Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How To Hack Bigfish Games

Sgombero dei rom dal Casilino 900

Nonostante le posizioni durissime dell'Unione europea, del Consiglio d'Europa e delle Nazioni unite, le Istituzioni e le autorità intolleranti proseguono nella loro opera di repressione disumana, che nega a migliaia di famiglie i diritti di base. Questa terribile persecuzione, che i testimoni della Shoah paragonano agli anni delle leggi razziali e dell'Olocausto, non avviene solo a Roma, naturalmente, ma nella maggior parte delle città italiane. The International Criminal Court in The Hague is judging Italy - its central and local institutions - for "crimes against humanity." We hope that the verdict will be issued soon and stop this shame, that will be remembered as one of his most heinous of History of Italy. We EveryOne Group, despite intimidation, threats, witness of the horrors and atrocities DiIorio daily, we continue our resistance Gandhi, the collection of documents regarding the persecution, the increasingly blatant racist campaign, falling into a vortex of cruelty and inhumanity that leaves us more and more astonished. Ma .. We are not alone: \u200b\u200ba network of activists, scholars of persecution, witnesses, chroniclers of truth has spread throughout Italy and no one will one day, when this barbarism will end, avoid their responsibilities.
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group

(We cite, for example, this article by Claudio Pompeii - The Journal, July 29, 2008)
"Casilino 900 will be cleared in the meantime Prefecture Police Headquarters and will have a security service and the prefect, in as special commissioner for the emergency nomads in Rome, will have to deal with the new destination of the nomads of the field. " The mayor Gianni Alemanno said after the meeting with the Prefect and representatives of residents of the area adjacent to the gypsy camp Casilino 900 that, in recent days protested by blocking the way Palmiro Togliatti, on the outskirts of Rome.
"We are committed to make an immediate cleaning up of the field Casilino 900 to remove all materials that are burned. Then he will be cleared, "he assured the mayor, adding that" in the meantime will activate a security service with the Prefecture and the police waiting to have a destination for travelers and be able to totally remove the field, but this belongs to the duties of the prefect as Commissioner. " "Before the eviction have to decide the new location because you can not act as in the past - said Alemanno -. Meanwhile, put the camp under control to prevent another fire. "
Pienamente soddisfatti dei risultati dell’incontro gli abitanti della zona. «Per il momento la nostra mobilitazione è finita perché abbiamo avuto garanzie dal sindaco e dal prefetto. Se gli impegni non verranno mantenuti riprenderemo», ha detto Annamaria Addante rappresentante del comitato inquilini e proprietari di Torre Spaccata. Sabato notte, in via Palmiro Togliatti i residenti avevano iniziato una mobilitazione chiedendo lo spostamento del campo nomadi Casilino 900. «Alemanno ci ha ascoltati subito - ha spiegato Addante - e ha preso l’impegno di sorvegliare il campo con le forze dell’ordine, ripulirlo e, nel medio termine, di spostarlo». Per l’assessore alle Politiche sociali Sveva Belviso «non si tratta a thing that we note today but there are the times: the ability to clear the field is a medium-term objective to be implemented after the census. " The meeting, which lasted about an hour, there was also a spokesman for the Casilino 900, Esad Licina that, on behalf of the Roma community has reiterated its "no" to the cabin as a living form: "We have lived for forty years prefabricated houses in the barracks now we want concrete and trials of young architects. "
Another view is that the settlement evacuation in the Tor de 'Cenci. "That field - said the commissioner Belviso at the end of the Prefecture of yesterday - is a time bomb. Today I came here to ask for immediate eviction. " "In the semi-equipped and unauthorized - Belviso said - there are 350 people, half of which has charges pending or under house arrest." For this reason, the request for evacuation, which the prefect responded with the need to undertake a census is not provided immediately. Belviso explained that "the will of the municipal administration is to place at the end of the census, the beneficiaries of the camp while the others should be deported."


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