Rigoberta Menchù in visita a Pesaro, una città che perseguita i Rom
Martedì 30 settembre alle ore 11, presso la sala del Consiglio comunale di Pesaro, sarà presentato un evento molto atteso in città: la visita al capoluogo marchigiano di Rigoberta Menchù, Premio Nobel per la pace e attivista per i diritti dei popoli indigeni, prevista per i primi di ottobre. L'attivista e scrittrice incontrerà alcune personalità cittadine e presenterà la sua nuova campagna per i diritti dei popoli discriminati.
I numerosi episodi di razzismo e xenofobia avvenuti nella città di Pesaro non sono mai stati stigmatizzati dalle autorità locali; al contrario, un assessore di sinistra ha affermato, recentemente, riferendosi ai Rom: ''Qui Pesaro nomads do not ever take root. There is no water for those fish, because people work here. Here the nomad goes fast or is removed. English friends I do not think they entirely wrong to define us racists.''
Last July the Mayor of Pesaro committed himself publicly, in interviews published in local newspapers, to start an integration project, in line with EU directives and international laws against racism and protecting the people. The project would include social assistance for the Roma people are seriously ill (there are cases of malignant tumors at an advanced stage, serious heart disease, mutilation, and handicap), the possibility of access to housing decent (the mayor proposed to allow the Roma community in rehabilitating dilapidated buildings in town), reuniting the families of some children and a plan to find jobs for good people.
Unfortunately, despite the EveryOne Group had offered help with personal sacrifice of its members, the project, every promise was rejected, with dramatic consequences for the Roma families, already beleaguered by years of poverty, marginalization and neglect on the part of institutions.
Ciprian Danila, the young Roma who lived in Sesto San Giovanni in unacceptable conditions of poverty and died burned alive in the fire sparked by a candle inside the building rundown in which they lived was to rejoin the family of his girlfriend, who lives in Pesaro. Solti Danila, aged 55. Cancer patient, would join his family and being treated at the Hospital San Salvatore (hospital, including once in appalling health status faced by Roma, has chosen to treat them according to the Code of Conduct). E 'dead in Romania, without access to drugs that could save it. In Pesaro
other Roma people live at risk of life, without treatment, in cold and unhealthy. Only the humanitarian spirit of some citizens - including stand for commitment and generosity Mariateresa, Maria, Elisa, and the priest Don Roberto - has prevented other dramas irreparable. But the city administration, there is no place for the Roma Time is short, winter is coming and despite the assurances the mayor for the Roma of Pesaro has not been done.
Faced with the risk of tragedies such as those that are hitting the Roma in many Italian cities, the members of EveryOne, through his own resources, have quietly begun to organize emergency plans are for the protection of Roma families present at Pesaro. Little Anna, ill with pneumonia (one of the leading causes of infant death in the world) has been edited and moved with his family to safety in the south, away from Pesaro, in a country that has chosen to accept it, give her an apartment and a job opportunity. Anna will attend local schools and her nasty cough, thanks to the heating, medical care and adequate nutrition, he will recover soon.
Another family is about to leave, to the south, which is expected by some people of good will, including the heroic priest Father Michael, a man who will not be forgotten, when the persecution of the Roma will be terminated. These days, EveryOne Group will present a Rigoberta - which has a fraternal kinship in our commitment to the rights of the marginalized - a document which detailed the conditions of marginalization and denial of any human rights which are the Roma of Pesaro , asking di aggiungere la sua voce al coro delle proteste e di chiedere con voce ferma alle autorità locali di rispettare le Direttive Ue e le convenzioni internazionali che combattono il razzismo e promuovono la tolleranza fra i popoli. Prossimamente, inoltre, l'organizzazione presenterà il cortometraggio "Pesaro Zigeunerfrei", una denuncia della repressione delle famiglie Rom che cercano di sopravvivere nella città di Rossini (compositore che, peraltro, amava la cultura "zingara").
Mentre le organizzazioni per i diritti umani e i cittadini Pesaro assolvono i compiti per cui l'amministrazione è stata eletta, il comune di Pesaro ha l'ardire di parlare di Diritti Umani e accogliere una donna che si batte contro gli abusi e le violenze perpetrated by governments and local institutions against ethnic minorities. About a year ago Rigoberta, mistaken for a homeless, was ejected from a hotel in Cancun, Mexico. We hope that the administration of Pesaro, which can hardly be called friendly or tolerant of minorities as heavily engaged in a policy of discrimination against the Roma families living in the city, do not mistake the store for Nobel laureate Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bthe same treatment that has reserved for ethnic Roma who have fled to Pesaro and that are left barely walk the streets of the city.
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 - (39) 331 3585 406 - (+39) 334 3449180
www.everyonegroup.com : info@everyonegroup.com
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