Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flu Or Gall Bladder Attack

The race of Galleons in Historical

Caro lettore se non ti va giù la Regata of Galleons, in historical, let us reason together, quietly. If you think you are right, be patient, do not get mad. After you tell me yours, now listen, please.

If you allow me, first I would open a parenthesis to define what it means, in my opinion, be right. I would start saying something, of course, does not mean being right:

1. He's right who shouts the loudest, 2. He is right who is in majority, 3. He is right who is stronger, 4. He is right who is richer, 5. He is right who is more poor, 6. Who pays you is right or who can give you favors.

To better understand what I'm thinking put in place of the word "those" words "just because" and then read again. Clear now?

I could go on, but I stop because I just wanted to let you know one thing: before marrying a cause, and plunge headlong, you have become accustomed to listening carefully and above all patience with everything, even what appears to that has nothing to do. I know it's difficult for me, as for all.

Placed I made a list of things for granted or useless, just to let you try to listen patiently and carefully, because just listening to the last word on everything, you end up saying: "yes, this is not; see this."

If you listen to as you get angry, it ends up that you lose clarity and can not be possible to understand. With this system, often does not go anywhere: if you win you exalt and maybe you feel superior to others, but if you lose is a loss and you're frustrated, but in any case you have not learned anything new.

Being right means, in my opinion, to understand together. There must be no winners or losers, just people exchanging their ideas come to agree on that cosa è giusto, e così si uniscono e vanno avanti insieme, migliorando. Non che sia facile, ma vale la pena di provare.

Bene adesso scusami se ti ho rubato tempo prezioso, ma volevo allenarti ad essere paziente, in modo che fosse chiaro anche il ritmo del ragionamento.

Una volta si consultava la enciclopedia Treccani, adesso si usa dire: "ho guardato in giro su internet". Ho guardato e mi sono segnato questo:

una regata denominata Storica si svolse per la prima volta il 10 gennaio 1315, durante il dogado di Giovanni Soranzo; certo che doveva fare un bel freddo.

Il corteo storico lungo il Canal Grande è la rievocazione dell’accoglienza riservata nel 1489 a Caterina Cornaro, sposa del Re di Cipro, che rinunciò al trono per restare a Venezia.

La sontuosa manifestazione, che ai tempi della Serenissima veniva organizzata per celebrare le vittorie militari o per rendere omaggio ai dignitari stranieri, com'è noto si compone oggi di due momenti diversi: il corteo storico e le regate.

La Regata Storica nella sua versione moderna, seppur nata nel diciannovesimo secolo, in tempi quindi relativamente recenti, affonda le proprie radici nelle regate della Serenissima, documentate già dal medioevo; queste però non si svolgevano in Canal Grande e interessavano barche di grosse dimensioni; l a voga all'impiedi, certamente altrettanto antica, tipica delle acque lagunari, era piuttosto appannaggio dei trasporti cittadini e in laguna, degli ortolani e dei pescatori.

La Regata Storica attuale viene fatta risalire all'anno 1815 quando, in onore dell'imperatore d'Austria, venne organizzata una regata in Canal Grande; risulta che solo nel 1841 venne finalmente stabilita una regata annuale in a manner similar to those we know today, in particular the race was organized with public money.

The races were discontinued in 1848, following the insurrection of the city against the Austrians, and were resumed in 1866, when Venice was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. The historical name was introduced only from 1899.

Origins has the very latest Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics, it was established in Pisa in 1949, curiously refer to the chronicles of life-time by which a certain Dr. Manzini, Director of ' city \u200b\u200boffice Venice, even then, while agreeing to the parade in the parade, fiercely opposed to the dispute of the rowing tournament in Venice. Unfortunately it is not given to know the reasons for his opposition.

The current Palio of Venice Universities Rowing is a sport event but innovative with a strong symbolic tradition. The challenge was born just in 2005 - that is, yesterday - on the initiative of universities and IUAV Venice Ca 'Foscari, in order to involve their students in extra-academic sports.

goes without saying that in a city such as Venice activities are likely to affect the vogue. Now the Venetian rowing is already represented authoritatively, but none prohibits a student to be or become a very good racer and get to row on a gondolino. Indeed I understand that many of those now rowing, even at professional level, are students or have already achieved their degrees.

So, if you do not want to make a draft of the Venetian rowing races and if you want to stay in the rut of medieval seafaring tradition, it is natural to refer to the race of the ancient Maritime Republics.

On the other hand is known as the tradition of competitions between students get lost in the Middle Ages as part of the Confraternity of the joyful and Feriae Matricularum. D us at the University of Padua, in the climate of tolerance guaranteed by the Venetian Republic, in 1600 taught Galileo, who often came to Venice, where he had his woman. They are famous verses of his former students, who does not know the funny rhyme:

"Venetians, great lords, Padovani, much dotor; Visentini, magna annexed; Veronesi tuti mati, Udinese, with the surname De Castelan Furlani, Trevisani, pan and tripe; Rovigòti, bug and pipes, the Cremaschi coioni ago; the Bresan, Taia cantons; ghe n 'is ncora de pì sad Bergamaschi Brusa Christ; E Belun? Pore \u200b\u200bBelun, if you own de nisùn. "Excuse me, but pride," and no blood xe water. "But we :
" Venetian noblemen! ".

Mixing the two things: the seafaring traditions of Venice in the Middle Ages and the equally ancient traditions goliardic can understand how you can give the University of Palio a profound cultural value: both in its traditional and historical significance, both for its meaning sports se per sport si intende la volontà di far incontrare, la gente, i popoli, in pace, affratellandoli nella gara.

Così il Palio Remiero delle Università costituisce un suggestivo ampliamento della sfida cittadina tra i due Atenei Veneziani, Ca’ Foscari e IUAV, realizzato invitando le altre Università a mettersi in gioco nelle magiche acque della città più bella e, non solo per storia, almeno spero, più tollerante e aperta del mondo.

Le imbarcazioni tradizionali utilizzate per il Palio delle Repubbliche Marinare sono fornite dal Comune di Venezia. La selezione degli studenti and workouts are supervised by experienced instructors in vogue. Currently the game is inserted in the Historical Regatta, the arrival of the first races of young and samples on the gondolas.

is certain that for these reasons the event has a license to build an enrichment of the Historical Regatta.

We at this point one last argument: about the management of historical traditions, this discussion will help us to make our final decision. We begin by noting that, say always, essentially contending the field two main views:

1) Position I call philological traditions must be preserved intact as we have received from the past, but they should be preserved from contamination, both physical and intellectual. In our case, we will investigate and refer to what we did in the mid-1800s, trying to keep the content and the original spirit.

E 'research that surely someone has done. Although at present it does not serve our reasoning, it would be interesting to know, among other things, it would be useful to assess whether the contamination has not already subtly insinuated.

Il nostro scopo dovrebbe essere allora quello di ripristinare le condizioni esistenti all'origine della manifestazione. Dovremo però, comunque, chiederci se è giusto non tener conto della mutata sensibilità del pubblico attuale.

Così è banale affermare che, dovendo far rivivere le antiche tradizioni romane legate alle feste nelle arene, non potremo riferirci in alcun modo al truce messaggio di violenza e di morte che caratterizzava i combattimenti tra i gladiatori; queste cose, per fortuna, non ci divertono più.

2) Posizione che io chiamo evolutiva: solo le cose morte, rimangono immutabili nel tempo, mummificate, a volte emanando odore di cripta, l'odore della morte; allora si può cambiare per tener viva una manifestazione, perché non diventi un oggetto da museo.

Per essere viva una manifestazione deve saper cambiare, deve evolvere e può diventare sempre più bella, se è amata veramente e disinteressatamente. Una manifestazione deve cambiare per non perdere il contatto con la realtà, deve saper diffondere un messaggio attuale, che tra l'altro serva ad unire non a dividere.

Secondo me il discrimine Change is not so much philology, as is given by the style should be avoided, first of all, the things that distort the meaning of the event in view of ideological purposes, for political purposes, for commercial purposes, for corporate purposes, however, should avoid the bad things.

The message, in our case, in addition to the extraordinary combination of human-and environment-boat lagoon, which distinguishes the Venetian rowing regattas, there seems to be transmitted to enhance the traditions of the best and most genuine our land and our people: freedom, tolerance, competition and elegance.

And again, the message is to remind the cosmopolitan spirit, a legacy of the Venetian Republic, which is still evidenced by our monuments and our Ducal Palace, our Church of St. Mark weaves precious, refined and original of the East and West.

The facade of the palace with inlaid marble, the game in elegant lace large lancet windows, the arches in the memory of Persia, Byzantium and Alexandria in the facade and domes of the Church in Constantinople golden chariot of the horses, the Lion, perhaps an ancient Chinese dragon, and our patron saint, San Marco, who also came from outside, came from the East.

Dobbiamo evitare ogni pulsione corporativa e xenofoba, che non è nello stile degli uomini di mare e tanto meno è nello stile degli uomini di laguna: laboriosi, tenaci, gioiosi, arguti e curiosi, ospitali.

Da sempre, da tutto il mondo, persone innamorate della natura, innamorate della cultura, innamorate della eleganza, sono arrivate in laguna, a Venezia, e qui hanno potuto apprezzare e hanno dato testimonianza della squisita ospitalità delle popolazioni.

Vittorio Alfieri, Goethe, Byron, Ruskin, Nietzsche, Wagner, Thomas Mann, James Joice, Marinetti,
D'Annunzio, Diego Valeri, Venini, Hemingway, Le Corbusier, Maderna, Nono and pianist Luisa Baccara, Turcato, Widow, Guggenheim, Visconti, who does not remember the film Death in Venice, from the novel by Thomas Mann Der Tod in Venedig ? The list could extend even farther back in time and continue until yesterday.

At this point there is no need for me to say what I think is right and which way to turn my heart. But before you take your position to give you another point of view again, tell you what, among the sweetest memories, it was for me when I was a child I lived in Venice, the Historical Regatta:

I remember when as a child with the whole family went rowing in "batea" soon, before they closed access to the canals of the Grand Canal, to see the race, between light, color and emotions, there was the race, the ardor of the oars, typhoid, pride and joy of who wins. It was a beautiful thing the competitors were strong, they were heroes to me all we had won.

Then there were the rolls, the eggplant mushrooms, white wine for the big, orange juice and lemonade for us children, but the latest juicy sweetness of watermelon was not enough to console the sad omen that was in the air: the end of summer, the imminent return to school, winter, water and gray matte in rivers.

End of the warm humid starry nights; end lle de strokes in the lagoon, the end of the jokes " sandolo in a buse de go" on stationary from the rental of San Rocco, close to home, we went to saltmarsh behind San Giorgio, a view of the theft of delicious figs in the gardens of St. Erasmus, the end of the dives in the warm water of the canal of the Giudecca, the rafts, down from the pontoon Bucintoro; even though it was forbidden and the attendant gave us the agony, but we made sure we had clothes.

Before you decide, for a moment, I want, for a moment, remember what he was saying that the Dutch philosopher to escape the Inquisition, instead of teaching at school, and had to hide, to live, made the lenses of telescopes Galileo:

"Some things people do not laugh, not cry, do not condemn, but you must understand."

Well now it's up to you, click below on "comments". I will read everything with patience and attention and, who knows, you could be correct.

Renato Bullo


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