Il bombardamento del porto di Bari avvenuto il 2 dicembre 1943 fu definito dal Generale Eisenhower la sconfitta più pesante dopo quella di Pearl Harbor; tuttavia per una discutibile censura imposta a suo tempo da Winston Churchill (che non voleva si sapesse che sulle navi di Sua Maestà vi erano gli aggressivi chimici da anni posti al bando dal consesso delle Nazioni).
Stime precise dei morti non ve ne sono, tra civili e militari certamente sfiorarono il migliaio. Oltre ai morti per le bombe ed i crolli, tra i quali circa 250 civili baresi, vi furono oltre 800 soldati ricoverati con ustioni o ferite. Dei 617 intossicati da iprite, 84 morirono in Bari is believed that many others have died in other hospitals, both Italians, both in North Africa, and America, where they were transported.
At least two thousand bombs, were estimated by divers employed immediately after the end of the war in the difficult task of reclamation
operations began in 1947 and lasted for some years. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe huge amount of different weapons recovered, just read the weekly reports were sent to various ministries concerned and the Prefecture. From these it appears that the only chemical bombs loaded with mustard gas well amount to 15,551 aerial bombs and 2,533 cases of ammunition (note that the quantity of ammunition ordinary recovered was much higher). Today
ordnance entangled in the nets of our fishermen are actually mustard gas bombs, or chemical feedstock flows down with the U.S. ships that carried to use them on the front italiano.Una fact well known by fishermen and professionals, but covered by a certain "confidence":
risk to incur in controls, audits, administrative procedures, undermining the non-fishing and its marginal revenue. The problem
"gas" as it is called by fishermen from Molfetta, began in 1946. The incidents in question, however, are not exclusive of the navy of Molfetta which also has the most cases numerosa, ma di tali episodi si hanno notizie anche lungo la costa che va dal Barese al Golfo di Manfredonia. Nel tempo, però è stata la marineria molfettese a pagare il tributo più alto in termini di casi d’intossicazione da iprite.Dal 1946 alla fine degli anni ’90 sono stati ricostruiti 239 casi di intossicazione da iprite.
L’allarme era già scattato nel luglio 2008, quando il Liberatorio Politico aveva chiesto informazioni a più riprese, senza ricevere alcuna risposta, al Sindaco di Molfetta sugli eventuali monitoraggi fatti nelle acque interessate alla presenza delle bombe all’iprite.
Di fronte al silenzio delle istituzioni Liberating the same city on August 25 issued a formal request to 'Puglia ARPA (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) monitoring of marine waters including the water in front of Tower Gavetone to check for the presence of toxic substances due to chemical ordnance loading presenti.La request stemmed from a disturbing report of a citizen who had denounced as a day of 27 July, the strange symptoms of heartburn, not usual, that his wife had warned at the level of your reproductive system after spending a day at the sea at Torre Gavetone.
In the hours following the traumatic event, the demonstrations had become more painful, and during a medical consultation were recorded internal and external vaginal inflammation with severe lesions of the epithelium mucosa.La injury required surgery with the laser.
Another woman, who was also present on the same beach on July 27, showed, after 24 hours, the exact same symptoms.
These are the cases where there is knowledge, but can not be excluded that there were no other reported or brought back to stay at sea, not to mention the many hundreds of cases of wet this summer accused illness various related toxic seaweed. Instead I note the reports and complaints in October 2008 alcuni pescatori molfettesi hanno presentato al Sindaco , alla Capitaneria di Porto e all’ A.R.P.A. che ha effettuato prelievi di campioni di acqua lungo la costa molfettese.Le mani di Vitantonio Tedesco, presidente della Cooperativa “Piccola Pesca”, parlano da sole:mani gonfie, vescicate e spazi interdigitali screpolati. Lui e gli altri compagni della cooperativa sono stanchi di negare l’esistenza di qualcosa di misterioso che li attacca ogni volta che salpano le loro reti. I loro occhi lacrimano, tossiscono e, a volte, manca il respiro.
Un dossier dell'Istituto per la ricerca scientifica e tecnologica applicata al mare (I.C.R.A.M.), è chiaro: le analisi hanno rivelato in fish of the Adriatic "significant traces of arsenic and derivatives of the IPR.
" Adriatic fish," said Ezio Amato, " are particularly prone to cancer, reproductive harm, suffering, they are exposed to real genetic mutations that lead to generate copies monstrous." There being no restrictions on fishing, these fish continue to end up on consumers' tables. What are the consequences for our health? It is not enough. Add to this the presence of a number of bombs dropped from aircraft during the Kosovo crisis, for which recent reports are without fear that there might be the presence of depleted uranium.
Useful links:
" Adriatic fish," said Ezio Amato, " are particularly prone to cancer, reproductive harm, suffering, they are exposed to real genetic mutations that lead to generate copies monstrous." There being no restrictions on fishing, these fish continue to end up on consumers' tables. What are the consequences for our health? It is not enough. Add to this the presence of a number of bombs dropped from aircraft during the Kosovo crisis, for which recent reports are without fear that there might be the presence of depleted uranium.
Useful links:
some significant video: of Poison
http://www. / watch? v = a_pq98W3QIo & feature = fvwrel
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