Ragazzino Rom bruciato vivo a Sesto San Giovanni (Milano). E' l'ennesima vittima di un razzismo spietato
Milano, 24 settembre 2008. Fino a quando continueremo ad ignorare la persecuzione del popolo Rom in Italia? Fino a quando useremo "prudenza" nel parlare e nello scrivere dei roghi dolosi, appiccati da razzisti per uccidere gli "zingari"? Fino a quando eviteremo di contare i bambini Rom che muoiono every year of cold, hunger, infections, in the fields and microinsediamenti? As long as we persist in believing that women, the sick, the weak would die the same "and finally admit that they had murdered Italy racial hatred? Until anti-racism will be expressed in a way so cautious? Until you intimidated by the arrogance of power has cghi? Until, in obedience to the authorities, leaving the last hands held out with no money, having chosen the path of intolerance (or "zero tolerance", which is the same thing) and left those of solidarity and charity? Until we afraid to call the oppression of the Roma people as the Holocaust? Yesterday night in Milan, the former Falk area in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) a Roma child about 12 years died burned alive. Firefighters, occurred after midnight, they found his body already charred. As long as we continue to consider Wherein dead bodies "accidents" and not victims? As long as we delude ourselves to be innocent? Roberto Malini
EveryOne Group Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 to 331 3585406
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