo piccolo la Società Canottieri Treporti, tra mille difficoltà, sostenuta dalla passione dei suoi atleti e dai numerosi crescenti successi sportivi, passava dal Canottaggio, alla Canoa e poi alla Voga alla Veneta. I campioni sono stati moltissimi, noi li ricorderemo qui, tutti insieme, come una cosa sola, senza far nomi; per non far torto a nessuno.

Siamo arrivati ai nostri giorni: ancora ci battiamo and always with honor, with all boats: the caorline, with women, with pupparini with the paddle, with young people and Maciarello.

I see the Old Fort, strong leafy elms, Canal St. Happy, sweet profile of S. Erasmus and away, the bell tower of Torcello: the boat will pass majestic, silent, but the angry wave enters the small dock, colorful, and all boats jolt, pulling furiously at the mooring poles.

Ghe xe and that if Maciaree prepares mascarete; ghe xe gritty and done: but cannot bee. De night
finio el work, those strong bank and prepare the boat if i know the ga personal oars, shiny and beautiful, the misura le forcole e i batte le penoe. Quando che i va in acqua, co do remae de poca vogia, i xe già fora in canal; ma i se ferma un'altra volta, e i sistema de novo le forcole. Adesso i parte sul serio: i se slonga sui remi che va dentro nell'acqua, eleganti, col ritmo perfetto: in un momento i sparise, dopo del Pordelio, verso Treporti, verso Lio Piccolo.

La barca sbrisa via, svelta, nel riflesso lucente dell'acqua; ecco Crevan, La Salina, la Motta di
S. Lorenzo, S. Cristina, la Motta dei Cunici: xe l'antico arcipelago perduto de Ammiana, nella paluda granda: rompendo el silensio incantà, dove che 'na volta ghe gera cese e palassi, d'improvviso salta un pese, drilling of the water.

Xe our lagoon, our boats x, x and the memories that comes to visit. The faces of our silent guardian and our Hypnotic Psychotherapy AMISI who speaks with oci: x many elders, many no longer the ghe xe.

Montem boat together and co values \u200b\u200bpartim; sentimo, gotten in, el momentum de proof that the water gurgles and back, rowing, the oar in the Brazilian and perhaps, in the chest, the 'joy and pride: "Come on!, daggers!, daggers again!, from which the femoral ghe!, Semo front."

Now, with the wings of our oars, CARRY system on the water, like a big, white, gabian:
"ninth Hello, hello dad, ciao amighi mii. Semo tutti qua in barca, tutti insieme, de novo".

Renato Bullo


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