Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Trouble Light On Home Alarm
La costituzione ufficiale del Coordianamento delle politiche
Giovanili Roseto degli Abruzzi
represents an important opportunity for participation in
administrative and policy-
juvenile boys and girls Rosetani aged between 16 and 30 years.
The work of drafting Laws
made by 13 members of the Interim Coordination
elected in February 2007 (99 consents validly cast) and
other kids interested and willing
allowed the creation of a direct representation of that
bring to the attention of City
the desires, demands and needs closer to young people.
The next step to make this operation will be
creation of an ultimate coordination with
period of two years through the direct election of
boys and girls who have eligibility requirements candidabilità and
as defined by the State and give their availability
submitting application connected to a list of at least 2 candidates
to be required to submit lists taking
vision of Laws viewed
downloaded from
A Funny And Emotional Speech
Roseto degli Abruzzi
Article 1 Preamble
It is in Roseto degli Abruzzi Coordination of Youth Policies to promote youth participation in social, political and cultural center, officially recognized by Article . ___ Of municipal regulations.
Coordination is a voluntary association, secular, nonpartisan and free from all forms of corporate management. In full compliance with the legislation municipal, provincial, regional and community. Is not pursued in any activity for profit. Coordination
membership is free, free, open to young residents in the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi aged between 16 and 30 years.
Article 2 Principles guiding
Coordination is based on principles of equality, solidarity and democracy. Regardless of sex, race, religion, social status, personal opinion. Pluralism and dialogue of civil confrontation are the cornerstones of that body, so that ideas are not words but remain real prospects for the future.
Article 3 Rights
Each member is entitled to be informed and involved in the life of Coordination. He has freedom of speech, thought, opinion and voting. Each member will be put in a position to exercise these rights in practice. Shall be the duty of the appropriate bodies to ensure these rights.
Section 4 Aims and objectives
participation in social, political and cultural center;
The promotion of a sense of belonging to their communities as active citizens;
The establishment of a proactive relationship and critical of the communal institutions;
Finding resolution to the problems of young people in particular with regard to the most vulnerable;
A strong focus on youth issues: the promotion of initiatives to combat insecurity in order to facilitate entry into the world of work;
The organization of sporting and cultural events that promote the rediscovery of local traditions;
Sustainable development of the region through the promotion of sound policy for safeguarding the environment;
Collection and dissemination of information in the interest of youth with independent research or by local administrative structures.
Article 5 Organs of coordination
General Assembly
Board Coordinator
Treasury Board of Arbitration
Article 1 "General Assembly"
È costituita da tutte/i le/gli iscritte/i al Coordinamento delle Politiche Giovanili (a norma dell’Art. 1 dello Statuto, comma 3).
L’Assemblea delinea i principi organizzativi e programmatici per un efficace raggiungimento degli scopi e delle finalità previste dallo Statuto.
Sono compiti dell’assemblea:
eleggere al suo interno il Consiglio Direttivo;
approvare a fine anno in bilancio consuntivo presentato dal Consiglio Direttivo;
nella prima seduta fissare le linee di indirizzo per il perseguimento degli obiettivi istituzionali e affidare la traduzione operativa al Consiglio Direttivo;
verificare la piena aderenza ai compiti istituzionali and guidelines established through the ability to require amendment and / or revocation of the act;
in extraordinary session may propose and vote on resolutions, initiatives, proposals, necessary and urgent, in relation to the pursuit of institutional power has
distrust of the individual or the entire Board of Directors, because
breach of duties imposed by statute, regulation and programs and acts set;
has power to amend the Constitution by the affirmative vote of three fourths of claimants;
has power to amend the Regulations by the affirmative vote of two thirds of claimants;
The Ordinary General Meeting shall meet at least twice a year, convened by del Consiglio Direttivo.
L’Assemblea straordinaria viene convocata dal Consiglio Direttivo su richiesta di
1/5 degli aventi diritto.
L’Assemblea straordinaria viene convocata per:
proposta e votazione di mozioni, iniziative, proposte varie ed eventuali;
modifica e/o revoca degli atti;
sfiducia del singolo o dell’intero Consiglio Direttivo.
I lavori dell’Assemblea sono diretti dal Coordinatore. Al segretario del Consiglio Direttivo compete la funzione di segretario dell’Assemblea, incaricato di redigere i verbali delle riunioni.
L’Assemblea viene introdotta dalla lettura del verbale della seduta precedente, per l’approvazione, seguita da una relazione presentata dal Coordinatore. Al termine di ogni riunione l’Assemblea può proporre argomenti da inserire nell’ordine del giorno della seduta successiva
Su richiesta del Consiglio Direttivo possono partecipare i componenti della Giunta Municipale e del Consiglio Comunale, senza diritto di voto.
Art. 2 "Consiglio Direttivo"
Il Consiglio Direttivo è organo esecutivo degli indirizzi dell’Assemblea nel rispetto degli scopi e delle finalità dello Statuto. Il Consiglio è composto da 9 membri appartenenti al Coordinamento ed eletti dall’Assemblea. Il suo mandato ha la durata di due anni e i componenti sono rieleggibili una sola volta.
Sono incandidabili nel Consiglio Direttivo: segretari, presidenti, coordinatori, portavoce, referenti di partiti politici e dei loro gruppi giovanili comunali, provinciali e regionali; consiglieri comunali, provinciali e regionali; componenti di commissioni consiliari di ogni grado e ordine; membri di enti strumentali di ogni grado e ordine. Con lo scopo di limitare l’influenza di partiti politici ed amministratori ad ogni evento, affinché l’adesione dei giovani rosetani sia più consistente possibile.
Sono compiti del Consiglio Direttivo:
proporre e deliberare su iniziative e attività nella prima Assemblea ordinaria dell’anno;
in casi straordinari ed imprevisti attuare, con voto unanime, iniziative volte a soddisfare tali esigenze. If the vote is not unanimous the Board of Directors, approval of extraordinary resolutions will be proposed and voted in the Assembly;
possibility of appointing a working group within the Assembly. The head of this group is a member of the Executive Council appointed by himself,
appoint in-house Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Secretary;
allocated to each member or members of the Executive Council responsible for a particular sector of activity;
convene Assembly to approve the budget and hold elections for its renewal;
third (3) of the members of the Executive Council may request the convening of the Board in extraordinary session.
The election of the Executive Council is using the following method: presentation of lists that have a minimum of two and a maximum of nine candidates, voting is expressing a preference on the list, up to two preferences for the candidates of the same. The invalid votes separated the card. Each list has its own program. The composition of the lists must meet the following table, ensuring the presence of both sexes:
for 2 and 3 candidates are not required to ensure the presence of either sex, 4 sex prevalent - a presence minority sex, 5 - 2, at 6-2, 7 - 3, up 8-3 on 9-4.
The allocation of seats shall be effected by 9 il sistema proporzionale e il metodo d’hont.
Un membro del Consiglio Direttivo decade in caso di 3 assenze, in un anno, non comunicate entro 24 ore prima al Coordinatore, al Vice Coordinatore o al Segretario, tramite fax e/o e-mail. Un membro del Consiglio Direttivo decade se matura 14 assenze, comunicate e non, in un mandato. In una di queste eventualità, al decaduto succede il primo dei non eletti della lista dello stesso. In caso di esaurimento dei membri della lista del decaduto subentra il primo dei non eletti in scala generale. In caso di parità di voti, la sostituzione avviene con il più anziano di età. Lo stesso metodo di integrazione si usa in caso di dimissioni.
Art. 3 "Coordinatore"
The Coordinator represents the Coordination of Youth before the city, young people and institutions.
has the following functions:
convene and coordinate the General Assembly at the request of the Board;
convenes and coordinates the Executive Council in accordance with the Board;
calls elections for the renewal of the members of the Board;
promotes active partnership with the City Council and the Municipal Administration;
ensure the enforceability of the resolutions adopted by the Assembly and the Board of Directors;
supervises the activities of any working in collaboration with the Executive Board;
links to the institutions on opinions requested by the Coordination, coordination of their activities and all other facts on youth policy.
In case of impediment or absence, the Coordinator is replaced by the Deputy Coordinator, who still supports him and assist him in carrying out its institutional role.
The Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator shall be of age at the time of the elections.
The Coordinator is elected by the Executive Council by an absolute majority. His term lasts two years and can be reelected only once.
Deputy Coordinator in the event of more than one candidate for president of the Coordination is the first the non-elect. If only one candidate will be elected by the Executive Council by an absolute majority.
The Secretary is responsible for preparing minutes of meetings, and manage and coordinate the administration office. The Secretary is appointed by the Coordinator.
Art 4 "Treasury"
The Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors, chosen from a Chartered Accountant or register and attend the relevant register.
The Treasurer manages the internal resources of the Coordination of Youth Policies and maintains contact with the Municipal Treasury for any grants, for updates on the financial situation of the Coordination and budgets start and year-end.
Article 5 "Appeals Board"
The Board appoints the Board of Arbitration, consisting of 3 members. The Appeals Board has the task of monitoring the proper operation of the Executive Council and report any violations of the Charter House-Rules, any abuse dell'addetto the Treasury, inappropriate behavior, not related to the goals, objectives and interests of the Coordination Youth Policies.
Article 6 "Transitional and final provisions"
For matters not covered by these Regulations, please refer to the regulations and existing provisions, as applicable and compatible with the nature of this document, and in particular the Charter of the City Council and local regulations.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Milan, 29 October 2008.
roam the most inhospitable places, hidden in Sesto San Giovanni and Milan, desperately seeking shelter for the night. Someone has already camped under a bridge or behind the bushes of a park. Others have faced a difficult trip back to Romania and cities which have fallen away in recent years to escape poverty, hunger, exclusion: Bucharest, Brasov, Buzau, Constanta. The lucky ones have already reached France and Spain, where they were hosted by relatives. 150 Roma who are the police evicted from the former Falck, Sesto San Giovanni. On 19 October the delegation of specialists in the analysis of phenomena antzigani, Guided by MEP Viktoria Mohacsi had arrived at their settlement with the Everyone Group. "They were all very tense and worried," says the activist Nico Grancea, "because the police had already been several times at the site and the attitude of the agents was decidedly hostile. They were afraid of everything, even of those who came to visit with the intention of helping them. In the field, at the abandoned buildings and barracks, everyone was ready for the worst, the arrival of the authorities with an order of immediate eviction, as was the case, again in the sixth, last month. In that ' opportunity, with 160 staff - including police officers, police and fighters - they put on the road about fifteen families, including small children, pregnant women and seriously ill. A Sesto San Giovanni racism has killed many Roma Fear has caused the death of another, as a small Ciprian, burned alive, perhaps because of a candle falling. I knew him well, Ciprian and recently he was terrified by the climate of intolerance that surrounded him. The terror kills. "The new eviction took place according to the usual procedure, ruthless and swift. Cops, police officers and municipal police forced families out of their huts and set off to nowhere: children, women and men. Malati and severe disabilities, including several wounded. Ciprian's family in mourning, was forced to leave the building where he died il loro giovane congiunto. Alcuni genitori hanno chiesto alle autorità di poter trascorrere almeno qualche notte presso un dormitorio o un ricovero. Alcune donne incinte e malati febbricitanti hanno chiesto qualche ora, prima di abbandonare le baracche. Ma gli ordini erano chiari: nessun "privilegio". I Rom della ex Falck se ne dovevano andare.
"Non abbiamo neanche protestato," ha detto una giovane madre, "perché quando lo facciamo, arrivano le assistenti sociali e ci rubano i bambini".
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E' necessario attuare con urgenza un progetto di desegregazione e inclusione dei Rom nella Capitale
At the meeting of the Associations Arpj-Roof, Popice, Arci Roma Antica Sartoria and EveryOne Group with the Prefect of Rome
Rome, October 27, 2008.
Dear Sir,
EveryOne Group has noted in recent years, especially over the last 12 months, an escalation of racism and brutality against the Roma families have taken refuge in Rome and especially in respect of Roma from Romania. A political and media campaign, which started in the immediacy of the entry of Romania into the European Union and continued until today, has sown racial hatred towards the Roma people, enabling the authorities to implement a real ethnic cleansing, despite the resolution European Parliament of 15 November 2007 on the implementation of Directive 2004/38/EC, the warnings of the European Commission and the United Nations, the stigma of the Italian political persecution by the whole civilized world. In recent days the authority of Rome, regardless of the recent visit of the Delegation of the European Commission Jacques Barrot and the letter to Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, have stepped up repressive operations, evacuating twenty microinsediamenti on the banks of the Tiber and elsewhere in the capital and putting in the road dozens of families of ethnic Roma people, children, pregnant women and sick also very serious. During these operations police, no social-health assistance is been guaranteed to the evicted, who were driven from their miserable shelters with a cynical inhumanity. Children in groups, cancer patients, people with disabilities, heart disease and major illnesses have been forced to set out without means of subsistence, without blankets or essential medicines to nowhere, in the tragic death marches, unworthy of any civilized country or city. If the fate of the city of Rome has to offer Roma from Romania is so inhumane, even the Italian Roma, those from the former Yugoslavia and the "stateless" is not treated in a respectful of basic rights. The few "Roma camps" remained in Rome are real ghettos, where the institutions have deliberately avoided di fornire servizi igienici e sociali necessari alla vita. Contemporaneamente, in spregio alle norme internazionali che tutelano i popoli, gli abitanti di tali insediamenti sono stati costantemente intimiditi, umiliati, abusati nei loro diritti a perseguire un'esistenza dignitosa. Criminalizzati attraverso dichiarazioni di autorità irresponsabili, diffuse dai media locali e nazionali, gli abitanti dei campi si sono trovati senza alcuna opportunità di sussistenza e le lorro condizioni - verificate da delegazioni europee - sono quelle di topi o scarafaggi. "Sono come i topi," ha affermato infatti, qualche tempo fa, l'esponente di uno dei partiti di governo, "solo che è più difficile disinfestare le città dalla loro presenza". La speranza average life of the Roma camps in the capital does not reach the age of 40, while bacterial infections, fungal and viral diseases and rampant insecurity wiped out by children, women and men. About the "nomads" who have sought refuge in Rome, coming from difficult situations in Romania, it is sufficient to note that a year ago were about 6 000, while today, because of persecution, a few hundred are: human beings in a state of social dramatic and precarious, even worse - as pointed out by the Red Cross - that in the poorest and most troubled African states. MEP Viktoria Mohacsi pronounced the following words, after visiting microinsediamenti and fields, in Rome and other Italian cities: "I have traveled throughout Europe and have watched the Roma community in all EU countries, but nowhere I have seen with my own eyes so serious a situation of marginalization and persecution of my people. I hope that the example Italian, which can be compared only to racial persecution that occurred in the Third Reich, not propagete never in European Union countries. "
EveryOne Group can not but share the comments bitterly dell'europarlamentare Hungarian and once again asks you, dear Mr. Prefect Carlo Mosca - and with you, it calls on all authorities in Rome - to immediately suspend the operations of police evacuation of the few Romanians Roma settlements remained in the city, providing ad attivare con urgenza piani di sostegno per le famiglie che vivono in essi, in condizioni tragiche. Tali piani dovranno iniziare con l'assistenza socio-sanitaria, la predisposizione repentina di piani di alloggio, la concessione di sussidi alle persone gravemente malate o inabili. Quindi, quando le famiglie - unite - potranno contare sul diritto a un tetto sulla testa, alla salute e alla sicurezza, si potranno attivare programmi di inserimento professionale e scolastico. Per quanto riguarda i campi Rom, invece, il Gruppo EveryOne chiede che siano immediatamente interrotte le misure poliziesche di controllo e repressione, che presentano le famiglie perseguitate, agli occhi dei cittadini romani, come "associazioni per delinquere" e non come persone rifdotte in condizioni desperate because of racial hatred, the violence of racist movements, of negligence and brutality, inhumane institutions and authorities. So when will restore dignity to the inhabitants of the camps and when the truth of racial repression will result, you can start programs of accommodation and integration, looking as much as possible to match the demands of families who are victims of persecution.
EveryOne Group puts at your disposal, Your Excellency, as well as other institutions and authorities, its experience and its network of activists, experts and international specialists to help the city of Rome to implement the necessary change, is putting outstanding educational programs to combat racism (directed to citizens, schools, but also - and this is a priority - to the police), is cooperating in the organization of effective desegregation projects and social inclusion. Grateful
attention, waiting for an answer and I offer cordial greetings
Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Dario Picciau - Gruppo EveryOne
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Good Rookie Party Ideas
The coordination of youth policies as the need arises Rosetani children, members and non-political and cultural associations, in order to serve as a point of contact between citizens and institutions. This point of meeting is open to all those who are aged between 16 and 30 years was not "labels" policy and is always open to dialogue.
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Want to get closer to the institutions more easily?
you have a point of reference in your social life, politics and culture?
you like to be informed about job opportunities, cultural events and sports and environmental protection? The answer is
of youth policy coordination, a free association that promotes youth participation in social, political and cultural center. Riconusciato recently by the municipal council has taken off this new initiative created by young people with the need to have a reference point. In fact, the coordination aims to be a meeting point between the reference and all the young people of Roseto and our institutions.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Continuous Feeling Of Heartburn
For some months the residents of 900 Casilino live without water or electricity, in July the entrances of the camp were wide open lanes with concrete to prevent access to any alley, recently, the city police has arrested arbitrarily small generators in the absence of invoices and receipts that bear witness to the purchase (you kept the receipt for your chandelier?), lowering of the darkness in the field.
locked in a vise so hard the community has reacted with great dignity and ability to self-organized, so it was made "Savorengo Ker," the home of all. A self-built house interanmente different from the Roma community Casilino (Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins and Kosovar) along with Stalker-Centre with the support of nomadic DIPSU (Department of Urban Studies), Faculty of Architecture at Rome University. The house costs as a container is twice as large, is an expression of a particular culture of living and ecological, made with natural materials largely recovered.
Community representatives have apologized to the district for the bonfires of plastic materials and steps were taken to monitor that these fires do not happen more.
has offered full cooperation with all institutions in a pathway leading to address the emergency housing and health field.
In response, the silence broken only by statements about or removal of the field with no indication of where and how this can go on living people who live there for almost forty years in the abandonment general.
Oggi tanta iniziativa da parte della comunità a cambiare e a cercare soluzioni concrete nel rispetto della giustizia e della legalità, stride con la condizione in cui versa il campo e con l'inasprirsi della pressione politica e delle forze dell'ordine. Si ha forse paura che delle persone cerchino di cancellare lo stereotipo di fannulloni, brutti, sporchi e cattivi?
Chiunque visiti il campo si rende conto della situazione insostenibile, perfino il leghista Borghezio in visita con una delegazione del Parlamento Europeo ha giudicato inumane le condizioni del campo e chiesto all'Amministrazione Comunale il ripristino di acqua e luce.
Quanto è difficile sopravvivere, mandare i figli a scuola, cercare un riscatto e forme di dialogo and active participation, whether the institutional response to such initiative is the lack of interest only if you do not stiffen in the refusal to understand the habit and to condemn a priori any real effort for the emancipation of communities Casilino 900. Both
bipartisan fury towards a whole community (the demolition of some cabins and cutting the light was started in Veltroni) requires an awakening of civil society, the world of culture and communication for too long silent and subdued by the logic of media and economic sun educate political action. All in the general disinterest and overt failure to address the daily problems if not with the tools repression.
as they did to challenge the security pact signed by former Mayor Veltroni Stalker - ON Casilino next to the community of 900 calls on civil society, artists and intellectuals to support the field, to bring down the wall that surrounds it, Casilino to help the 900 to get the restoration of electricity and water, the recognition and use of social and community home for all, to participate in decisions on the fate of the camp and the people who inhabit it.
We need to come together an urgent need for coordination for Rome and for the rights of its inhabitants, or whatever you want to call, starting with the side by side with spirit and creativity Casilino the community of 900 in this difficult time. This is to help the community to open up the field to a new relationship with the neighborhood and the whole city.
Friday, October 3 at 18:30 Casilino 900 meeting at the home of all to propose and compare ideas with the community of about 900 public Casilino: cultural, political and social life of this architattura in common. The first objective to discuss the organization of a three-day, 10 to 13 October to begin the work of the house before the October 15 date assumed by the Municipality for the removal of the field.
Lorenzo Romito
stalker - Osservatorio Nomade
Monday, September 29, 2008
Brownie Patch Locations On Back
Martedì 30 settembre alle ore 11, presso la sala del Consiglio comunale di Pesaro, sarà presentato un evento molto atteso in città: la visita al capoluogo marchigiano di Rigoberta Menchù, Premio Nobel per la pace e attivista per i diritti dei popoli indigeni, prevista per i primi di ottobre. L'attivista e scrittrice incontrerà alcune personalità cittadine e presenterà la sua nuova campagna per i diritti dei popoli discriminati.
I numerosi episodi di razzismo e xenofobia avvenuti nella città di Pesaro non sono mai stati stigmatizzati dalle autorità locali; al contrario, un assessore di sinistra ha affermato, recentemente, riferendosi ai Rom: ''Qui Pesaro nomads do not ever take root. There is no water for those fish, because people work here. Here the nomad goes fast or is removed. English friends I do not think they entirely wrong to define us racists.''
Last July the Mayor of Pesaro committed himself publicly, in interviews published in local newspapers, to start an integration project, in line with EU directives and international laws against racism and protecting the people. The project would include social assistance for the Roma people are seriously ill (there are cases of malignant tumors at an advanced stage, serious heart disease, mutilation, and handicap), the possibility of access to housing decent (the mayor proposed to allow the Roma community in rehabilitating dilapidated buildings in town), reuniting the families of some children and a plan to find jobs for good people.
Unfortunately, despite the EveryOne Group had offered help with personal sacrifice of its members, the project, every promise was rejected, with dramatic consequences for the Roma families, already beleaguered by years of poverty, marginalization and neglect on the part of institutions.
Ciprian Danila, the young Roma who lived in Sesto San Giovanni in unacceptable conditions of poverty and died burned alive in the fire sparked by a candle inside the building rundown in which they lived was to rejoin the family of his girlfriend, who lives in Pesaro. Solti Danila, aged 55. Cancer patient, would join his family and being treated at the Hospital San Salvatore (hospital, including once in appalling health status faced by Roma, has chosen to treat them according to the Code of Conduct). E 'dead in Romania, without access to drugs that could save it. In Pesaro
other Roma people live at risk of life, without treatment, in cold and unhealthy. Only the humanitarian spirit of some citizens - including stand for commitment and generosity Mariateresa, Maria, Elisa, and the priest Don Roberto - has prevented other dramas irreparable. But the city administration, there is no place for the Roma Time is short, winter is coming and despite the assurances the mayor for the Roma of Pesaro has not been done.
Faced with the risk of tragedies such as those that are hitting the Roma in many Italian cities, the members of EveryOne, through his own resources, have quietly begun to organize emergency plans are for the protection of Roma families present at Pesaro. Little Anna, ill with pneumonia (one of the leading causes of infant death in the world) has been edited and moved with his family to safety in the south, away from Pesaro, in a country that has chosen to accept it, give her an apartment and a job opportunity. Anna will attend local schools and her nasty cough, thanks to the heating, medical care and adequate nutrition, he will recover soon.
Another family is about to leave, to the south, which is expected by some people of good will, including the heroic priest Father Michael, a man who will not be forgotten, when the persecution of the Roma will be terminated. These days, EveryOne Group will present a Rigoberta - which has a fraternal kinship in our commitment to the rights of the marginalized - a document which detailed the conditions of marginalization and denial of any human rights which are the Roma of Pesaro , asking di aggiungere la sua voce al coro delle proteste e di chiedere con voce ferma alle autorità locali di rispettare le Direttive Ue e le convenzioni internazionali che combattono il razzismo e promuovono la tolleranza fra i popoli. Prossimamente, inoltre, l'organizzazione presenterà il cortometraggio "Pesaro Zigeunerfrei", una denuncia della repressione delle famiglie Rom che cercano di sopravvivere nella città di Rossini (compositore che, peraltro, amava la cultura "zingara").
Mentre le organizzazioni per i diritti umani e i cittadini Pesaro assolvono i compiti per cui l'amministrazione è stata eletta, il comune di Pesaro ha l'ardire di parlare di Diritti Umani e accogliere una donna che si batte contro gli abusi e le violenze perpetrated by governments and local institutions against ethnic minorities. About a year ago Rigoberta, mistaken for a homeless, was ejected from a hotel in Cancun, Mexico. We hope that the administration of Pesaro, which can hardly be called friendly or tolerant of minorities as heavily engaged in a policy of discrimination against the Roma families living in the city, do not mistake the store for Nobel laureate Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bthe same treatment that has reserved for ethnic Roma who have fled to Pesaro and that are left barely walk the streets of the city.
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 - (39) 331 3585 406 - (+39) 334 3449180 :
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is the time to respond to the logic and the many acts of institutional racism and widespread - that come to attack and question life itself - all to live better and be more free.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Il ragazzino Rom che è morto in un edificio diroccato all'interno del'ex area Falk di Sesto San Giovanni (Milano) si chiamava Ciprian ed era noto presso la comunità Rom di Sesto per il suo buon carattere e la sua maturità. A soli 13 anni, era già promesso sposo a una ragazza di 15 anni. Lascia i genitori, due fratelli e una famiglia numerosa nel dolore. Ciprian si è accorto per primo delle fiamme e ha dato l'allarme, consentendo agli altri di mettersi in salvo. Purtroppo, però, è rimasto prigioniero nel rogo. "Non può essere morto, non lui!" lo piangono i parenti. "Era fantasioso e pieno di vita, sognava di uscire dalla povertà, sposarsi e diventare qualcuno"; lo ricorda così Nicusor, uno dei suoi migliori amici. La comunità Rom di Pesaro, in cui vive la giovane fidanzata di Ciprian, lo piange con lacrime atroci. "Non è stato semplicemente una fatalità, ma una responsabilità precisa del comune, delle autorità, delle associazioni di Sesto, che non fanno altro che ingannare o combattere le famiglie Rom," dice con amarezza un suo conoscente. "Hanno speso un sacco di denaro per sgomberi, controlli, operazioni di pubblica sicurezza, ma non hanno dedicato un solo euro a migliorare le condizioni di vita in quell'insediamento. Politici e gruppi umanitari si vantano di essere antirazzisti, ma non hanno mosso un dito per i Rom che vivono a Sesto. Basterebbe qualche generatore e un minimo di assistenza, per evitare altre tragedie".
"Ciprian era ancora un bambino," balbetta piangendo Ionut, amico fraterno della vittima, "e non è giusto che sia morto così, mentre i suoi coetanei studiano, giocano a pallroone e vanno in discoteca. Non lo dimenticheremo mai". R.M.
Per informazioni:
Gruppo EveryOne
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429527 - 331 3585406 ::
Pain In Left Side Of Neck
Milano, 24 settembre 2008. Fino a quando continueremo ad ignorare la persecuzione del popolo Rom in Italia? Fino a quando useremo "prudenza" nel parlare e nello scrivere dei roghi dolosi, appiccati da razzisti per uccidere gli "zingari"? Fino a quando eviteremo di contare i bambini Rom che muoiono every year of cold, hunger, infections, in the fields and microinsediamenti? As long as we persist in believing that women, the sick, the weak would die the same "and finally admit that they had murdered Italy racial hatred? Until anti-racism will be expressed in a way so cautious? Until you intimidated by the arrogance of power has cghi? Until, in obedience to the authorities, leaving the last hands held out with no money, having chosen the path of intolerance (or "zero tolerance", which is the same thing) and left those of solidarity and charity? Until we afraid to call the oppression of the Roma people as the Holocaust? Yesterday night in Milan, the former Falk area in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) a Roma child about 12 years died burned alive. Firefighters, occurred after midnight, they found his body already charred. As long as we continue to consider Wherein dead bodies "accidents" and not victims? As long as we delude ourselves to be innocent? Roberto Malini
EveryOne Group Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 to 331 3585406 / en :
Friday, September 19, 2008
Red Red Violet Hair Color
RELEASE September 18, 2008
With an unprecedented decision, the Chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament announced Gérard Deprez, just minutes from the start of the official meeting between the delegation of MEPs in Rome to examine the condition of Roma in Italy and organizations dealing with human rights, it had excluded from the meeting - scheduled for Thursday, September 18 to 18 - the representation of the EveryOne Group, asked in recent days, composed of leaders Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau and activity Grancea Nico Rom, preventing access to the Senate. The reasons disclosed by Ana Dumitrache coordinatrice della delegazione LIBE, sono da riferirsi alla protesta che il Gruppo EveryOne aveva indirizzato nei giorni scorsi al Parlamento Europeo, in riferimento alla composizione della delegazione. "Abbiamo criticato la presenza di un numero esagerato di eurodeputati italiani" precisano gli attivisti di EveryOne. "3 su 7 nel gruppo degli ispettori e ben 22 su 29 dei membri osservatori. Abbiamo inoltre protestato accoratamente contro la presenza nella delegazione di esponenti di destra e di estrema destra, già noti per condurre una pesante propaganda contro il popolo Rom in Italia: Mario Borghezio, Luca Romagnoli, Roberto Fiore e altri. E' inconcepibile che siano eurodeputati italiani a giudicare l'operato del Governo Italiano ed è inaccettabile da ogni point of view that extremists who are fighting against the very presence of Roma in Italy are part of a body of research on the degree of persecution of the 'nomadic' on behalf of the European Parliament. The unlawful decision to exclude the last time an international human rights meeting with Members of Parliament - which will be reported to the European Ombudsman, Professor Nikiforos Diamandouros - proves to be an undemocratic behavior, as well as a lack of respect at work parliamentary groups in Europe (ALDE, PSE, GUE / NGL, Greens / EFA) that continued cooperation with our Group. And 'since 1945 that an NGO is not ousted, in violation of the rules that protect freedom of criticism and expression, by an event related to institutional human rights. "
This episode is a worrisome sign of how democracy is also deeply at risk and European diplomats as' agreements on the skin basement of the Roma in our country.
For more information:
Group EveryOne
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 - (39) 331 3585 406 - (+39) 334 3449180 / en :
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Using Bonjela Freeze Skin
18-20 September 2008 .
Rome, Friday, Sept. 19, from 14:00 to 18:00, the delegation of the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) of the European Parliament will visit the following sites Rom:
• Camping River, Via Tenuta Piccirilli, 207 - 00189 Roma
• Tennis Hall, 323 Via di Salone, Rome •
Casilino 900, Via Casilina, 900, Rome
We consider it important that the associations and groups for human rights are present at the fields and bring with them witnesses from other fields, as well as reports and studies on the ongoing persecution, the choice of this delegation does not convince us (see below) and makes us fear that Italy has started to drag the EU European racism in the drift. However, we must be compact and present, to witness the tragedy of the Roma people, discriminated against and persecuted, and to express a strong protest, demanding that interrompano le azioni di purga etnica e inizino progetti seri di emancipazione e inclusione.
La delegazione, nei propositi annunciati, indagherà sui seguenti temi: il rischio di discriminazioni dirette o indirette; la protezione dei diritti dei minori; le espulsioni dei cittadini Ue e la Direttiva 2004/38/CE. La "missione" della delegazione inizia il 18 settembre, dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 con l'incontro, a Palazzo Madama, con membri della Camera e del Senato facenti parte del Comitato sugli affari costituzionali e del Comitato sugli affari europei.
Dalle 18:00 alle 19:00 i delegati incontreranno le organizzazioni con pubblico mandato: l'Alto commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani, la Croce Rossa, Opera Nomadi, l'UNICEF;
from 19:00 to 20:00, meeting with the NGOs: Amnesty, EveryOne, Caritas, Sant'Egidio Community, ARCI, ASGI, Roma and Sinti together, join.
19 Thursday, before visiting the camps, the EU delegates will be at the Interior Ministry, where they will meet Roberto Maroni from 09:00 to 11:00, then they will be at the Supervisor for the storage of data, Francesco Pizzetti (12:00 to 13 : 00). From 12:00 to 13:00, the MEP will have a representative meeting with the mayors of Milan, Rome, Naples and the "superprefetti. On 20 September, the delegation will end its mission.
EveryOne Group has sent a protest from the Civil Liberties Committee and at the Presidency Parliament, because the delegation is made up predominantly of Italian MEPs in total: less than 22 out of 29! This figure in fact undo the representativeness of the European delegation itself, which should be impartial. With this criterion, absurd, the European Parliament, Pilate seems to wash their hands of the Roma issue in Italy and send a clear message: sbrigatevela you. If we accept this line, we give up the dream of a modern European civilization, advanced, socially advanced and supported the dangerous tendency to return to nationalism dark and far from the conquest and Human Rights.
's not all, unfortunately, because looking at the list of delegates, you will notice that there are political figures close to the current Italian institutions, or even placed in a far more extreme right: Roberto Fiore, Luca Romagnoli, Mario Borghezio, Roberta Angelilli etc..
EveryOne Group will meet the delegation on the afternoon of Sept. 19, despite having expressed an evaluation of its total inadequacy in terms of representativeness and the European Union has highlighted the contradiction inherent in entrusting an Italian organ analysis of a problem (a horrible problem) that is Italian. In addition, we earnestly protested against the choice of members. From 18 to 20 consumed a conspiracy against democracy, civilization and any project related to human rights. We hope that the company calendar is present in each of three Roma camps and in front of the Senate, to express dissent and seek justice for the Roma people below, the members who will be part of the delegation:
Members of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee:
Mr. Gerard Deprez
President of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee
Alfredo Antoniozzi
Mario Borghezio
Carlo Giusto CATANIA
Fabio Claudio FAVA
Roberto FIORE
Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven *
Lívia Járóka
Marian- Jean MARINESCU
Viktoria Mohacsi
Maria Grazia PAGANO
Sebastian Sanzarello
Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN
Renate WEBER
Elisabetta GARDINI
Altri membri del Parlamento europeo (non LIBE):
Mr. Vittorio AGNOLETTO
Vincenzo AITA
Eleonora LO CURTO
Armando VENETO
Altre personalità politiche europee:
Maria Paola DE ANGELIS
16 settembre 2008
The European Parliament sends a delegation to Italy to verify the condition of the Roma people EveryOne Group: "It 's a sham, because 13 out of 20 delegates are Italian and are These far-right MEPs, as Fiore and Romagnoli. More than just an inspection, will be an intolerant policy support. " As
official a few days, the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) of the European Parliament has decided to send a delegation to Rome, September 18 to 20, to check the condition of Roma in Italy. Today it was announced three days of the program and the list of those in charge of the inspection. Names of MEPs that will be part of the delegation has aroused incredulity by activists for human rights. "This delegation is a joke and is certainly not the European Union," say the leaders of EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau "because it is composed mostly of Italian MEPs. Out of 20 members who visit Roma camps and meet with the Minister of Interior, members of the Italian parliament and leaders of NGOs, including us of EveryOne, less than 13 are Italian. But is not everything, because they are part of the delegation that the task of judging the degree of racism against the Roma policy of the extreme right, as the leader of Forza Nuova Roberto Fiore and Luca Romagnoli, l'uomo che ha chiesto a gran voce l'esame del DNA per i bambini Rom e che ha formulato la proposta di deportare tutti i 'nomadi' - ladri e rapinatori, secondo lui - fuori dall'Italia".
Il Gruppo EveryOne ha inviato un messaggio di protesta nei confronti del Comitato per le Libertà Civili del Parlamento europeo. "E' una protesta formale che inviamo alle Istituzioni europee, manifestando la più grande preoccupazione verso una scelta che non può essere condivisa da nessun uomo che si batte per i diritti delle minoranze. Oltre a Fiore e Romagnoli, il Parlamento europeo affida l'indagine sull'antiziganismo in Italia a Mario Borghezio, nemico giurato del popolo Rom e propugnatore del testo razzista intitolato "Preghiera dello Zingaro", che annuncia camere a gas per i Rom. Quindi, a Roberta Angelilli di Alleanza Nazionale, paladina di una crociata contro i genitori Rom, 'sfruttatori di bambini', a suo dire. Si prosegue con Elisabetta Gardini, la cui avversione per i Rom è tanto forte da averla indotta a una posizione di critica violenta contro Famiglia Cristiana, definita 'cattocomunista' dopo i suoi editoriali che invitavano gli italiani a riscoprire la tolleranza. E, ancora, con Stefano Zappalà, convinto sostenitore del rilievo delle impronte digitali dei bambini Rom.
"La delegazione che visiterà il 'Casilino 900' e il campo 'Salone' di Roma non sarà certo obiettiva, ma, al contrario, rappresenta pienamente la destra italiana della
'tolleranza zero'" continue the representatives of EveryOne "and not just the presence of men who are fighting for Human Rights, as Viktoria Mohacsi, Vittorio Agnoletto, Ottavio Marzocchi and Claudio Fava, to consider them as a representative body of the European Union. That's why we express disappointment and outrage against the Commission of the European Parliament Civil Liberties, in addition to the suspicion that they have been concluded Accodi politicians selling out the skin of the Roma, who for centuries were victims of perverse power games. "
Here is the schedule for the three days: Thursday 18, meetings with congressmen and senators Italians, followed by a meeting with NGOs, Friday 19 meeting with Roberto Maroni, followed by meetings with superprefetti and the mayors of Milan Rome and Naples, then visit to the Roma camps, Saturday, return. "We hope that our protest is upheld and the visit (but what to call it 'card', as the Italian delegation is almost?) Postponed" say the activists. "The European Parliament is still time to become aware of the error and avoid a delegation to Italian majority and a number of States near the institutions that have cleared all rights of the Roma people, can express the voice of the European Union, the European Union itself chasing an ideal of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and true civilization. "
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 to 331 3585406 / en :
R Hursthouse Abortion
EveryOne Group: "It 's a scam, because 13 out of 20 delegates are Italian and there are far-right MEPs, as Fiore and Romagnoli. More than just an inspection, will be an intolerant policy support. "
As already officially a few days, the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) of the European Parliament has decided to send a delegation to Rome, September 18 to 20, to check the condition of Roma in Italy. Today it was announced three days of the program and the list of those in charge of the inspection. The names of the MEPs who will be part of the delegation ha destato incredulità da parte degli attivisti per i Diritti Umani. "Questa delegazione è una presa in giro e non rappresenta di certo l'Unione europea," commentano i leader del Gruppo EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro e Dario Picciau, "perché è composta per la maggior parte da eurodeputati italiani. Su 20 membri che visiteranno i campi Rom e incontreranno il ministro dell'Interno, membri del parlamento italiano e leader di Ong, fra le quali noi del Gruppo EveryOne, ben 13 sono italiani. Ma non è tutto, perché fanno parte dellla delegazione che ha il compito di giudicare il grado di razzismo nei confronti dei Rom politici di estrema destra, come il capo di Forza Nuova Roberto Fiore e Luca Romagnoli, l'uomo che ha chiesto a loudly DNA testing for Roma children and that made the proposal to deport all the 'nomads' - thieves and robbers, according to him - outside of Italy. "EveryOne Group has sent a message of protest against the Committee for Civil Liberties and the European Parliament. "It 's that we send a formal protest to the European institutions, expressing the greatest concern about a choice that can not be accepted by any man who fights for the rights of minorities. In addition to Fiore and Romagnoli, Parliament entrusted the investigation sull'antziganismo in Italy with Mario Borghezio, a sworn enemy of the Roma people racist and supporter of the text entitled "Prayer of the Gypsy," cha announces gas chambers for the Roma Quindi, Roberta Angelili di Alleanza Nazionale, paladina di una crociata contro i genitori Rom, 'sfruttatori di bambini', a suo dire. Si prosegue con Elisabetta Gardini, la cui avversione per i Rom è tanto forte da averla indotta a una posizione di critica violenta contro Famiglia Cristiana, definita 'cattocomunista' dopo i suoi editoriali che invitavano gli italiani a riscoprire la tolleranza. E ancora, con Stefano Zappalà, convinto sostenitore del rilievo delle impronte digitali dei bambini Rom. La delegazione che visiterà il 'Casilino 900' e il campo 'Salone' di Roma non sarà certo obiettiva, ma, al contrario, rappresenta pienamente la destra italiana della 'tolleranza zero' e non basta le presenza di uomini che si battono per Human Rights, as Viktoria Mohacsi and Claudio Fava, to consider them as a representative body of the European Union. That's why we express disappointment and outrage at the commission of the European Parliament Civil Liberties, in addition to the suspicion that they have been concluded Accodi politicians selling out the skin of the Roma, who for centuries were victims of perverse power games. "Here is the schedule for the three days: Thursday 18, meetings with congressmen and senators Italians, followed by a meeting with NGOs, Friday 19 meeting with Roberto Maroni, followed by meetings with superprefetti and the mayors of Milan, Rome and Naples, then visit to the Roma camps, Saturday, return. "We hope that our protest is upheld and the visit (but what to call it 'Card', as the Italian delegation is almost?) Postponed, "say the activists." The European Parliament is still time to become aware of the error and avoid a delegation to Italian majority and a number of States near the institutions who have cleared all rights of the Roma people, can express the voice of the European Union, the European Union itself chasing an ideal of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and true civilization. "
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429 527 - (+39) 331-3585406 / en :
Friday, September 12, 2008
How Do I Get My Heartgold On My Mac
EveryOne Group: "I'm terrified CASILINO ROM AND ARE IN EMERGENCY HUMANITARIAN serious. POLICE AND HAS THREATENED arrest and expulsion gave notice to the inhabitants of the camp ROM not to talk to activists and journalists. "September 19 and 'IS EXPECTED TO VISIT THE FIELD BY A DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT
Yesterday morning, 11 September, a blitz Forces dell''Ordine the Roma camp in Rome Casilino 900 led to the detention of over 20 people del campo , caricati sui pullman della Polizia senza alcuna motivazione e rilasciati dopo 12 ore di angoscia. "Mio padre è stato fermato inspiegabilmente," ha rivelato un testimone, in attesa del rilascio dei 20 Rom , "siamo preoccupati per lui. Spero che si risolva tutto per il meglio, ma come si fa a vivere così? Siamo piantonati dalla polizia 24 ore al giorno, non abbiamo diritti umani e ci fanno passare per un'organizzazione malavitosa , anche se, in realtà, nel campo vivono solo famiglie in condizioni disperate. E' impossibile lavorare e la cittadinanza ci guarda con sospetto. Sopravvivere è un'impresa quotidiana, sempre più dura, ma è il solo obiettivo che resta, alla gente del Casilino 900".
“ Si tratta di un’'azione intimidatoria in vista dell’ispezione al campo Rom, il prossimo 19 settembre, di una delegazione del Parlamento Europeo – annunciata nei giorni scorsi con una lettera ufficiale dal Presidente del comitato Libertà Civili del Parlamento Europeo, Gérard Deprez , al ministro dell’Interno Maroni , agli onorevoli Fini e Schifani e al sindaco di Roma Gianni Alemanno ” dichiarano i leader del Gruppo EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro e Dario Picciau , in contatto con alcuni testimoni del Casilino. “ Un’azione che is unprecedented in Italy, and shows how the EveryOne Group is going for months, saying it is going on in this country a real hunt Roma, who wants his disappearance from the country as soon as possible ".
representatives of EveryOne have in fact spoken to some witnesses in the field : the authorities have already communicated to the Casilino Rom that will not disappear by the immigration officer in the near future, and risk deportation and imprisonment. "After this action," the activists "of the Roma Casilino 900 are terrified. In recent weeks, sonostati repeatedly 'encouraged' not to speak to reporters and visitors and not to communicate - especially to us of EveryOne - the abuse. Lately, in addition, police officers prevented the Roma from having guests Casilino controlled and anyone who entered or came out from the field. A strategy of terror had created tension and suspicion within the community. The Delegation of the European Parliament should have made surprise visits in the fields, unfortunately all, however, know that the Casilino 900 is one of the settlements that will be inspected Friday, September 19 . The authorities have also warned all "continue Malini, Pegoraro and Picciau" which later ogni Rom sarà chiamato dalle Forze dell’Ordine e solo chi se lo meriterà potrà restare ed evitare problemi con la legge. Le persone fermate non hanno fatto niente ,” concludono “ma sono i più attivi testimoni dell'oppressione”.
Il Gruppo EveryOne chiede ufficialmente alla delegazione del Parlamento Europeo che il prossimo 19 settembre ispezionerà il Casilino 900 e ai parlamentari radicali italiani , unica forza d’opposizione in Parlamento, di richiedere immediatamente chiarimenti sulla situazione e di incontrare al più presto , tramite EveryOne, un gruppo di Rom disposto a testimoniare su quanto accaduto .
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Gruppo EveryOne
Tel: (+ 39) 334 8429527 - (+ 39) 331- 3585406 ::
What Happens In A Non Religious Wedding Service
Scritto e diretto da Tatiana Olear
Con Dijana Pavlović
E con Ambra D’Amico, Nicola Ciammarughi e Tatiana Olear
Musiche originali di Nicola Ciammarughi e Tatiana Olear,
eseguite da Karina Arutyunyan, Nicola Ciammarughi, Tatiana Olear e Dijana Pavlović
Dal 16 al 28 settembre al Teatrolospazio di Roma, Via Locri 42/44
Tel.+39 0677076486 +39 392 9583409 ;
This show was born from two "ex-boyfriend of the East", the actress and director Dijana Pavlovich Tatiana Olear. Reflecting on experiences together directly or on the stories of friends and acquaintances in the diversity of destinations and routes have found much in common, that they are dealing with the situation of foreigners in a different society. What unites the various experiences is the point of view, never "internal" and the constant doubt that we were right to emigrate? How would our lives elsewhere? With what can we identify? Who are we? What is structured around our identity? Around some ideology? A religious faith? To our profession? To what do we do?
These reflections have found success in the text A golden girl (special prize of the IV edition of the National Literary Prize "Gerundo Lake"), written by Tatiana Olear. It is the story of a girl, then girl, then Gypsy woman, a stranger even in his home country (the character is played by Dijana Pavlovich). In a rapid sequence of ten paintings are seeing in the country, social, biographical different circumstances: in a socialist republic at the time of the death of political leader in a young democratic country plunged into full and dramatic crisi economica che sfocia in una sanguinosa guerra civile e infine in un paese europeo, sotto il timore del terrorismo islamico. Oltre che una migrazione nello spazio e nel tempo, quello di Zlata (tradotto, il suo nome significa “ragazza d’oro”) è anche un viaggio interiore alla ricerca della propria identità e del senso della vita. I suoi “momenti di verità” avvengono grazie ad alcuni significativi incontri con persone, che per lei diverranno figure di riferimento nella vita.
Lo spettacolo ha debuttato nel 2006 al teatro Zazie di Milano diretto dall’autrice. Nel 2007 ne sono stati rappresentati alcune scene in occasione della presentazione del libro, pubblicato da Apollo e Dioniso Edizioni alla municipal library Dergano-Bovisa in Milan, thanks to the invaluable support of the cultural center "tent" in Milan, which promotes foreign authors of recent immigration to Italy.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Loggy Style Bayou Tree Stands
The war continues to the Roma. Casilino to 900 after the agitation of the neighborhood committee and the hearing granted to him by the mayor and the prefect, was the first intervention of the authorities. But not to improve the lowest standard of living of 650 people forced to live in a slum where poverty has surprised the mayor. On the contrary, the field was in fact isolated from the neighborhood. Segments of heavy blocks of concrete guard rail blocking the entrance to the vehicles, a large patrol di vigili urbani controlla severamente i documenti di chiunque voglia accedere al campo. E’ questa la nuova versione dell’integrazione di una minoranza che aspira a documenti che le permettano di lavorare, avere una casa e un livello di vita dignitoso ? Il campo già privato di acqua ed energia elettrica (ma si può vivere senza nella capitale di uno degli stati più ricchi del mondo ?) è abitato non solo da molti bambini ma anche da anziani, alcuni dei quali impossibilitati a camminare a causa di malattie varie. Donne con neonati in braccio sono costrette a lunghi tragitti a piedi nella polvere per comprare il necessario. Oggi domenica le 50 famiglie del campo cui è riconosciuta la possibilità di vendere modesti articoli al mercatino di via Collatina sono state costrette a rinunciarvi non potendo caricare i furgoni della merce accumulata nella settimana. Il problema dei rom e dei campi nomadi come lo si vuole risolvere ? Riconoscendo i diritti umani elementari agli esclusi o facendo della terra bruciata attorno a loro in modo da umiliarli sempre più finchè esasperati tolgano il disturbo della loro presenza che offende l’estetica dei benpensanti ? Ma così non si consegue una vittoria della città sul degrado ma una avvilente sconfitta della civiltà, quella civiltà il cui criterio di giudizio prioritario si esprime nel trattamento riservato ai più deboli, ai più fragili, ai più poveri.
Nazzareno Guarnirei
Presidente della Federazione Rom and Sinti together
Friday, August 1, 2008
Doujins De Dbz Online Em Portugues
Demonstration in Madrid on August 7
We finally got all the government permits in order to celebrate in Madrid, on Thursday 'an event that will end Aug. 7 outside the headquarters of' Embassy of Italy, on Calle Lagasca.
Manifesto for publicly denounce the gravity of the attacks suffered by European gypsies living in Italy and ask for the solidarity of citizens before the blind violence of racism.
From now on we have to multiply. We, the gypsies, we must realize that we have obligations to participate in economic and personal sacrifice to be precise, in una rivendicazione come questa.
E' una grande opportunità perché i gitani di Spagna dimostrino di essere disposti a dare qualcosa di noi stessi in difesa degli interessi di tutti. Per questo dico che dobbiamo mobilitarci perché le associazioni gitane, fondamentalmente, organizzino la trasferta a Madrid.
Sarebbe molto importante che la Spagna vedesse, e che l'Europa intera contemplasse, i gitani spagnoli disposti a mettere la faccia, con coraggio, in difesa dei Diritti Umani, in difesa della libertà di circolazione, in difesa della democrazia e contro qualsiasi forma di razzismo o xenofobia.
Il giorno 7 agosto si devono vedere a Madrid molte bandiere gitane e molte bandiere europee e, naturalmente, anche bandiere spagnole e dell'autonomia, anche se, ripeto, l'ideale sarebbe che predominassero le bandiere gitane e quelle europee.
A partire da qui occorre sollecitare l'accordo e l'adesione di quante più istituzioni possibili. Perciò, la nostra manifestazione non è contro nessuno (evidentemente sì contro i razzisti, sì contro i nazisti, sì contro i genocidi), ma a favore della libertà, della democrazia e per l'uguaglianza delle opportunità per tutti. Per questa ragione converrà che tutti si sentano a loro agio in questa manifestazione. Tanto la gente del PSOE come quella del PP, così come quella del resto delle formazioni politiche. I Sindacati devono essere al nostro lato. Questo giorno devono accompagnarci le associazioni Third Sector for Social Action. And for this to happen, we need to mobilize.
We repeat once again. We do this event because many Gypsies have requested. For this reason we give up any unnecessary protagonist or clan. However, given that there must be the organizing organization, we believe that it should be the Consejo Estatal del Pueblo Gitano, highest body of representation of English gypsies, to appear. The other, in an honorable second floor, have to work with maximum effort and is effective because all the best.
open to receiving any suggestions, contribution or correction to what I experienced, I am sending you a big hug.
stabilire Per contatti, or we coordinate suggerimenti Formulare per azioni, di mettersi chiediamo in contatto with you seguenti persone:
Vice President of State Council of the Roma.
e-mail: Tel 924.553825, 620.867581
Mobile Demonstrations: MANUEL GARCIA RONDON
Secretary General of the Romani Union
e.mail: Tel 954,285,533 ; mobile
607496202 TORRES ANTONIO FERNANDEZ Organization
Romani Union Vice
e.mail: Tel 954,285,533; Mobile Support 670.777199
ISIDRO RODRIGUEZ Director de la Fundación
Secretariado Gitano
e.mail: Tel 91.422.09.60
e.mail: Tel 639849575
Hiv Symptoms The Next Day?
President Basescu of Romania in Italy critical for discriminatory policies: "We do not endorse most of the Italian measures. Fingerprints? not on an ethnic basis and only to children with parental consent. Even Romania has to improve in the field of ' integration. " EveryOne Group: "Basescu should promote integration projects and programs to educate the people of Romania to antiracism. EU funds should be used more effectively and must Basescu e Tariceanu evitino affermazioni intolleranti".
Roma, 1 agosto 2008. Il presidente della Romania Traian Basescu, dopo una visita al campo Rom di via Candoni, a Roma, ha tenuto ieri a Palazzo Chigi una conferenza stampa con il premier Silvio Berlusconi. Riguardo alle misure che il Governo italiano adotta contro i Rom, Basescu ha affermato con chiarezza di non approvare “parte, o gran parte, delle misure prese dal Governo italiano” e di nutrire "preoccupazione che alcuni cittadini romeni in Italia possano essere discriminati”.
“Riguardo ai Rom il presidente romeno ha riconosciuto che anche in Romania le politiche di integrazione e i programmi di lotta al razzismo vanno resi più efficaci, ma alcune sue espressioni riguardo alla minoranza Rom devono essere chiarite, per evitare che siano strumentalizzate dalle organizzazioni razziste” commenta Nico Grancea, attivista Rom romeno del Gruppo EveryOne.
“In Romania abbiamo un problema interno,” queste sono le parole di Basescu cui si riferisce Grancea, “relativo alla minoranza Rom. Abbiamo proposto, in questa sede, al Governo italiano, di collaborare al fine di risolvere questo problema che noi non siamo stati capaci di risolvere a casa nostra”.
“Si ricorda” affermano i leader di EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro e Dario Picciau “che, nonostante alcune apprezzabili iniziative rivolte all'integrazione dell'etnia Rom in Romania, il presidente Basescu – come il suo predecessore Iliescu, negazionista del Samudaripen, l'Olocausto del popolo Rom – si è spesso distinto, durante la sua carriera politica, per affermazioni lesive dei diritti umani del popolo Rom. Lo stesso ha fatto in diverse occasioni il primo ministro Calin Popescu Tariceanu. E' vero che Basescu ha rinnegato il suo passato e si è impegnato a condurre politiche antidiscriminatorie, ma nessuno ha dimenticato, in Romania, l'insulto razzista che, qualche tempo fa, il Presidente rivolse a una giornalista Rom che gli aveva posto una domanda imbarazzante”.
“Chiedo a Basescu, a nome dei Rom romeni stanziati in Italia” continua Nico Grancea “di spiegare le affermazioni rese ieri durante joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi. Basescu said that a problem exists Roma in Romania, and it is true, but it must be clear that this is a problem of segregation and integration programs inefficient. The Rumanian government "continues" has received significant funding from the European Union, but the condition of the Roma remains of extreme poverty and exclusion. In Romania there is a situation of persecution as in Italy, but the prejudice against Roma is still alive and my brothers are still second-class citizens. "
"Basescu and Prime Minister Tariceanu" add Malini, Pegoraro and Picciau "have made a major effort to abandon old ways, dictated da ignoranza e pregiudizio, e guardare all'Europa dell'accoglienza, dell'intercultura e dei diritti umani. Ricordiamo loro, tuttavia, che i Rom, nel suo Paese, hanno subito sei secoli di schiavitù e persecuzioni, oltre alla tragedia dell'Olocausto, che ha sterminato centinaia di migliaia di bambini, donne e uomini Rom. Ecco perché non vorremmo sentire o leggere mai più, da parte loro, frasi rivolte ai Rom come queste: ‘Non vogliono integrarsi’. ‘Sono indisciplinati’. ‘Non è possibile scolarizzare i loro bambini’. ‘E' necessario cambiare la loro indole’. Chiediamo a Basescu di spiegare quali misure intende adottare nei prossimi tempi per integrare i Rom nel suo Paese e per accommodate returning refugees fleeing persecution at home in Italy ", they say the activists of EveryOne" and remember that the Rumanian Government has a duty to implement programs aimed at integrating Roma and anti-racism education programs aimed at people Romania . Too many and too much demagoguery EU funds have been wasted. We also ask the President of Romania "claim" to hear the testimonies of thousands of Romanians Roma - fled from Italy to Spain, France, Greece, Romania - With regard to the numerous, serious human rights violations that occurred in Italy, and to take a position clearly against racism and persecution that still affects migliaia di cittadini Rom romeni nel nostro Paese.”
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Gruppo EveryOne
Tel: (+ 39) 334-8429527 – (+ 39) 331-3585406 ::
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
How To Hack Bigfish Games
Nonostante le posizioni durissime dell'Unione europea, del Consiglio d'Europa e delle Nazioni unite, le Istituzioni e le autorità intolleranti proseguono nella loro opera di repressione disumana, che nega a migliaia di famiglie i diritti di base. Questa terribile persecuzione, che i testimoni della Shoah paragonano agli anni delle leggi razziali e dell'Olocausto, non avviene solo a Roma, naturalmente, ma nella maggior parte delle città italiane. The International Criminal Court in The Hague is judging Italy - its central and local institutions - for "crimes against humanity." We hope that the verdict will be issued soon and stop this shame, that will be remembered as one of his most heinous of History of Italy. We EveryOne Group, despite intimidation, threats, witness of the horrors and atrocities DiIorio daily, we continue our resistance Gandhi, the collection of documents regarding the persecution, the increasingly blatant racist campaign, falling into a vortex of cruelty and inhumanity that leaves us more and more astonished. Ma .. We are not alone: \u200b\u200ba network of activists, scholars of persecution, witnesses, chroniclers of truth has spread throughout Italy and no one will one day, when this barbarism will end, avoid their responsibilities.
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group
(We cite, for example, this article by Claudio Pompeii - The Journal, July 29, 2008)
"Casilino 900 will be cleared in the meantime Prefecture Police Headquarters and will have a security service and the prefect, in as special commissioner for the emergency nomads in Rome, will have to deal with the new destination of the nomads of the field. " The mayor Gianni Alemanno said after the meeting with the Prefect and representatives of residents of the area adjacent to the gypsy camp Casilino 900 that, in recent days protested by blocking the way Palmiro Togliatti, on the outskirts of Rome.
"We are committed to make an immediate cleaning up of the field Casilino 900 to remove all materials that are burned. Then he will be cleared, "he assured the mayor, adding that" in the meantime will activate a security service with the Prefecture and the police waiting to have a destination for travelers and be able to totally remove the field, but this belongs to the duties of the prefect as Commissioner. " "Before the eviction have to decide the new location because you can not act as in the past - said Alemanno -. Meanwhile, put the camp under control to prevent another fire. "
Pienamente soddisfatti dei risultati dell’incontro gli abitanti della zona. «Per il momento la nostra mobilitazione è finita perché abbiamo avuto garanzie dal sindaco e dal prefetto. Se gli impegni non verranno mantenuti riprenderemo», ha detto Annamaria Addante rappresentante del comitato inquilini e proprietari di Torre Spaccata. Sabato notte, in via Palmiro Togliatti i residenti avevano iniziato una mobilitazione chiedendo lo spostamento del campo nomadi Casilino 900. «Alemanno ci ha ascoltati subito - ha spiegato Addante - e ha preso l’impegno di sorvegliare il campo con le forze dell’ordine, ripulirlo e, nel medio termine, di spostarlo». Per l’assessore alle Politiche sociali Sveva Belviso «non si tratta a thing that we note today but there are the times: the ability to clear the field is a medium-term objective to be implemented after the census. " The meeting, which lasted about an hour, there was also a spokesman for the Casilino 900, Esad Licina that, on behalf of the Roma community has reiterated its "no" to the cabin as a living form: "We have lived for forty years prefabricated houses in the barracks now we want concrete and trials of young architects. "
Another view is that the settlement evacuation in the Tor de 'Cenci. "That field - said the commissioner Belviso at the end of the Prefecture of yesterday - is a time bomb. Today I came here to ask for immediate eviction. " "In the semi-equipped and unauthorized - Belviso said - there are 350 people, half of which has charges pending or under house arrest." For this reason, the request for evacuation, which the prefect responded with the need to undertake a census is not provided immediately. Belviso explained that "the will of the municipal administration is to place at the end of the census, the beneficiaries of the camp while the others should be deported."
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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29 luglio2008
Sabato 26 luglio, a Pisa, sotto il Ponte della Cittadella, sulle sponde dell’Arno, intorno alle 15, un gruppo di razzisti ha appiccato il fuoco all’insediamento Rom, composto da cinque baracche, dove vivevano anche Victor ed Elena Lacatus, genitori della piccola Lenuca Carolea, morta ad agosto dello scorso anno nell'ormai noto “rogo di Livorno”, dove hanno perso la vita altri tre bambini di etnia Rom. The flames are now investing developed entirely destroying the huts and also all that it contained clothes, some furnishings and personal effects of all families.
"When I arrived at the station I saw the barracks where we lived high overrun by flames, and firefighters who tried in vain to extinguish the fire. Neither in my house of fortune, nor that of my friends and neighbors, there was nothing that could trigger the flames, "he told this morning activist Roma Victor Lacatus of EveryOne Nico Grancea. "I relived a moment in the night when my daughter is dead Lenuca was terrible."
Witnesses Petrica C. Costica and M. reported al Gruppo EveryOne che “all'improvviso, si è scatenato l'inferno sotto il Ponte della Cittadella. Le fiamme bruciavano tutto con una furia impressionante”. Altri testimoni riferiscono che le fiamme si sono sprigionate contemporaneamente nelle cinque baracche e hanno raggiunto il massimo potere distruttivo in pochi minuti. “Solo per una coincidenza fortuita nessuno si trovava all'interno delle baracche” affermano i leader di EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro e Dario Picciau. “Tutti i Rom romeni della comunità colpita dal rogo hanno subito nel recente passato intimidazioni, minacce e episodi di intolleranza da parte di razzisti italiani”. Sul luogo dell'incidente sono accorse diverse volanti e veicoli di soccorso fire, but was not able to save anything because they contained cabins. "The rapid spread of flames and their immediate and contemporary flare up into five individual cabins with no wind they appear attendibilissimo fraudulent nature of the fire" continue the activists. "After describing the dynamics of the fire authorities and the alleged damages, the Roma families have moved away, they were offered without any support material, or psychological health. Obviously in shock, they walked into the unknown, like the Jews fleeing pogroms in the past centuries. After leaving the scene of the Roma could not find any shelter and then stopped a dormire in un parco. Tra loro vi erano anche Victor ed Elena, che poco dopo venivano sorpresi da alcuni agenti di polizia, condotti alla stazione e costretti a salire su un treno, per essere deportati a Livorno. “A Livorno sono stati nuovamente fermati dalle forze dell'ordine, che hanno ascoltato la loro vicenda e li hanno obbligati a salire sul primo treno per Pisa, dove si trovano tuttora, senza un riparo né assistenza” spiega Nico Grancea.
“Victor ed Elena Lacatus hanno già attraversato tutto questo, ed è inammissibile che l’orrenda storia del rogo di Livorno si ripeta a distanza di nemmeno un anno” commentano Malini, Pegoraro e Picciau. “Sono distrutti, non hanno possibilità di realizzare a project of life and daily struggle for survival: they have two other children in Romania, hosted by friends who would like his side to build a common future as a family, a job, the inclusion of children in school, a house and nothing else. All this has been denied them. " Victor and Elena Lacatus had met on July 18 last MEP Viktoria Mohacsi, the field of Roma Tor di Quinto in Rome, where they had been officially invited by a delegation of the European Parliament as witnesses of the persecution that affects the Roma people in Italy . "Mrs Mohacsi was deeply moved by their story, and promised to bring in Europe their case to the attention of the European Commission. In the meantime, "continued the members of EveryOne," we ask the President of the Tuscany Region, Claudio Martini, the Region's website promotes the signature on the front page of the anti-racist manifesto, and the regional assessors Gianni Salvadori and Enrico Rossi, to help these families, and in particular to act without delay to a social integration of Victor and Elena Lacatus, who have already suffered unbelievable pain on your skin as innocent victims of racial hatred. We call on all institutions and Martini to demonstrate Tuscan hospitality, solidarity and genuine struggle against racism, and be available as soon as possible to meet these people and our group in order to put an immediate remedy to a situation that every day that passes, puts at risk many more lives. Our appeal "continue" it also goes to President Napolitano, to take up a strong position on behalf of democracy, because in Italy an end to a human tragedy - that of the Roma people - is unworthy of a civilized country. "
A press-kit photo of Victor and Elena Lacatus is available at: / downloads / .
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334-8429 527 - (+ 39) 331-3585 406 ::
Connect Telescope To Camera
After the false emergencies related to safety, just when the crimes against persons and property have fallen to historical lows, after the terrible racist campaign to criminalize the Roma people in Italy and to create fear towards immigrants, after packages xenophobic and racist laws, the government continues nel'opera the country's transformation into a police state. Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa
Roberto Malini
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
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Roma and Sinti: direct dialogue and active role
Thursday, July 10, 1008 14:00
Global Village - Boario Campo Testaccio - Rome
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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PRESS RELEASE 4 luglio2008
EVERYONE GROUP: "ACTION uncivilized. WE DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF THE MAYOR AND HIP and the intervention of the European Commission
Last night, in the area of \u200b\u200bOsmannoro, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), over 120 people of Roma, mostly women, children and children under 17 years, have found themselves no bed following the sudden evacuation ordered by Mayor Gianni Gianassi the Democratic Party, during which each hut was demolished by police forces, with all the personal effects of the Roma within. Children a few months, teens and adults suffering from various heart diseases were found in the middle of a street without health care, without water, without a roof to sleep under.
"What has happened," say the leaders of EveryOne Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau "is the result of their racial and xenophobic campaign by the Italian institutions, and should not only be censured by the European Parliament and the EU Commission, but subject to a denunciation of the international organizations for human rights. Real pogrom such as "continue the activists" also show how local institutions, regardless of political orientation of its representatives, are pursuing every means at the levels of persecution of Nazi-Fascist regime of the Forties. "
This morning a delegation composed of activists of EveryOne Group, the association Aurora ONLUS of Florence, the former deputy Mercedes Frias, Carlo Giuliani by the Documentation Centre and the Greens of Tuscany asked, introducing himself to the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino some of the evicted families, an urgent meeting with the Mayor Gianassi for a solution to the emergence of social and health and housing dozens of families involved, many of which have been established at this time, temporarily, in an abandoned factory in the vicinity of the settlement vacated.
"The mayor Giani," said Matteo Pegoraro of EveryOne, member of the delegation "for the 12 who had organized a press conference on the eviction, prevented access to the interior of the Municipality of us activists, with a cordon of Brigade Urbani blocking the entrance, and allowed to enter only three journalists. "Mercedes Frias, a former member of the Communist Refoundation, contacted the telefono direttamente il sindaco Gianassi che, alla richiesta di un incontro, ha risposto: “Non me ne frega un cazzo”.
Alla richiesta di cinque attivisti di essere ricevuti al più presto per ricercare una soluzione pacifica e costruttiva all’intera vicenda, il sindaco ha accettato, ammettendo gli esponenti delle associazioni umanitarie ma impedendo l’accesso a Mercedes Frias, che è stata costretta dai Vigili Urbani e dai funzionari comunali a rimanere fuori.
“Gianassi si è subito presentato a noi con atteggiamento scontroso” continua Pegoraro. “Ha affermato che lui agisce secondo la legge, e chi non è residente a Sesto Fiorentino, e dunque tutte le oltre 120 persone sgomberate, non is within its competence and should not remain on the territory. After that, "said the activist" to my assertion that you can not leave the children a few months, women and men sick in the middle of a road and there are European directives and resolutions that protect the Roma people, concluded: 'Denunciatemi 'and left the meeting, initiated by a couple of minutes. "
activists, threatened by some officials to be removed by the police if they had not immediately left the hall, were forced to leave.
"There remains," said EveryOne "that require the immediate resignation of Mayor Gianassi inconceivable also adopted for the conduct against our citizens. We want a speech to that effect by the ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities) and its president, and mayor of Florence, Leonardo Domenici. Finally, "concluded the representative of the group" we act to strengthen the European Commission and MEPs have a chance, as early as Monday's plenary session in Strasbourg, to discuss this emergency and take action. We also urge the Italian Parliament to settle as soon as radical an urgent question to the Ministry of Interior ".
For further information: EveryOne Group
Tel: (+ 39) 334-8429 527 ::