Monday, February 28, 2011

Kate Of Katesplayground

Formula One oar

Se oggi possiamo ammirare la magia di una bianca gondola da regata, se possiamo sentire la dolce emozione nello scatto elastico di un gondolino, lo dobbiamo ai molti che hanno avuto il coraggio di evolvere e, distillando antiche esperienze, adeguare le barche alle esigenze, seguendo e realizzando con orgoglio e passione un sogno, di tecnica, bellezza e di eleganza.
Così la forma della gondola è cambiata nel tempo: guardiamo le immagini qui sotto, la prima da un quadro del '500, mostra una barca più bassa, più larga e più corta, non c'è ancora la asimmetria tipica delle gondole current. A proof is lacking even the expensive "dolfin.
Between '600 and '700, the gondola changes again. The boat is evolving to a new use, "de casada" for the rich merchants and the nobility. The stern is raised significantly by water, the slope becomes covered, the forked branch acquires its "còmio" carved, "the iron test, finally, becomes head of the Doge." Here in the triumph of the colors and splendor of the decorations, which shine with gold and silver, Venice, proudly shows off his wealth. Exhibition of water power, its laws, its culture, its lagoon and its traditions. Venice challenge the world, bigoted and conformist, talking about freedom, love of life, taste, refinement and elegance.
In the nineteenth century, the stern and the bow rise again from the water, the hull has been slimmed down and reaches almost 11 meters today: even to have the boat now have to wait almost the last century. New technical requirements are met. The water line becomes more arched to make the boat more maneuverable, the strong asymmetry of the bilge, is per vogare ad un remo; il ferro di prua è calcolato, con sapienti rapporti di leva, per bilanciare il peso del gondoliere.
Adesso le gondole non sono più di legno, sono più leggere, in compensato marino. Non sono più nere di pece. Ma vivaci e preziose in tutti i loro nuovi colori. La gondola è sempre elegante; la gondola è viva!. Chi la ama e la voga sognando, la sente ancora più bella, ancora più sua.
Dobbiamo lasciare ai giovani le nostre tradizioni come un insegnamento, come un caro ricordo, ma anche come una sfida per andare avanti, per realizzare le nostre hopes. We want, also taking our mistakes, have the courage to change, with their ideas, more free, more tolerant. To finally be citizens of the world, more and more friends, more and more of all brothers.
Sport has always been, with its ideals of equality and fairness - race turning into the wicked drive to war, the result of the indomitable will to fight, fight and overcome that always lurks in the human - the road to unite peoples and nations.
Sport, taking advantage of the progress of science and technology, has delivered exciting new horizons and new goals, all'uomo atleta. Così nell'Atletica, così nel Nuoto, così nel Ciclismo, così nello Sci, negli Sport alpini, così nella Vela, così nella Voga.
Sport non è solo gareggiare ma anche inventare. Come fecero Icaro e Prometeo sfidando, quando serviva, anche gli Dei e la Natura; sport è anche saper sfruttare a fondo la scienza, la tecnologia, per esaltare tutte le possibilità che offre questa meravigliosa macchina che è il corpo umano, con quella cosa che ci rende rari nell'Universo, che è la nostra intelligenza,
Perché allora noi della voga dobbiamo fermarci, dobbiamo limitare i nostri orizzonti, perché non dobbiamo inventare nuove meravigliose boats. Why must we kill the dream? Why should we not try to fly?

I hate to think the chorus of protests, the screams of the hideous moderate, accusations of insanity, delirium or delusions of grandeur that - if it was not the case that I'm nobody and do not represent anyone - I could receive for what I'm about to say, but you see, I believe, and I feel that people like me are many.
Some may be ashamed. Not me, dear friends, I know what you're thinking: "Yes, in a mental hospital, there are a lot like you." Well, then I hope to be the last, the wisest and has fewer ideas and less courage of all.
You know the America's Cup, you know Formula One?, And we who are more voghiamo "Mone"?. You need not turn up your nose, look at that is an ancient word, a noble and beautiful: he comes from Mona, that is Madonna, who comes from Domina: Mistress of the House, in Latin. They are stupid, insensitive and incapable those having their interests, often generously funded us, public and private?
addition to the muscles in the race we put the ideas, imagination, science and technology, everything. We invent and let in the game, each with its own traditions, its capabilities with its elegance and its own style. We set the rules and then are free to invent!. Let the world championship. We reward those who arrive first, but who did the most beautiful boat, that water is best. Premiamola as a reward for all the works of art.
I want to see if the brothers of Europe, the brothers of Africa, Asia and America, will be able to win our Italian style. Already we are proud. What do you want?. We are already first in the Art in Food and Wine, in dress, in the Ferrari. Why should we fear, we will also create in the first Amadi or some other hand: in Lombardy, Lake Garda, in Ancona, Pisa, Genoa, Naples, Amalfi, Sardinia, Sicily, anywhere: in any bel canto in Italy. It's just a matter money, there are plenty of men there strength, love and passion.

Now you can understand why grips my heart and I feel like crying when I think how far we are from the dream and the hope is that when I see the war and the monstrous effort, even to get to row, only competing in Italy. When I think of canoeing, rowing, sailing, who are already all over the world, I would like for us.
And back to me as a rude awakening in the pettiness of some farcical claims of certain short-sighted selfishness. Unfortunately today, Italy, the ancient nation of saints and poets, sailors, appears to be a prisoner, subdued by a busty, uncouth band of dwarves.

At this point Orwell would say, "And some are even dwarf dwarfs the others."

Renato Bullo


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