Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Using Bonjela Freeze Skin

La Delegazione del Parlamento europeo in visita a Roma rappresenta un attentato contro la democrazia e la civiltà europea dei Diritti Umani

18-20 September 2008 .

Rome, Friday, Sept. 19, from 14:00 to 18:00, the delegation of the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) of the European Parliament will visit the following sites Rom:
• Camping River, Via Tenuta Piccirilli, 207 - 00189 Roma
• Tennis Hall, 323 Via di Salone, Rome •
Casilino 900, Via Casilina, 900, Rome
We consider it important that the associations and groups for human rights are present at the fields and bring with them witnesses from other fields, as well as reports and studies on the ongoing persecution, the choice of this delegation does not convince us (see below) and makes us fear that Italy has started to drag the EU European racism in the drift. However, we must be compact and present, to witness the tragedy of the Roma people, discriminated against and persecuted, and to express a strong protest, demanding that interrompano le azioni di purga etnica e inizino progetti seri di emancipazione e inclusione.
La delegazione, nei propositi annunciati, indagherà sui seguenti temi: il rischio di discriminazioni dirette o indirette; la protezione dei diritti dei minori; le espulsioni dei cittadini Ue e la Direttiva 2004/38/CE. La "missione" della delegazione inizia il 18 settembre, dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 con l'incontro, a Palazzo Madama, con membri della Camera e del Senato facenti parte del Comitato sugli affari costituzionali e del Comitato sugli affari europei.
Dalle 18:00 alle 19:00 i delegati incontreranno le organizzazioni con pubblico mandato: l'Alto commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani, la Croce Rossa, Opera Nomadi, l'UNICEF;
from 19:00 to 20:00, meeting with the NGOs: Amnesty, EveryOne, Caritas, Sant'Egidio Community, ARCI, ASGI, Roma and Sinti together, join.
19 Thursday, before visiting the camps, the EU delegates will be at the Interior Ministry, where they will meet Roberto Maroni from 09:00 to 11:00, then they will be at the Supervisor for the storage of data, Francesco Pizzetti (12:00 to 13 : 00). From 12:00 to 13:00, the MEP will have a representative meeting with the mayors of Milan, Rome, Naples and the "superprefetti. On 20 September, the delegation will end its mission.
EveryOne Group has sent a protest from the Civil Liberties Committee and at the Presidency Parliament, because the delegation is made up predominantly of Italian MEPs in total: less than 22 out of 29! This figure in fact undo the representativeness of the European delegation itself, which should be impartial. With this criterion, absurd, the European Parliament, Pilate seems to wash their hands of the Roma issue in Italy and send a clear message: sbrigatevela you. If we accept this line, we give up the dream of a modern European civilization, advanced, socially advanced and supported the dangerous tendency to return to nationalism dark and far from the conquest and Human Rights.
's not all, unfortunately, because looking at the list of delegates, you will notice that there are political figures close to the current Italian institutions, or even placed in a far more extreme right: Roberto Fiore, Luca Romagnoli, Mario Borghezio, Roberta Angelilli etc..
EveryOne Group will meet the delegation on the afternoon of Sept. 19, despite having expressed an evaluation of its total inadequacy in terms of representativeness and the European Union has highlighted the contradiction inherent in entrusting an Italian organ analysis of a problem (a horrible problem) that is Italian. In addition, we earnestly protested against the choice of members. From 18 to 20 consumed a conspiracy against democracy, civilization and any project related to human rights. We hope that the company calendar is present in each of three Roma camps and in front of the Senate, to express dissent and seek justice for the Roma people below, the members who will be part of the delegation:
Members of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee:

Mr. Gerard Deprez
President of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee
Alfredo Antoniozzi
Mario Borghezio
Carlo Giusto CATANIA
Fabio Claudio FAVA
Roberto FIORE
Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven *
Lívia Járóka
Marian- Jean MARINESCU
Viktoria Mohacsi
Maria Grazia PAGANO
Sebastian Sanzarello
Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN
Renate WEBER
Elisabetta GARDINI
Altri membri del Parlamento europeo (non LIBE):
Mr. Vittorio AGNOLETTO
Vincenzo AITA
Eleonora LO CURTO
Armando VENETO
Altre personalità politiche europee:
Maria Paola DE ANGELIS
16 settembre 2008


The European Parliament sends a delegation to Italy to verify the condition of the Roma people EveryOne Group: "It 's a sham, because 13 out of 20 delegates are Italian and are These far-right MEPs, as Fiore and Romagnoli. More than just an inspection, will be an intolerant policy support. " As
official a few days, the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) of the European Parliament has decided to send a delegation to Rome, September 18 to 20, to check the condition of Roma in Italy. Today it was announced three days of the program and the list of those in charge of the inspection. Names of MEPs that will be part of the delegation has aroused incredulity by activists for human rights. "This delegation is a joke and is certainly not the European Union," say the leaders of EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau "because it is composed mostly of Italian MEPs. Out of 20 members who visit Roma camps and meet with the Minister of Interior, members of the Italian parliament and leaders of NGOs, including us of EveryOne, less than 13 are Italian. But is not everything, because they are part of the delegation that the task of judging the degree of racism against the Roma policy of the extreme right, as the leader of Forza Nuova Roberto Fiore and Luca Romagnoli, l'uomo che ha chiesto a gran voce l'esame del DNA per i bambini Rom e che ha formulato la proposta di deportare tutti i 'nomadi' - ladri e rapinatori, secondo lui - fuori dall'Italia".
Il Gruppo EveryOne ha inviato un messaggio di protesta nei confronti del Comitato per le Libertà Civili del Parlamento europeo. "E' una protesta formale che inviamo alle Istituzioni europee, manifestando la più grande preoccupazione verso una scelta che non può essere condivisa da nessun uomo che si batte per i diritti delle minoranze. Oltre a Fiore e Romagnoli, il Parlamento europeo affida l'indagine sull'antiziganismo in Italia a Mario Borghezio, nemico giurato del popolo Rom e propugnatore del testo razzista intitolato "Preghiera dello Zingaro", che annuncia camere a gas per i Rom. Quindi, a Roberta Angelilli di Alleanza Nazionale, paladina di una crociata contro i genitori Rom, 'sfruttatori di bambini', a suo dire. Si prosegue con Elisabetta Gardini, la cui avversione per i Rom è tanto forte da averla indotta a una posizione di critica violenta contro Famiglia Cristiana, definita 'cattocomunista' dopo i suoi editoriali che invitavano gli italiani a riscoprire la tolleranza. E, ancora, con Stefano Zappalà, convinto sostenitore del rilievo delle impronte digitali dei bambini Rom.
"La delegazione che visiterà il 'Casilino 900' e il campo 'Salone' di Roma non sarà certo obiettiva, ma, al contrario, rappresenta pienamente la destra italiana della
'tolleranza zero'" continue the representatives of EveryOne "and not just the presence of men who are fighting for Human Rights, as Viktoria Mohacsi, Vittorio Agnoletto, Ottavio Marzocchi and Claudio Fava, to consider them as a representative body of the European Union. That's why we express disappointment and outrage against the Commission of the European Parliament Civil Liberties, in addition to the suspicion that they have been concluded Accodi politicians selling out the skin of the Roma, who for centuries were victims of perverse power games. "
Here is the schedule for the three days: Thursday 18, meetings with congressmen and senators Italians, followed by a meeting with NGOs, Friday 19 meeting with Roberto Maroni, followed by meetings with superprefetti and the mayors of Milan Rome and Naples, then visit to the Roma camps, Saturday, return. "We hope that our protest is upheld and the visit (but what to call it 'card', as the Italian delegation is almost?) Postponed" say the activists. "The European Parliament is still time to become aware of the error and avoid a delegation to Italian majority and a number of States near the institutions that have cleared all rights of the Roma people, can express the voice of the European Union, the European Union itself chasing an ideal of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and true civilization. "

For further information: EveryOne Group

Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 to 331 3585406
www.everyonegroup.com / en : info@everyonegroup.com


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